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The new shares of the eight linked board have been listed on the dragon and tiger list three times in five days, and the well-known hot money Suzhou gang and the “famous Assassin” list are listed!

Lithium battery is ready to emerge. Yunnan Province has released a three-year action plan to put manganese battery station on the air outlet.

Today, the three major indexes made a collective correction. The hot sectors in the early stage such as real estate, traditional Chinese medicine and covid-19 drugs fell collectively, cement stocks strengthened under the stimulation of price rise, and resource stocks such as coal and phosphorus chemical industry were more active.

The new shares were active today, with the \ Huitong group and taienkang harvest the first board. However, the hype of secondary new shares is often when the market cycle is switched and the theme is cut off, and the sector persistence effect is relatively weak.

8 Lianban Lushan Xincai made the list again today, the third time in nearly five trading days. As of today’s closing, Lushan Xincai closed at 72.37 yuan. It has been trading for eight consecutive days, with a turnover rate of 58.74%, a trading volume of 135100 hands and a turnover of 910 million yuan.

From today’s trading data released by the dragon and tiger list, Suzhou Gang, “famous assassins” (Beijing Branch of Dongguan Securities Co., Ltd.) and other well-known hot money are on the list.

Lushan new material is mainly engaged in polymer hot-melt bonding materials. Its products are widely used in composite building materials, energy pipelines, high barrier packaging, photovoltaic new energy, flat panel display and other fields. It provides comprehensive bonding solutions for customers in many countries and regions around the world. It is one of China’s leading enterprises of high-performance hot-melt bonding materials.

Yunnan Province releases three-year new energy battery action plan

manganese battery station upper air outlet

The people’s Government of Yunnan Province recently issued a three-year action plan for the development of new energy battery industry (20222024): strive to achieve an output value of 20 billion yuan, 50 billion yuan and 100 billion yuan by 2022, 2023 and 2024 respectively, with an average annual output value growth of more than double.

The advantage of the new energy battery industry developed in Yunnan Province lies in the abundant reserves of lithium ore, phosphate rock and other resources, and the abundant green energy of hydropower. The plan proposes to focus on new energy battery materials. By 2024, the industrial scale of key materials of new energy batteries will grow significantly, and the market share of ferrophosphate series, high nickel series, manganese series cathode materials and wet diaphragm materials in China will increase steadily, forming a production capacity of 1 million tons of cathode materials, 500000 tons of cathode materials, 1.5 billion square meters of battery diaphragm, 200000 tons of electrolyte and 90000 tons of copper foil.

In addition, it is planned to give full play to the advantages of phosphorus and manganese chemical industry in the province, take the development of phosphorus and manganese cathode materials as an important measure to promote the fine chemical industry chain, and focus on the development of lithium iron phosphate, lithium manganese phosphate, lithium manganese iron phosphate, ternary (nickel cobalt manganese) and other cathode materials

The development plan of Yunnan Province is in line with the innovation trend of lithium battery, with emphasis on manganese cathode materials such as lithium manganese phosphate and lithium manganese iron phosphate. Recently, at the opening ceremony of Tesla‘s Berlin super factory, musk said, Tesla is currently developing more materials to make batteries, and now sees the chemical potential of manganese based cathode batteries

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leader’s gross profit and net profit reached a five-year high

power battery technology revolution is expected to bring more demand for manganese Citic Securities Company Limited(600030) believes that manganese will become “the fourth battery metal that can not be ignored”. Benefiting from the rapid growth of shipments of ternary cathode materials and lithium manganate materials, it is estimated that the manganese consumption of lithium battery cathode materials will exceed 300000 tons in 2025, with a compound growth rate of 32% from 2021 to 2025.

With the increase of the permeability of new manganese based cathode materials, Citic Securities Company Limited(600030) it is expected that the amount of manganese used for lithium batteries will surge, and it is expected to increase to more than 1.3 million tons by 2035, more than 10 times that in 2021 enterprises that take the lead in R & D and production of new manganese based cathode materials and manganese product manufacturers whose business extends to downstream battery materials are expected to benefit deeply

According to the statistics of securities times and databao, there are 14 listed companies that have laid out the manganese based battery industry chain. Since the beginning of this year, Guizhou Redstar Developing Co.Ltd(600367) , Xiangtan Electrochemical Scientific Co.Ltd(002125) , Shenzhen Dynanonic Co.Ltd(300769) , the stock price has risen by more than 10%.

The funds are on the surface of funds. Since March, three months ago, the and Shenzhen Dynanonic Co.Ltd(300769) , with the largest net purchases of funds going north, reaching 699 million yuan and 417 million yuan respectively.

Shenzhen Dynanonic Co.Ltd(300769) is the industry leader in the layout of lithium ferromanganese. Lithium ferromanganese phosphate is expected to be shipped in small quantities in the second half of 2022 and 100000 tons of capacity will be released in 2023, which is expected to be mass produced. The company’s performance in 2021 turned from loss to profit. In the fourth quarter of 2021, the operating revenue reached 2.571 billion yuan, the highest in the whole year. The gross profit margin and net profit margin of the company in 2021 were 28.85% and 16.61% respectively, both of which increased by about 6 percentage points, and the two indicators reached the highest in recent five years.

Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) said in the annual report that the company actively carried out the technical iteration and production line construction of manganese iron Prussian white and layered oxide cathode materials for sodium ion batteries, and is expected to achieve ton output in 2022 and 100 ton output in 2023; At the same time, promote the development of pilot processes such as high-voltage lithium nickel manganate, lithium rich manganese base and lithium manganese iron phosphate cathode materials, and accelerate the industrialization process of cutting-edge cathode materials.

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