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Accelerate in “slow driving” and innovate in sealing and control! Protect enterprises and people’s livelihood, and share the wind and rain with financial services!

on March 30, 3, Pudong entered the third day of sealing

cities have “slowed down”, but financiers have “accelerated”

sealed and controlled, residents’ lives and enterprise production are facing no small challenge

facing this situation, every practitioner knows that he must go all out to ensure the continuous flow of “financial water”

insurance enterprises and people’s livelihood insurance services are innovated in time

Since March 28, Shanghai has been sealed off in batches with the Huangpu River as the boundary, the centralized consumption demand of Shanghai citizens has become prominent, and all parties have worked together to guard the “vegetable basket” and “rice bag” to ensure supply and stabilize prices.

The popularity of green leafy vegetables in the hearts of Shanghai citizens can be seen by “three days without green, two eyes with Venus”. As the vegetable category with the largest demand in Shanghai, the market price of green leafy vegetables can be stabilized as long as it is stabilized.

However, the price of green leafy vegetables fluctuates greatly and is prone to losses. Farmers are unwilling to plant green leafy vegetables on a large scale. “With this insurance, we are now confident in production and can get rid of our arms.” Ma Tian, head of Jinkai (Shanghai) Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., said excitedly on the other end of the phone.

Matian’s enterprise is mainly responsible for vegetable planting and sales. During the epidemic period, it supplied more than 30 tons of vegetables to Shanghai every day. “If it was in the past, I didn’t dare to plant in a large area at this time, because if the demand decreases and the vegetables are intensively supplied on the market, I will encounter the risk of price decline. Now with insurance protection, I don’t have to worry about price fluctuations.”

The insurance product mentioned by Ma Tiankou is the green leafy vegetable cost price index Insurance launched by The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) Anxin agricultural insurance under China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) 601 China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) 601 of . According to the relevant person in charge of The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) Anxin agricultural insurance, price insurance provides price risk protection for farmers, that is, when vegetable farmers lose money, the insurance company will compensate, so as to solve the worries of vegetable farmers’ production and be willing to plant green leafy vegetables.

On March 15, the green leafy vegetable cost price index insurance ushered in a new round of policies. In this policy, the varieties of insurance have been added and the insurance restrictions have been relaxed. According to the above person in charge of The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) Anxin agricultural insurance, the original five varieties have been expanded to eight varieties, and three varieties such as celery, spinach and water spinach have been added; From the single insurance with a single variety of more than 10 mu, it is adjusted to the annual insurance area of more than 10 mu. These adjustments are conducive to farmers’ participation in insurance, access to insurance protection, and increase market supply.

“The starting point of this policy upgrade is mainly based on two points. One is the strong voice of vegetable farmers and cooperatives. In many surveys organized by the Shanghai vegetable office, more than 90% of cooperatives support increasing the varieties and periods of insurance; the other is to further strengthen the policy coverage and enrich the citizens’ vegetable basket. Through the expansion of policy insurance, we can send a clear regulatory signal to ensure the balanced production and market supply of green leafy vegetables.” The person in charge said.

During the epidemic period, The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) Anxin agricultural insurance provided full coverage for vegetable production enterprises, farmers’ professional cooperatives and growers in Shanghai, and guarded the “vegetable basket” of Shanghai citizens with practical actions. At the same time, through the rapid connection with the “Shennong pocket” system of Shanghai Agricultural Commission, the online insurance mode covering eight varieties of green leafy vegetables in Shanghai has been realized. Farmers can complete the functions of online insurance, online payment, electronic policy download, electronic invoice download, online inquiry and so on without leaving home.

as of March 28, 534 cooperatives and business entities have taken out green leafy vegetable cost price index insurance, providing a total guarantee amount of 9.81 million yuan under the four favorable conditions of the expansion of varieties, the reduction of underwriting threshold, the increase of insurance amount and the expansion of underwriting time, the scope of interest protection of this insurance type for farmers has increased significantly, which directly stimulates the willingness to insure. At the same time, farmers who can enjoy this policy cover small cooperatives, and the insured area is expected to exceed that in the same period.

“Because we don’t understand insurance, we don’t understand those complicated terms at all. At this time, the business personnel of The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) Anxin agricultural insurance explained it to us word by word.” Ma Tian disclosed this detail in an interview.

At the moment of the epidemic, it is the mission and responsibility of the financial industry to increase financial support, continuously and accurately drip irrigation small and micro enterprises with “financial living water” and help support the real economy. Focus on small and micro enterprises and actively provide diversified insurance services. The insurance industry has also been making efforts.

According to the relevant person in charge of Shanghai life since the outbreak, the company has provided more risk protection for the production and operation of small and micro enterprises, further enriched the supply of insurance products and expanded the scope of insurance liability such as accident insurance and disease insurance. In addition, take the initiative to give full play to the service advantages of insurance enterprises, provide door-to-door services for customers of small and medium-sized insurance enterprises, and provide multi-level insurance guarantee schemes tailored according to the organizational form and personnel structure characteristics of small and micro enterprises.

During the epidemic, offline medical treatment is also a problem faced by citizens. Online medical services launched by major insurance institutions have become citizens’ health assistants at this time.

During the outbreak raid, medical resources become scarce and tense for patients in areas under temporary closure or grid control China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) subordinate The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) health insurance, imperial medical housekeeper and other institutions , the online doctor team takes positive action to solve problems and bring warmth to customers in Shanghai through family doctors, expert consultation services, etc.

Following the early aid to the epidemic prevention and control work in Xi’an, Tianjin, Henan, Jilin and other places, China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) its internet medical platform “Taiyi housekeeper” recently launched the “free free clinic” activity and launched the “free unlimited online consultation” service for Shanghai and other places. Many users in Shanghai have solved the problem that it is difficult to seek medical treatment and buy drugs during the sealing and control of the epidemic without leaving home through online consultation, online prescription and offline drug delivery. While solving the medical needs, the “imperial medical housekeeper” also pays attention to the psychological counseling and health status tracking of the interrogators.

“Remember, a few days ago, I met a patient online. At that time, the lady’s condition was a little serious. After our strong suggestion, the other party agreed to go to the offline hospital. Now her condition has been relieved and discharged.” Tang Juan, deputy chief physician of the General Department of the housekeeper of the imperial Medical College, recalled.

It turned out that Ms. Wang, who lives in Shanghai, was not feeling well in recent days, so she consulted online doctors at the “imperial medical housekeeper”. Tang Juan just received the treatment and learned that the patient’s blood pressure was on the high side, and the location of chest pain was consistent with that of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. She also had cardiac myxoma surgery two years ago.

She immediately suggested that Ms. Wang should go to the cardiology department of the third class a hospital as soon as possible, and do ECG, cardiac color Doppler ultrasound, Myocardial Zymogram and other examinations.

“At that time, considering the epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai, the nucleic acid test was inconvenient and she didn’t want to go to the hospital.” Tang Juan said that under her constant persuasion, Ms. Wang finally went to the Department of Cardiology of Shanghai Tongji Hospital. Finally, she was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and hypertension (very high risk). After several days of treatment, she has recovered and discharged from the hospital.

After leaving the hospital, Ms. Wang went online to express her thanks. “I’m very moved to see your working attitude! Thank you!” In the follow-up cardiac rehabilitation of Ms. Wang, Tang Juan also gave guidance on diet, exercise and medication.

According to Tang Juan, during the epidemic period, the consultation frequency of users increased significantly. The company has served more than 200000 users nationwide and nearly 10000 users in Shanghai, resulting in consultation peaks in some periods. Especially during the shift handover period and the surge of traffic, the “imperial medical housekeeper” will increase the reception manpower to provide satisfactory services for everyone as much as possible. “Many of our doctors will take the initiative to work overtime, sort out and summarize the problems encountered in the day after the reception, and some need to know the latest guidelines for epidemic prevention and control in various provinces and cities.”

trust “acceleration” in “slow” of low light level torch

March 30 is the third day that Shanghai pressed the “slow key”. That morning, Lao Liu, the Department Manager of Digital Technology Department of Huabao trust, woke up on time on the marching bed, looked at the exceptionally quiet Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co.Ltd(600663) , and unconsciously accelerated the action of washing. After a while, while chewing the previously stored bread, he sat on the workstation and turned on the computer to check the remote office of the company’s systems.

“This is my seventh day working in the company. The epidemic in Shanghai came suddenly, but the trust projects of investors must not be stopped, and the trust plan of ‘blood transfusion’ for small and medium-sized enterprises cannot be interrupted. Therefore, the company adopts the remote and on-site office mode. As a male employee, living in the company is relatively convenient, so I took the initiative to stay.” No matter when they work in the company, Liu Xiaoyan can’t live up to their trust.

Under the epidemic situation, the working state of Huabao trust employees is an epitome of the anti epidemic of the trust industry.

Rush back to the company from overnight to ensure the smooth operation of the trust project and inject financial “living water” into the enterprise; To respond in time and establish an anti epidemic charity trust; Then go to the incarnation of “Dabai” to support community epidemic prevention and anti epidemic. In this special spring, the anti epidemic figure of the trustee is everywhere.

business is carried out as usual, and the financial “running water” continues

“We all packed our luggage and equipment in advance. The company is on call if necessary.” “I didn’t use the marching bed during military training. I experienced it yesterday.” “Late at night from Puxi to Pudong retrograde, I also do a ‘retrograde’.”

From 5:00 on March 28, Shanghai started a new round of nucleic acid screening in batches and districts with the Huangpu River as the boundary, and the wechat work group news of Huabao trust employees jumped out one by one.

According to the person of Huabao trust, in order to implement the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, Huabao trust implements the “on-site + remote” office mechanism. According to the principle of minimizing operation, the core posts are arranged to be on duty, and the other functional personnel work at home. Moreover, in order to ensure the smooth development of business, under the leadership of the company’s leaders, the trading room, digital technology department, capital market department and other departments have established an on-site office emergency team to stick to the company for 24 hours.

“Although there are many difficulties under the epidemic, the trust and trust of investors must not be betrayed, and the ‘living water’ of enterprises cannot be cut off. Therefore, even if the company is stationed 24 hours, it is willing.” Lao Liu, who has been in the company for a week, said frankly.

The reporter learned from the interview that since the emergence of the epidemic, many trust companies in Shanghai have adopted the “on-site + remote” office mode to ensure the continuous business and the continuous flow of “living water”.

On the late night of March 27, before the office building in Pudong was closed, two employees of Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co.Ltd(600663) trust comprehensive management center and financial science and Technology Department urgently settled in. On the one hand, they ensured that the materials were printed in time and the project was established on time; On the other hand, it also ensures that employees work remotely and all systems operate normally. Since March, Shanghai Trust has started the AB shift work mode, which is divided into on-site office employees and home office employees. In order to deal with the extreme situation that the office building is closed, the company has also urgently purchased reclining chairs, quilts, toiletries and reserved food materials to ensure that it can meet the working and living needs of on-site security personnel during the closure of the building.

charitable trust accelerated its establishment to supplement “ammunition” for anti epidemic

In addition to injecting financial “living water” into enterprises, many trust companies have also warmed up this early spring by establishing charitable trusts and providing voluntary services.

Recently, China Shipping Trust efficiently established the “Boji seedling protection and anti epidemic charity trust” to support the anti epidemic work of colleges and universities in Shanghai. The trust plan raised funds from all walks of life, including the company’s inherent funds and employee donations, to urgently purchase epidemic prevention materials to support three colleges and universities greatly affected by the epidemic in Shanghai.

It is worth noting that CNOOC trust took the initiative to allocate 200000 yuan to support the establishment of the trust. The trade union launched the donation initiative at the first time and received positive response support from employees within a few hours. A total of 57 people confirmed the donation of 25700 yuan. In addition, in order to maximize the effectiveness of donated funds, China Shipping Trust, as the trustee, collects a symbolic trust reward of 1 yuan, and the legal consultant Shanghai Zhonglian law firm only collects a symbolic legal service fee of 1 yuan. The custodian China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) and the Supervisor Shanghai pushiwanlian law firm do not charge fees.

China Xindeng also said that in order to actively contribute to the war of epidemic prevention and control, the company has increased its service support for trust registration, completed the pre registration review at the first time, and supported the establishment of trust products such as “China Shipping Trust Boji vaccine protection and anti epidemic charity trust” on schedule.

A head trust company in Shanghai said: “the company is also preparing for the establishment and raising of charity trust projects related to the fight against the epidemic recently. Although Shanghai has pressed the ‘slow key’, the project has been accelerating, hoping to supplement ‘ammunition’ for the fight against the epidemic as soon as possible.”

trustor incarnation “big white” warmth is not absent

At 6:30 a.m. on March 23, Wang Qian, information technology director of Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co.Ltd(600663) trust and general manager of information technology center, went to the designated place early to get protective equipment and prepare for volunteer work. After wearing protective equipment, he first helped the medical staff manage and prepare the testing materials, and then incarnated into the “small horn” of the community to remind residents to keep a one meter distance for nucleic acid testing and prepare a two-dimensional code in advance. In the process of nucleic acid detection in the community, due to the reflection of the screen and the low efficiency of the code scanning process, Wang Qian and other volunteers also had an idea to transform the old cartons and self-made shading equipment.

“After half a day, my voice is hoarse, and it’s hard to take off my protective clothing. I try not to drink water and avoid going to the bathroom. It’s certain that I’m hard, but if I can do what I can to fight the epidemic, I’ll think it’s worth it.” Wang Qian said.

The reporter learned that Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co.Ltd(600663) trust has recently organized its employees to serve nearly 40000 people in Huamu community as volunteers for many times. They wear protective clothing and have a common name — volunteers of Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co.Ltd(600663) trust anti epidemic commando team. On the evening of March 29, Cui bin, deputy secretary of the Party committee and general manager of Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co.Ltd(600663) trust, also took the lead in carrying out voluntary services in the community.

After the outbreak, Huabao trust employees also spontaneously served in the front line of the community. The epidemic situation in Beicai area of Pudong is relatively serious, and many communities are under closed management. After working at home, the employees of the industrial and commercial business department of Huabao trust actively signed up with their families to participate in the community nucleic acid testing voluntary service. At present, they have participated in six rounds of nucleic acid testing, contributing to the community epidemic prevention and control. One employee said: “while serving the community residents, we also set an example for our children to cultivate their sense of social responsibility and volunteerism.”

solve the worries of the entity! Futures commission merchants use OTC option tools to help enterprises cope with epidemic risk

Since this year, the covid-19 pneumonia epidemic in China has spread in many places, the normal business plans of real enterprises have been disrupted, and some small, medium-sized and micro enterprises with small volume and weak anti risk ability are even facing the dilemma of bankruptcy. At the same time, the epidemic has repeatedly pushed up risk aversion, and the price fluctuation in the financial market is fierce, which has also brought huge price fluctuation risk to the stable operation of enterprises.

In the face of the “cold spring” of the epidemic, Xinhu Futures Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinhu futures”) and its risk management subsidiary Shanghai Xinhu Ruifeng Financial Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinhu Ruifeng”) made use of the company’s industrial services and professional advantages to provide targeted OTC option solutions for many entity enterprises with production and operation difficulties due to the epidemic, It provides a variety of personalized and effective “price insurance” for enterprises to resume work and production, and increases the confidence of enterprises to fight the epidemic and stabilize normal production and operation.

The landmark cases include: innovatively designing cumulative options for a large iron and steel enterprise to match its rebar sales cycle; Provide Qingdao Zhongtiansheng international trade enterprises with put option scheme to meet the demand of rubber inventory management.


Since January, the national epidemic has rebounded, and epidemic prevention measures have become stricter in various places. Especially in coastal areas, downstream construction and logistics transportation have been affected to varying degrees, resulting in slow destocking of steel social inventory and signs of accumulation of steel factory inventory. In addition to the impact of the epidemic, the price of raw materials maintained a strong trend, while the performance of the demand side was less than expected. A large steel enterprise urgently needs to carry out spot procurement at a stable price to reduce the cost of capital in order to solve the problems of capital turnover.

In the face of the above situation, Xinhu Ruifeng launched the cumulative option strategy to help the enterprise manage the risk of price fluctuation. This strategy is a knock-out cumulative option strategy. The option object is rb2205 contract, the entry price is 4570 yuan / ton, the execution price is 4430 yuan / ton, and the knock-out price is 4770 yuan / ton. The strategy expects that in the short term, the steel price will mainly fluctuate in the range and be settled day by day. If the closing price of rebar falls within the range composed of the strike price and the strike price, the option can reduce the procurement cost to a certain extent.

Through the cumulative option strategy for hedging, Xinhu Ruifeng provided the price guarantee for the steel enterprise with over-the-counter options for 1800 tons of rebar, and the net profit of the enterprise at the option end was 362300 yuan, which helped the enterprise achieve the purpose of stabilizing the spot purchase cost, successfully avoided the adverse impact on the spot trade caused by the national epidemic, and achieved good guarantee effect.

case 2

For Qingdao Zhongtiansheng international trade enterprises, the production and operation are mainly faced with spot procurement and the inventory management demand when the stock is accumulated during the sales period after the spot procurement comes back. Affected by the epidemic, the operating rate is low, and the pressure on the high inventory of finished tire products remains unabated. The biggest problem faced by the trading enterprise is the possible depreciation risk of accumulated rubber.

In response to this problem, Xinhu Ruifeng has fully considered the enterprise’s risk management needs and capital operation costs, and provided the rubber inventory of the trading enterprise with the virtual value put option strategy with ru2205 as the target in the above period, with a cycle of one month.

After the transaction, the ru2205 contract price continued to fall after the shock. Due to the operation needs of the enterprise and the judgment of the spot market, the company chose to close the position in advance, and the loss ratio in the OTC option transaction reached 202%. With low capital cost, trading enterprises have alleviated the capital flow problems of trading enterprises and provided confidence to ensure the effective operation of enterprises in rubber business.

The relevant person in charge of Xinhu futures said that guiding and serving enterprises to use OTC derivatives for risk management and ensuring the sustainable production capacity of enterprises is a new idea for futures companies to give full play to industry characteristics and professional advantages to support epidemic prevention and control. Xinhu futures makes full use of futures tools to contribute to the smooth resumption of work and production of real enterprises and the protection of normal production and operation activities. It helps real enterprises achieve the purpose of price protection, price locking and stable normal production and operation through OTC options. At the same time, the good risk management effect of OTC options also increases the confidence of enterprises in combating the epidemic. At present, Xinhu futures has always adhered to the original intention of financial institutions to integrate innovative business and serve the real economy, and joined hands to fight the epidemic, overcome difficulties and bear the wind and rain.

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