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“Selling anxiety” Luo Zhenyu is worried about himself! Wait for the first share of knowledge payment in July. Is there any play

On March 28, Luo Zhenyu’s Beijing thinking creation information technology Co., Ltd. disclosed the sixth edition of the gem IPO prospectus. The company has been in the inquiry stage for 17 months .

The last time Luo Zhenyu entered the public’s view was the “Friends of time” New Year speech in 2022. Due to the epidemic, the audience could not be arranged to enter the site, and the ticket money was refunded in full.

Then Luo Zhenyu faced 12000 empty seats for live broadcast, but was make complaints about netizens’ “selling anxiety”. Someone said, “I really can’t listen to this kind of story.”

ipo progress is slow

The reporter noted that since Luo Zhenyu’s Beijing thinking creation information technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “thinking creation”) entered the inquiry stage on October 22, 2020, it has gone through three rounds of inquiry and has been more than 17 months .

On March 28, thinking creation updated the prospectus again, which is the sixth edition of the prospectus disclosed after the company’s IPO was accepted.

According to thinking creation, as of June 30, 2021, the monthly number of active users (MAU) of “get” app exceeded 3.4 million, the cumulative number of active users exceeded 45.4 million, and the cumulative number of registered users reached 25.75 million.

In addition to its well-known app, Luo Zhenyu, the actual controller of thinking creation, is also a highlight of the company’s marketing.

As of the date of signing the prospectus, Luo Zhenyu held a total of 466144% of the voting rights of the company through direct and indirect means, and was the actual controller of the company.

Compared with the enterprises accepted in the same period, thinking creation has fallen far behind. Many enterprises such as visualizing technology, Tengyuan cobalt industry and Shanghai Awinic Technology Co.Ltd(688798) have been listed.

Luo Zhenyu “fade the halo”

Luo Zhenyu also went with the wind and water.

He once served as the host of CCTV and the chief planner of the first financial channel. Luo Zhenyu resigned from CCTV since 2008. Later, Luo Zhenyu founded the knowledge talk show “logic thinking” and the knowledge service app “get”.

2015 on December 31, Luo Zhenyu held the first “Friends of time” New Year speech at the water cube in Beijing. The coupon worth tens of thousands of yuan was sold out in advance only a few hours after it went online

But just a few months ago, Luo Zhenyu’s cross year speech in 2022, with 4 hours and 53 stories, looked like a condensed version of the year-end summary.

According to the evaluation of times finance and economics, “after reaching the seven-year itch, Luo Zhenyu’s New Year speech has faded its aura and is no longer the focus of attention from the outside world. However, Luo Zhenyu’s image in front of the public many times is more like an entrepreneur who recommends products than a speaker who transmits values.

It is reported that during the live broadcast of the “Friends of time” New Year speech in 2016, Shenzhen satellite TV once ranked first in the country with 1.69% ratings. But in 2019, the ratings of “Friends of time” cross year speech have fallen beyond the top eight .

By 2022, Luo Zhenyu still has a group of loyal fans who have not left the venue. The new year’s speech has attracted nearly 250000 people online at the same time and 1.56 million views.

In addition, according to the financial data of thinking creation, the cumulative number of registered users of thinking creation products from 2018 to 2020 and the first half of 2021 were 154982 million, 194732 million, 240378 million and 257581 million respectively.

During the reporting period, company’s annual average monthly paid users, annual average monthly free users and average monthly live users showed a downward trend for relevant issues, the reporter of Beijing business daily sent an interview letter to the office of the board of directors of thinking creation. However, as of the press time, the other party had not replied.

what is the difficulty of paying for the listing of knowledge

Before thinking creation impacted the A-share listing, Hangzhou bajiuling culture and creativity Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “bajiuling”) under Wu Xiaobo tried to list on the Qtone Education Group(Guangdong) Co.Ltd(300359) curve of the listed company in 2019, but it failed . After that, Ba Jiuling began to do listing counseling and wanted to IPO separately .

However, from 2019 when Ba Jiuling tried to go public in a curve, to 2020 when thinking creation opened its IPO, until 2022, A-Shares still failed to wait for the “first share of knowledge payment”.

Where is it difficult for knowledge paying companies to go public?

Cui Lili, executive director of the E-commerce Research Institute of Shanghai University of Finance and economics, said in an interview with the Beijing Business Daily that the knowledge payment industry is different from traditional industries. Traditional industries are easy to form competitive barriers, while the knowledge payment market is not yet fully mature, and the company and its platform are difficult to form real core barriers , which is also a major problem in the sustainable development of its model.

Bunaxin, vice president of the science and technology industry investment branch of the China Council for the promotion of international science and technology and executive director of the strategic investment think tank, also said that at present, the market pattern of China’s lifelong education industry is relatively scattered, and there are no phenomena such as giant monopoly and Oligopoly competition with the continuous innovation and iteration of Internet information technology and the implementation and popularization of 5g network, the content and expression forms of audio, short video, long video, live broadcast and other media continue to upgrade and iterate, and the market competition will also intensify

In November 2019, station B launched the “curiosity program” and set up a creation incentive fund of 55000 yuan in the original videos in the direction of industry popular science and scientific knowledge to reward the 40 up owners who finally won the prize. In June 2020, the knowledge area of station B was officially launched by 2021, the number of people studying in station B has exceeded 183 million

Tiktok, including Kwai Fu and do or think the same without prior consulation2, is also a force for knowledge providers. In December 29th last year, also dedicated learning channels to tiktok to meet the growing learning needs of users.

Cui Lili further pointed out that the knowledge and capabilities of content producers of the knowledge payment business model have boundaries, and it is difficult to iterate , which is also one of the reasons why the market is worried about knowledge payment productsp align=”center”>

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