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Drive China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) “going global” Hualong No. 1 to become China’s new “business card”

Nuclear power is a technology intensive high-tech strategic industry and an important embodiment of the country’s comprehensive strength and core competitiveness.

The construction of Hualong No. 1 demonstration project can not only drive the development of nuclear power industry chain, but also drive the development of a large number of related technology industries, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and provide a strong driving force for the improvement of China’s equipment manufacturing and independent innovation ability of science and technology.

Hualong 1 drives the upgrading of high-end equipment manufacturing industry

During the construction of Hualong No. 1 demonstration project, the R & D team joined hands with 17 universities, scientific research institutions, 58 state-owned enterprises and more than 140 private enterprises to drive thousands of enterprises in the upstream and downstream industrial chain, solved a series of “neck sticking” problems, jointly broke through the localization of 411 sets of core equipment, and completed the independent advanced model development and independent equipment manufacturing. The localization rate of the first batch of equipment of Hualong No. 1 reached 88%.

Xing Ji, chief designer of hualong-1 of China Nuclear Power Group: hualong-1’s first reactor project, each unit includes more than 60000 sets of equipment, and more than 5300 suppliers participate in the whole work. It is precisely because a strong Chinese manufacturing industry supports Hualong’s independent research and development that we can realize the smooth application of Hualong’s independent technology in the project.

In the process of R & D and construction of hualong-1, the R & D team has conquered a number of key technologies, driven the transformation and upgrading of China’s high-end equipment manufacturing industry, and formed a series of technical specifications for the design, construction, materials and welding of three generations of nuclear power, which has greatly promoted the development of China’s equipment manufacturing industry and high-tech industry, improved the product capacity of various industries in the whole equipment supply industrial chain, and promoted the development of industrial structure.

At the same time, the operating life of Hualong unit 1 is 60 years, which will bring a variety of operation and maintenance supporting facilities and the demand for large-scale spare parts, making the improvement of the product capacity of various industries in China’s industrial chain a long-term process and creating sustainable economic benefits.

accelerate mass construction and the pace of “going global”

As China’s third-generation nuclear power technology, Hualong has become China’s “independent intellectual property right” and the first generation of nuclear power technology.

Through the construction of hualong-1 demonstration project, a complete set of hualong-1 standard system has been formed, which will not only effectively improve the voice of China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) technology in the world, but also support hualong-1 to continuously accelerate the pace of mass construction and “going global”.

Since 2016, hualong-1 has formed more than 2000 standards, completed 35 key technical studies, formed a batch of English standards, and issued China’s first ISO international standard for nuclear power. At present, hualong-1 has formed a complete and independent model standard system, covering the whole life cycle of nuclear power plant, such as early stage, design, equipment, construction and commissioning. At present, China Hualong No. 1 Zhangzhou unit and Hainan unit are under orderly construction.

Xing Ji, chief designer of China nuclear group Hualong 1: at present, 8 units in China have been under construction. Such a small batch work, especially promoting the optimization and improvement on the basis of the first reactor, has also laid a very good foundation for the construction of hualong-1 in larger batches in the future.

In addition, the export of hualong-1 has achieved remarkable results in “going global”. The first overseas pile of Karachi K2 unit of hualong-1 was put into commercial operation in May last year. At present, Pakistan’s second Hualong unit 1 has also been connected to the grid and will soon be put into commercial operation.

It is understood that China and Argentina have officially signed the design, procurement and construction contract of Hualong No. 1 project. In addition, one belt, one road, has attracted great attention from many countries and regions. Hualong No. 1 provides an important choice for the countries with nuclear power development plan in the world. “Hualong”

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