Today, the semiconductor and components sector as a whole fell 1.19%, of which 31 stocks rose, one stock was flat, and 106 stocks fell.
Data show that as of today, the semiconductor and component sector has increased by - 2.87% in the past week, 10.37% in the past month and - 20.19% in the last quarter.
Among them, Allwinnertech Technology Co.Ltd(300458) , Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co.Ltd(688200) , Shengyi Electronics Co.Ltd(688183) , Leaguer (Shenzhen) Microelectronics Corp(688589) , Fujian Acetron New Materials Co.Ltd(300706) ranked among the top five sectors, with increases of 11.16%, 3.73%, 2.20%, 1.92% and 1.81% respectively.
Nantong Jianghai Capacitor Co.Ltd(002484) , Olympic Circuit Technology Co.Ltd(603920) , Wuxi Nce Power Co.Ltd(605111) , Shenzhen Danbond Technology Co.Ltd(002618) , Giantec Semiconductor Corporation(688123) ranked the last five in the list, with increases of - 9.96%, - 5.23%, - 4.97%, - 4.83% and - 4.46% respectively.