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Partial policy surrender! Shanghai uncle loans to buy insurance event ushered in the “grand finale” has reached an agreement with the insurance company

Shanghai uncle is suspected to be induced to buy insurance with a loan, and the event has ushered in a “big ending”!

On the evening of March 21, the reporter of China Securities Journal learned from China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) Life Insurance Shanghai Branch (hereinafter referred to as “CPIC Life Insurance Shanghai Branch”) that CPIC Life Insurance Shanghai branch had reached an agreement with the client Mr. Zhang and his wife Ms. Cao. CPIC life insurance decided to surrender some insurance policies under Mr. Zhang’s name, adjust the protection plan for Mr. Zhang and his wife, and continue to hold other insurance policies.

Earlier, some media reported that Mr. Zhang, a retired citizen of Shanghai, bought 29 The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) life insurance products in more than nine years, paying a total premium of more than 8 million yuan, including a loan of 3.7 million yuan.

has reached an agreement through mediation

On March 21, under the auspices of the Bank Of Shanghai Co.Ltd(601229) insurance dispute mediation center, the upper branch of CPIC life insurance fully communicated with the customer Mr. Zhang and his lover Ms. Cao, and reached an agreement.

The last branch of CPIC life insurance said that on the basis of respecting the facts and taking full account of customers’ protection needs, financial status and follow-up payment ability, it decided to surrender some insurance policies under Mr. Zhang’s name, adjust the protection plan for Mr. Zhang and his wife, and continue to hold other insurance policies. Mr. Zhang and his family recognized this.

“Our company will always adhere to integrity, operate in accordance with the law, continue to be customer-oriented, continuously improve the service experience, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.” CPIC life insurance further stressed on the sub branch.

The reporter of China Securities Journal noted that the previous branch of CPIC life insurance had responded to this incident, and the China Securities Journal had also reported in detail — “Shanghai uncle was induced to buy 29 insurances with a loan of 3.7 million yuan? Response of insurance enterprises: the policyholder knew and recognized each policy; and these latest developments”.

At that time, the branch of CPIC life insurance released a statement that Mr. Zhang insured a total of 29 copies (I was 44 years old for the first time) for him or his family in the Shanghai Branch of life insurance from 2010 to 2019. The types of insurance include life insurance, accident insurance, annuity insurance, health insurance, etc. at present, 16 of them have expired. Mr. Zhang knows and recognizes each insurance policy, and the loan business of the insurance policy involved by Mr. Zhang is handled at the counter with relevant valid certificates. The relevant insurance policies had previously settled claims, and Mr. Zhang did not raise an objection to the company.

effectively prevent the legitimate rights and interests of consumers from being infringed

In recent years, disputes over the rights and interests of consumers in the financial industry have occurred frequently. Take Shanghai as an example. Recently, Li Hu, a first-class inspector of Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, said at the news briefing of the “March 15” consumer protection education and publicity week that in 2021, Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau received 95200 complaints and 4840 reports from the banking and insurance industry, maintaining rapid growth for three consecutive years.

In Li Hu’s view, complaints and reports from the Bank Of Shanghai Co.Ltd(601229) industry and insurance industry have increased rapidly in recent years, due to external factors such as the increasing downward pressure on the economy and the continuous and repeated covid-19 pneumonia epidemic, as well as internal reasons such as the obvious strengthening of financial consumers’ awareness of self-protection. Of course, some financial institutions do not pay attention to, timely and in place complaint handling, and there are symptoms but not root causes such as “paying attention to individual appeasement and ignoring root cause treatment”. Some financial institutions make superficial articles and do not focus on the key of products and services for traceability and rectification. Homogeneous and similar problems occur repeatedly and continue to occupy regulatory resources.

Li Hu believes that the root causes of most violations of consumers’ rights and interests can often be traced back to the access links of products and services. Institutions pay more attention to their own compliance management and risk prevention and control needs, and rarely conduct product review from the perspective of consumer rights and interests protection, resulting in products entering the market with defects and laying a huge hidden danger of serious violations of consumers’ rights and interests.

Li Hu pointed out that on the basis of the consumer protection review mechanism, we should explore the whole process consumer protection monitoring measures based on the whole life cycle of financial products, and monitor the whole process of prior review, in-process dynamic monitoring and post backtracking management of financial products and services, so as to effectively prevent the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers from being seriously infringed.

In order to regulate the sales activities of life insurance and protect the legitimate rights and interests of insurance consumers, supervision is already on the way. It is reported that the regulatory authorities are soliciting opinions on the upcoming measures for the administration of life insurance sales. The draft mainly proposes that insurance institutions should establish and implement a hierarchical management system for sales personnel to manage sales personnel at different levels; In the evaluation of insurance demand and risk tolerance, insurance companies should establish an evaluation system of insurance demand and risk tolerance of policyholders.

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