Today, the semiconductor and components sector as a whole fell 1.25%, of which 27 stocks rose, one stock was flat, and 110 stocks fell.
Data show that as of today, the semiconductor and component sector has increased by 0.09% in the past week, by - 7.64% in the past month and - 17.76% in the last quarter.
Among them, Wuxi Etek Microelectronics Co.Ltd(688601) , Datang Telecom Technology Co.Ltd(600198) , Shanghai Awinic Technology Co.Ltd(688798) , Chaozhou Three-Circle(Group) Co.Ltd(300408) and Wuxi Chipown Micro-Electronics Limited(688508) ranked among the top five in the sector, with increases of 9.30%, 5.01%, 1.86%, 1.83% and 1.27% respectively.
Konfoong Materials International Co.Ltd(300666) , Fine Made Microelectronics Group Co.Ltd(300671) , Thinkon Semiconductor Jinzhou Corp(688233) , Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co.Ltd(688200) and Unigroup Guoxin Microelectronics Co.Ltd(002049) ranked the last five in the list, with increases of - 8.91%, - 6.09%, - 5.75%, - 4.89% and - 4.73% respectively.