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Performance summary: 39 shares predict the performance of the first quarter! 30 shares pre increase mechanism preferred head company exposure

The annual performance report of A-share listed companies is in full swing. Some companies can’t wait to release the performance forecast of the first quarter report of 2022, which has attracted the attention of many investors. Whose performance is better than expected, and who will explode the performance thunder? How to tap the investment opportunities

stock performance summary:

39 shares forecast first quarter performance 30 shares increase in advance

Statistics show that as of March 21, 39 listed companies have released quarterly performance forecasts. The type of performance forecast shows that there are 30 companies with pre increase and 4 companies with pre profit%; There are one company whose performance is expected to decline and one company whose loss is expected. Among the performance prediction companies, according to the median increase of expected net profit, 16 companies have a net profit increase of more than 100%; There are 6 companies whose net profit increases between 50% and 100%. In terms of individual stocks, Sichuan Yahua Industrial Group Co.Ltd(002497) is expected to have the highest increase in net profit. The company expects the median increase of net profit in the first quarter to be 124595%; Si Linjie and Guangdong Tonze Electric Co.Ltd(002759) expect the median year-on-year increase in net profit to be 796.28% and 784.94% respectively.

14 GEM companies’ first quarter performance debut 57.14% pre increase

Statistics show that 14 GEM companies released the first quarter performance forecast. According to the type of performance forecast, there are 8 companies with performance increase in advance, 2 companies with profit in advance, 1 company with decrease in advance and 1 company with loss in advance.

24 securities companies release performance express industry prosperity continues upward

As of March 20, 24 listed securities companies in the A-share market have released performance letters. Except for Huaxi Securities Co.Ltd(002926) , all 23 securities companies achieved year-on-year growth in operating revenue and net profit. In addition, six securities business performance express reports showed that the annual net profit in 2021 exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Among the currently listed brokers that have released their performance letters, 17 companies have seen their net profit attributable to parent parent growing at more than 20 percent, and the top 10 among the 17 companies that have seen their net profit growth at 20 percent, among which 17 of the listed brokers that have released their performance letters. Among the listed brokers that currently released their performance letters at the moment, 17 of the 17 companies that are among the top 10 are China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) 601 Central China Securities Co.Ltd(601375) \ , Guotai Junan Securities Co.Ltd(601211) . Among them, Central China Securities Co.Ltd(601375) net profit increased by 385% year-on-year, and the net profit of four securities companies increased by more than 50% year-on-year.

281 shares publish annual report 62 shares double the net profit

Statistics show that as of March 21, 281 listed companies have released their annual reports for 2021, of which 195 have increased net profit year-on-year, 86 have decreased, 248 have increased operating revenue year-on-year, 33 have decreased, 187 have increased net profit and operating revenue at the same time, 25 have decreased profit and revenue, and 62 have doubled their performance, of which Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co.Ltd(603077) has the largest increase, reaching 728428%.

lithium battery companies’ performance surged in the first two months lithium salt enterprises were interviewed about lithium price or tended to be “calm”

As of March 20, more than 10 listed companies with lithium battery concept have disclosed their operations in the first two months of this year, and “both volume and price” has become a common feature. Since this year, lithium battery products have been in short supply and prices have been rising. Relevant enterprises have benefited from this, and their performance has increased significantly year-on-year in the first two months of this year. While the performance of lithium battery manufacturers has increased significantly, the production cost of lithium battery industry chain is also increasing

industry performance summary:

medical and health weekly: covid-19 related topics are still hot pay attention to the performance disclosure of the annual report

Repeated outbreaks, covid-19 related theme investment is still a hot spot. In March 15th, the State Administration of drug supervision and Quarantine Center issued the key points of technical review of New Coronavirus antigen detection reagent registration (Trial Implementation), further clarified the relevant registration and evaluation standards of COVID-19 antigen reagents, and the drug administration announced that it would speed up the approval and listing of COVID-19 virus treatment drugs. We suggest continuing to pay attention to China: 1) covid-19 testing 2) covid-19 therapeutic drugs 3) investment opportunities related to covid-19 service industry chain.

computer industry weekly report: select the head company and the target with good performance expectation in the first quarter

The valuation of the computer sector has a good margin of safety and a certain upward space, while the stabilization of the peripheral market and the subsequent policy expectation of the digital economy are expected to provide power for the upward trend of the sector. However, the recent epidemic in China will disturb the performance of a small number of Companies in the first quarter. We believe that the head company and the target with better performance expectation in the first quarter should be preferred at present.

weekly report of light industry and paper industry: household performance has toughness pulp and paper system will meet the performance inflection point

In terms of the home sector, although the growth of the bulk business of Q1 customized home enterprises and the export business of software home enterprises is expected to slow down due to objective factors, relying on the relatively ideal growth of the retail end, the overall revenue growth of the head enterprises in the first quarter is not expected to slow down significantly. In terms of profits, due to the rise of raw materials and the high base of last year, the profit growth rate of Q1 sector is expected to be relatively slow than the revenue growth this year. In terms of papermaking, the pulp and paper department has ushered in a performance inflection point since Q1 due to the smooth implementation of the price increase letters of paper enterprises in February and March. In the pet sector, the revenue side is expected to grow steadily. Due to the recent high prices of raw materials fluff pulp and polymer sap, the short-term Tianjin Yiyi Hygiene Products Co.Ltd(001206) profit may be affected.

weekly report of textile and garment industry: the performance of leading sports brands exceeded expectations continued to be optimistic about the high prosperity of the sector

Recently, the leading players in the Hong Kong stock market movement have successively issued performance announcements, which exceeded expectations and highlighted strong fundamentals. Continue to be optimistic about the growth space of high-quality national sports brands under the background of the rise of domestic products. The cosmetics medical beauty company has achieved excellent performance in 21 years, and the business performance from January to February of 22 years is outstanding. The industry continues to maintain a high outlook. Recommendation: 1) clothing and home textile: Anta sports, Biem.L.Fdlkk Garment Co.Ltd(002832) , it is suggested to pay attention to Li Ning and Bosideng; 2) Cosmetic medical beauty: Imeik Technology Development Co.Ltd(300896) , Yunnan Botanee Bio-Technology Group Co.Ltd(300957) , Bloomage Biotechnology Corporation Limited(688363) , Proya Cosmetics Co.Ltd(603605) ; 3) Textile manufacturing: Huali Industrial Group Company Limited(300979) , Bros Eastern Co.Ltd(601339) , Zhejiang Xinao Textiles Inc(603889) . It is suggested to pay attention to Shenzhou International, Zhejiang Sunrise Garment Group Co.Ltd(605138) , Wuhu Fuchun Dye And Weave Co.Ltd(605189) .

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