On January 6, the full day turnover of northbound funds was 121.233 billion yuan, and the net turnover was 6.637 billion yuan.
According to the statistics of securities times · databao, the Shanghai index fell by 0.25% on January 6. The total purchase transaction of northbound funds was 57.298 billion yuan, and the sales transaction was 63.935 billion yuan, with a total turnover of 121.233 billion yuan. The net turnover of the whole day was 6.637 billion yuan, of which the total turnover of Shanghai Stock connect was 52.735 billion yuan and the net turnover was 2.217 billion yuan; The total turnover of Shenzhen Stock connect was 68.498 billion yuan, and the net turnover was 4.42 billion yuan. (data treasure)
Transaction overview of northbound capital today
Purchase turnover (100 million yuan) sales turnover (100 million yuan) net purchase turnover (100 million yuan)
SZT 320.39364.59-44.20
Shanghai Stock connect 252.59274.76-22.17
Total 572.98639.35-66.37
(data treasure)