On March 16, Shandong public resources trading center announced the results of the special centralized collection of covid-19 antigen detection reagents of Shandong and Shanxi alliance.
From the selection results, five enterprises were selected, among which Huada offered the lowest price, 7.9 yuan / person, and promised that the alliance would supply 4 million people a day Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co.Ltd(603392) ( Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co.Ltd(603392) ) the quotation is 8 yuan / person, and the alliance promises to supply 100000 people per day Wuhan Easy Diagnosis Biomedicine Co.Ltd(002932) ( Wuhan Easy Diagnosis Biomedicine Co.Ltd(002932) ) the quotation is 8.19 yuan / person, and the alliance promises to supply 3 million people per day Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co.Ltd(688298) ( Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co.Ltd(688298) ) offer 8.4 yuan / person, and promise the alliance to supply 5 million people per day; Tianjin bosais offers 9 yuan / person, and promises the highest daily supply of the alliance, reaching 8 million people.
Prior to March 15th, the Guangdong provincial drug exchange center issued a notice that the price of the New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) antigen detection kit (colloidal gold method) was adjusted to 9.8 yuan per person before Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co.Ltd(300482) actively applied for its COVID-19 antigen detection product.
According to the previous research report of China and Thailand, if China's antigen self-test kit is officially liberalized, with reference to overseas policies, assuming twice a month according to the minimum frequency, and calculated according to the total base of 1.4 billion people, it is expected that the monthly scale of China's covid-19 antigen self-test kit Market is expected to reach 17.7 billion yuan to 26.6 billion yuan, and the annual market scale will reach 212.4 billion yuan to 319.2 billion yuan. According to the China Thailand Research Report, according to grassroots research, the ex factory unit price of covid-19 antigen self-test kit in China is about US $1-1.50.
As the scale of antigen detection in the industry has shrunk to 19 digits, it is believed that the price of antigen detection in the industry has been reduced to 19 digits. Or affected by the news of centralized purchase, on March 16, many covid-19 detection stocks fell, Nanjing Vazyme Biotech Co.Ltd(688105) closed down 10.67%, Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co.Ltd(688068) closed down 9.72%, and Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co.Ltd(300482) closed down 8.19%.
However, there are also views that although the price is low, the volume is not low. According to the above bid winning data of centralized procurement in Shandong and Shanxi, the daily supply amount of five enterprises in the two provinces exceeds 170 million yuan. In addition, besides the Chinese market, overseas is also the market targeted by many Chinese antigen detection reagent manufacturers.
On March 16, Wuhan Easy Diagnosis Biomedicine Co.Ltd(002932) ( Wuhan Easy Diagnosis Biomedicine Co.Ltd(002932) ) disclosed in a research activity information that the company's newly approved covid-19 antigen detection reagent in China adopts the colloidal gold method, which is not only used in medical institutions but also conducive to residents' self detection. It has been widely used overseas. The product will also bring performance increment to the company when it is put into the Chinese market.
In 2021, many covid-19 testing products were approved in Europe and America The covid-19 antigen detection product of Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co.Ltd(688298) ( Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co.Ltd(688298) ) is also approved in the United States, and the local partner is Siemens Medical Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co.Ltd(300482) , Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co.Ltd(688068) , Lepu Medical Technology (Beijing) Co.Ltd(300003) , Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co.Ltd(688767) and other products have obtained EU CE certification or are sold in Europe.