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January 5th China China’s four major securities media, important financial media headlines headlines summary

On Wednesday, January 5th, the main contents of today’s headlines are:

China Securities Journal

Define eight key tasks and release the roadmap for the development of financial science and technology

According to the people’s Bank of China on January 4, the central bank recently issued the financial technology development plan (2022-2025). The plan proposes to accelerate the all-round application of supervision technology, strengthen the construction of digital supervision capacity, implement penetrating supervision on financial science and technology innovation, and build a solid risk firewall for finance and science and technology.

The decline of subsidies affects the “fighting method” product power of limited new energy vehicle enterprises

“We haven’t received the price increase notice from the manufacturer since the subsidy has declined. The possibility of price increase is not ruled out in the future.” Wang Ming (a pseudonym), the person in charge of a 4S store, told the China Securities Journal. According to the subsidy scheme for promotion of new energy vehicles in 2022 recently released, the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles in 2022 will decline by 30% on the basis of 2021. In this context, the pressure of car prices has doubled.

To fill the liquidity gap, the central bank is expected to timely “replenish water” before the Spring Festival

The open market operation in 2022 starts with the net withdrawal of 260 billion yuan from the central bank. Faced with the maturity of the central bank’s liquidity instruments of up to 700 billion yuan this week, institutional people expect the open market operation to end with a net return in the first week of 2022. There is still a certain gap between liquidity supply and demand before the lunar new year in 2022. There should be no suspense about the central bank’s timely “replenishment” to stabilize the currency.

The “warmth” of the market is strong, and the consumption in the first year is now three new highlights

At the beginning of the new year in 2022, the consumer market is “warm”. From the three dimensions of UnionPay online transaction volume, tourism consumption and tax-free consumption, the consumption heat is heating up. Institutional people believe that the current valuation of the A-share consumer sector is at the bottom and may usher in a round of structural market, but the investment and consumer sector can no longer “lie win”, and investors need to carefully screen the target.

Shanghai Securities News

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges regulate bankruptcy reorganization of listed companies

On January 4, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges respectively issued the guidelines on self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 13 – bankruptcy reorganization and other matters (Draft for comments) and the guidelines on self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 14 – bankruptcy reorganization and other matters (Draft for comments) (collectively referred to as the guidelines) to solicit opinions from the market.

The total investment is 317.6 billion yuan! 82 major projects have been started in a centralized manner, leading the construction of Pudong district

Together to the future, Pudong leads the district to take advantage of the situation. From the “big aircraft Park” of Lingang group to Dishui Lake financial Bay, in the roar of on-site machines, another batch of major projects settled in Pudong, injecting strong impetus into the construction of Pudong leading area.

The 2022 institutional investment map of public and private placement and foreign capital “Heroes debate the sword” was unveiled

In 2021, the changing style of the A-share market has significantly increased the difficulty of investment. In 2022, how will public and private equity and foreign-funded institutions with large amounts of money judge the future market and investment opportunities? Recently, the reporter of Shanghai Securities News interviewed a number of investment giants from public and private placement and foreign-funded institutions, combined with hundreds of important annual strategy reports, trying to reveal the territory of institutional investment in 2022.

Policy open circuit seed industry “ready” high-quality outbreak

The country is based on agriculture, and agriculture comes first. From the beginning of 2021, the No. 1 central document put forward the idea of “fighting the seed industry” and passed the “seed industry revitalization action plan” in July. By the end of the year, the People’s Republic of China seed law was amended. Many people in the industry interviewed the Shanghai securities news, saying that the seed industry support policy has been frequent, and the revitalization of seed industry has gradually entered the stage of implementation. With the implementation of the newly revised Seed Law on March 1, 2022, relevant support policies have been implemented one after another, and the seed industry is expected to usher in a high-quality outbreak.

securities times

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges solicit opinions on the guidelines for self-regulation of bankruptcy reorganization of listed companies

On January 4, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange formulated the guidelines on self-discipline supervision of listed companies on bankruptcy reorganization and other matters, and solicited opinions from the market. Bankruptcy reorganization, reconciliation, liquidation and other bankruptcy matters have played a positive role in helping enterprises get rid of financial difficulties, regain business ability, promote risk clearing and realize the survival of the fittest. In view of the many links, long chain and wide influence of bankruptcy matters, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of all parties, standardize the disclosure of bankruptcy reorganization information of listed companies, improve the supervision rules of bankruptcy matters, tighten the responsibilities of intermediaries, and protect the right to know of market subjects, under the guidance of CSRC, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange has formulated the above guidelines on the basis of fully listening to the opinions of all parties, To further play the role of bankruptcy reorganization, improve the quality of listed companies and protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors.

China will implement classified management of enterprise credit risk

Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on January 4 to deploy measures to fully implement the list management of administrative licensing matters, standardize the operation of power and benefit enterprises and the people to a greater extent; We decided to implement classified management of enterprise credit risk and promote more fair and effective supervision.

Increase the opening up of cross-border trade and investment in the four places to a high level

On January 4, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced that with the approval of the State Council, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange carried out high-level pilot opening-up of cross-border trade and investment in Lingang New Area of Shanghai pilot Free Trade Zone, Nansha New Area of Guangdong pilot Free Trade Zone, Yangpu Economic Development Zone of Hainan free trade port, Beilun District of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province and other regions. The pilot policy covers 9 capital account reform measures, 4 current account facilitation measures, and 2 relevant requirements for strengthening risk prevention and control and regulatory capacity-building.

Why can Apple’s market value continue to break through history

On January 3 local time, Apple’s share price rose as high as $182.88, with a market value of more than $3 trillion, becoming the world’s first company to enter this level. In 2011, cook took over jobs and became CEO of apple. Ten years later, Apple’s market value has stepped from the era of $100 billion to the era of $trillion, breaking through $2 trillion and $3 trillion. The landmark new market value reflects the market’s recognition of Apple’s business success in the cook era.

Securities Daily

Prospect of economic data: CPI may fall slightly in December 2021 compared with the same period last year, and the annual GDP growth is expected to exceed 8%

According to the work arrangement of the National Bureau of statistics, the CPI and PPI data for December 2021 will be released next week. Experts interviewed by the Securities Daily predicted that due to the influence of the base and the effect of China’s policy of ensuring supply and stabilizing prices, the year-on-year growth rate of CPI may drop slightly to about 2% in December 2021, the year-on-year growth rate of PPI may drop slightly to 11%, and the annual GDP growth rate is expected to exceed 8%. In addition, GDP growth in the first quarter of 2022 is expected to reach more than 5.3%.

Capital market will create a new ecology of high-quality development

On the first trading day of 2022, A-Shares did not get off to a “good start”, but the slow progress in rhythm still formed a certain degree of profit-making effect. The turnover of the two markets reached 1268.673 billion yuan, the highest level in nearly 15 trading days; 3309 stocks closed up, accounting for more than 70% of tradable A shares. At a deeper level, what is more important than whether the stock index has a strong one-day performance is the overall stable and good development trend of the market.

By RCEP “Dongfeng”, the scale and number of China’s free trade zones will increase significantly in 2022

On January 1, 2022, the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) officially entered into force, marking the official departure of the free trade zone with the largest population, the largest economic and trade scale and the most development potential in the world, which will bring new development opportunities to China’s free trade zone.

The central bank made clear the financial science and technology development plan and put forward eight key tasks

Recently, the people’s Bank of China issued the financial technology development plan (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the plan). The plan is formulated in accordance with the 14th five year plan for national economic and social development of the people’s Republic of China and the outline of long-term objectives for 2035, puts forward guiding opinions on the development of financial science and technology in the new period, and defines the overall idea, development objectives, key tasks and Implementation guarantee of financial digital transformation.

21st Century Business Herald

Algorithm supervision was opened in the first year: the news recommendation platform of “big data killing” needs to obtain service qualification

On January 4, the state Internet Information Office, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and the state market supervision and Administration jointly issued the regulations on the recommendation and management of Internet information service algorithms (hereinafter referred to as the regulations), which will come into force on March 1, 2022.

On the first trading day of A-Shares in the new year, there was a fierce game. High stocks fell and low stocks rose

Unexpectedly, on the first trading day of 2022, A-Shares did not have a “good start”. On January 4, the three major A-share indexes fell together. The Shanghai index fell 0.2%, the Shenzhen composite index fell 0.44% and the record index fell 2.18%. However, it is worth mentioning that although the index looks “green”, the rising stocks are far more than the falling stocks. On the same day, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets rose by 120, with 3299 stocks rising.

people’s daily

Thoroughly implement the “ten strategies” and strive to make a good start in economic development

The central economic work conference requires that the economic work in 2022 should be stable and seek progress while maintaining stability. All regions and departments should shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the macro economy, actively launch policies conducive to economic stability, and the policy force should be appropriately advanced. As a province with a large economy, agriculture and population, what measures will Henan take to implement the key tasks of economic work? What new responsibilities and achievements have been made in ensuring that “the rice bowl of the Chinese people should be firmly in their own hands at all times”? How to promote the solid implementation of science and technology policies and drive high-quality development with innovation? The reporter interviewed Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of Henan provincial Party committee.

first finance

Major projects will be started in the new year, and all localities will “catch up with the early” to stabilize investment

On the first working day of 2022, major projects in many places will be started intensively. On January 4, Shanghai, Sichuan, Anhui and other places started to build a number of major projects in the fields of infrastructure, key industries, social and people’s livelihood, making a good start for this year’s investment projects.

Where are the potential points of the A-share hydrogen fuel vehicle sector in the future?

The commercial operation of hydrogen vehicles is accelerating. According to media reports, Shanghai will launch 31 hydrogen fuel cell buses in Jiading, Jinshan, Fengxian and Lingang recently, and eight hydrogen refueling stations have been equipped, which is also the first time that hydrogen energy buses are used for commercial operation.

economic reference daily

Financial science and technology development plan in the new stage

The reporter learned on January 4 that the people’s Bank of China recently issued the financial science and technology development plan (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the development plan), put forward eight key tasks, and made it clear that by 2025, the overall level and core competitiveness of financial science and technology will be improved by leaps and bounds, the value of data elements will be fully released, the digital transformation will be promoted with high quality, and the financial science and technology governance system will be improved day by day The application of key core technologies has been deepened, the construction of digital infrastructure has been more advanced, the financial service capacity characterized by “digital, smart, green and fair” has been comprehensively strengthened, and the implementation of strategies such as innovation driven development, digital economy, rural revitalization, carbon peak and carbon neutralization has been strongly supported.

The degree of institutionalization has been continuously improved, and the capital structure of A-Shares has been continuously optimized

In the past 2021, while individual investors actively entered the market, institutional investors were also very active. Overall, the investor structure of the A-share market has changed greatly, and the proportion of market value held by professional institutional investors has increased steadily year by year. According to the data of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., by the end of November 2021, the number of non natural person investors (mainly institutional investors) who have opened A-share accounts was 442500, an increase of 46600 compared with the end of 2020, and the growth rate was accelerated compared with the same period of the previous two years, which also reflects the institutionalization trend from the side. Looking forward to 2022, institutional people pointed out that with the continuous inflow of medium and long-term funds such as public offering, insurance, financial management and foreign capital, the institutionalization process of A-Shares will continue to advance steadily.


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