Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) now there are two block transactions with a total turnover of 46000 shares

Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) on December 31, there were two transactions on the block trading platform, with a total trading volume of 46000 shares and a transaction amount of 12.2737 million yuan. The transaction prices were 266.82 yuan, 24.85% lower than today's closing price.

According to further statistics, 34 block transactions have occurred in the stock in the past three months, with a total turnover of 373 million yuan.

According to the statistics of securities times · databao, Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) closed at 35504 yuan today, up 6.45%, the daily turnover rate was 2.67%, and the turnover was 612 million yuan. The net inflow of main funds throughout the day was 80.2389 million yuan. The stock has increased by 5.32% in the past five days, with a total net inflow of 163 million yuan in the past five days.

Two financial data show that the stock's latest financing balance was 1.306 billion yuan, an increase of 197 million yuan in the past five days, an increase of 17.80%. In terms of northern capital dynamics, Shenzhen Stock connect recently held 182600 shares, an increase of 73700 shares in the past five days, an increase of 67.75%. (data treasure)

List of Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) block transactions on December 31

Trading volume (10000 shares) transaction amount (10000 yuan) transaction price (yuan) relative to the closing price of the day (%) buyer's business department seller's business department

2.50667.05266.82-24.85 China CICC wealth Securities Co., Ltd. Changsha Xiangjiang Middle Road Securities Business Department China Securities Co.Ltd(601066) Yiyang Kangfu South Road Securities Business Department

2.10560.32266.82-24.85 China Securities Co.Ltd(601066) Changsha Furong Middle Road Securities Business Department China Securities Co.Ltd(601066) Yiyang Kangfu South Road Securities Business Department

(data treasure)


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