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Taibao home Qingdao and Zhengzhou health care community projects have been launched one after another

After the investment and construction of taibaojiayuan Qingdao international health care community project was launched on December 28, on December 29, China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) life insurance under China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) successfully won a pension function plot located in Zhengdong New Area of Zhengzhou City, and the 10th pension community of taibaojiayuan settled in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

It is reported that China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) plans to invest and rebuild Qingdao The Pacific Securities Co.Ltd(601099) insurance building into a healthy elderly care community with the theme of “medicine, care, health and health”. The total construction area of the project is about 20000 square meters. After the reconstruction, nearly 200 nursing apartments can be provided to provide professional nursing care, basic medical treatment and health management services for the elderly, disabled and semi disabled elderly in Shinan District, other urban areas of Qingdao and surrounding areas. At the same time, the community will also create characteristic rehabilitation services. It is planned to provide customized rehabilitation treatment schemes and services for the elderly around the three directions of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation and cancer rehabilitation.

In addition, the Taibao home Zhengzhou project plans to establish in-depth cooperation with surrounding hospitals to create a high-quality nursing community with full coverage of self-care, care and nursing, and differences in professional nursing and value-added services. After the completion of the project, nearly 700 elderly care apartments will be provided, including 60% self-care apartments and 40% care and nursing apartments. In addition to providing basic living services for the elderly, it can also provide personalized service schemes such as nursing service package and on-site nursing services for the elderly who need assistance. While focusing on “medical, health, health and nursing” services, the nursing apartment can also provide diversified dementia rehabilitation therapy and special catering services for the elderly who need special care.

According to reports, Taibao home has now arranged 10 communities in 9 cities across the country, and the product system of “Trinity and full age coverage” of home care, health care and happy care has taken shape. Two communities in Chengdu and Dali have entered the operation stage; Seven projects in Hangzhou, Xiamen, Shanghai Chongming, Shanghai Putuo, Nanjing, Wuhan and Qingdao have started construction, with a total investment of more than 12000 beds, ranking second in the insurance industry. From 2022, more communities of CPIC home will be built and operated, forming an all-round, all scene and full coverage “insurance + health + pension” ecosystem, which will enhance the added value and differentiated competitive advantage of the main life insurance products, and build a “moat” for a new round of competition.

It is understood that on the basis of full practice and experience accumulation, in the future China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) will explore and export brands, experience and teams in elderly care services, further build a large elderly care ecology, and strive to become an “excellent operator and service provider in China’s elderly care and health care industry”.

(Shanghai Securities News · China Securities Network)


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