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This annual report is the first to read: Nuode Investment Co.Ltd(600110) , Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co.Ltd(603077) net profit increased by more than 70 times, and the net profit of these six companies increased by more than 500%

In March, the pace of disclosure of 2021 annual performance express and annual report of A-share listed companies gradually accelerated. Among them, Nuode Investment Co.Ltd(600110) ( Nuode Investment Co.Ltd(600110) . SH) and Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co.Ltd(603077) ( Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co.Ltd(603077) . SH) stand out with a year-on-year increase of more than 70 times of the net profit attributable to the parent company, and rise to the top two in the growth of net profit in the performance express.

Judging from the performance express of 930 A-share listed companies that have been disclosed so far, most enterprises will gain a lot in 2021. 664 companies achieved a year-on-year increase in net profit attributable to the parent company, accounting for 71%, of which 132 companies doubled the increase. These companies are mainly distributed in the fields of electronics, chemical industry, mechanical equipment, medicine and biology.

Last week, the net profit of the two companies increased by more than 70 times

Drawing: Pang Yu data source: wind

After the release of the 2021 “pre increase king” Nuode Investment Co.Ltd(600110) performance express, it attracted great attention from the market. The company’s main business is the R & D, production and sales of electrolytic copper foil for lithium-ion batteries. Last year, the high demand for lithium copper foil led to a sharp increase in the company’s performance, with an annual operating revenue of 4.479 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 107.88%; The net profit was 404 million yuan, a sharp increase of 74 times year-on-year. However, compared with the performance of the first three quarters, the performance of the company in the fourth quarter of last year decreased by about 31% month on month. Previously, the company once became the “focus” of the market because its executives released a circle of friends who “committed suicide with a market value of less than 50 billion”. In the light of the sharp increase in performance, the company’s recent share price has fallen by more than 45% compared with the peak, with a total market value of 19.6 billion yuan.

Sichuan Hebang Biotechnology Co.Ltd(603077) the past year has witnessed a performance highlight. Last year, the company achieved an operating revenue of 9.867 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 87.56%; The net profit was about 3.023 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 72.84 times. The main reason for the significant increase in performance is the rise in the sales price of chemical products. It is understood that in the first three quarters of 2021, the prices of soda ash, ammonium chloride, glyphosate and glyphosate raw powder products of the company increased by 36.34%, 46.56%, 50.80% and 77.54% respectively year-on-year. With the rapid growth of performance, the company’s share price also rose sharply in 2021, with a cumulative increase of more than 140% in that year. Since 2022, the company’s share price has further increased by 15%. However, the data show that after entering 2022, the price of relevant chemical products of the company has dropped compared with the fourth quarter of 2021.

Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co.Ltd(600141) ( Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co.Ltd(600141) . SH) also benefited from the high prosperity of the chemical industry. As a leading enterprise in China’s phosphorus chemical industry, the company achieved a net profit of 4.238 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of nearly six times, setting a record profit. The performance growth is mainly due to the company’s main products silicone, glyphosate and other products. Affected by market supply and demand, the sales price has increased significantly year-on-year, and the profitability has been significantly enhanced. However, the company’s share price fell sharply after hitting a historical peak of 58.38 yuan / share in September last year. After entering February 2022, the share price has rebounded, with a cumulative increase of 27%.

In addition, Hainan Mining Co.Ltd(601969) ( Hainan Mining Co.Ltd(601969) . SH) showed a bright increase in net profit in the performance express released in the past week. Last year, the net profit was 874 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 5 times Hainan Mining Co.Ltd(601969) focus on iron ore and oil and gas. The rising performance of these two businesses in 2021 benefited from the rise in commodity prices. However, the high performance did not stimulate the company’s share price. In the first three quarters of last year, the company realized a net profit attributable to listed shareholders of 978 million yuan, while the net profit in the fourth quarter lost 104 million yuan. At present, the company’s share price has halved from the historical peak of 25.56 yuan / share set in September 2021.

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there are 77 annual reports released

While the performance express was released, the annual report disclosure of A-share listed companies in 2021 was also in full swing. According to the statistics of interface news, as of March 5, 77 companies have disclosed the annual report of 2021. Among them, the net profit of 60 companies increased year-on-year, accounting for about 78%.

In terms of profit, the annual report of 2021 has been published, and there is no company with a net profit of 10 billion. There are seven companies with net profits of more than one billion yuan. The highest net profit was Xinjiang Zhongtai Chenical Co.Ltd(002092) ( Xinjiang Zhongtai Chenical Co.Ltd(002092) . SZ), with a profit of 2.703 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of 17.70 times. The second is Lihuayi Weiyuan Chemical Co.Ltd(600955) ( Lihuayi Weiyuan Chemical Co.Ltd(600955) . SH), with a net profit of 2.15 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of 200.61%. These two companies are chemical enterprises, and their performance growth benefited from the high outlook of the industry last year.

In terms of net profit growth, the net profit of six companies increased by more than 500% year-on-year last year. The biggest increase was Guangdong Tonze Electric Co.Ltd(002759) ( Guangdong Tonze Electric Co.Ltd(002759) . SZ). Last year, the net profit was 745 million yuan, an increase of 7011% year-on-year; Followed by Xinjiang Zhongtai Chenical Co.Ltd(002092) with an increase of 1770% The net profit of Shanghai Bright Power Semiconductor Co.Ltd(688368) ( Shanghai Bright Power Semiconductor Co.Ltd(688368) . SH) and Weifang Yaxing Chemical Co.Ltd(600319) ( Weifang Yaxing Chemical Co.Ltd(600319) . SH) increased by about 884% and 852% respectively.

Drawing: Pang Yu data source: wind

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