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Report: the coal consumption of four industries including power industry will reach the peak in 2025, and the average annual investment will be 1.3 trillion yuan

According to the latest research report, the investment in coal control and carbon reduction in the four key industries of electric power, steel, cement and coal chemical industry will stimulate high-quality economic growth and promote the optimization of industrial structure and coordinated emission reduction of air pollutants.

The Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of ecology and environment recently released the Research Report on the road map of total coal consumption control in key industries under the background of “double carbon”. According to researcher Cao Dong, chief expert and project leader of the Institute, the research on coal control strategies in key industries under the background of carbon control is of great significance to promote the realization of the national carbon peak carbon neutralization goal and the green transformation of industrial production mode and energy structure.

The research results show that under the policy scenario, the overall coal consumption of the four key industries of electric power, steel, cement and coal chemical industry will reach the peak in 2025, with a peak of 2.49 billion tons of standard coal, with a platform period of 5-6 years before and after the peak; Carbon emissions will peak at 8.01 billion tons in the same year. Among them, the coal consumption in the iron and steel industry has reached the peak in 2020, and the coal consumption of cement, coal chemical industry and electric power will reach the peak in 2021, 2024 and 2028 respectively. Trend chart of coal consumption in four key industries. Source: Environmental Planning Institute, Ministry of ecological environment

According to the data released in the report, the total coal consumption of China’s four key industries of thermal power, steel, cement and coal chemical industry in 2019 was 2.41 billion tons of standard coal, accounting for 86% of the total coal consumption in China. Among them, the coal consumption in the power industry accounted for the largest proportion, reaching 54%, followed by the steel, coal chemical industry and cement industries, accounting for 17%, 9% and 6% respectively.

In 2019, the carbon dioxide emissions of the four industries were 7.76 billion tons (including process emissions), accounting for about 72% of the total carbon dioxide emissions (including process emissions) in China, of which the power, steel, cement and coal chemical industries accounted for 42%, 14%, 12% and 4% respectively. In addition to the indirect emissions from net purchased electricity, the carbon emissions from steel, cement and coal chemical industries account for 15%, 12% and 5% of the total national carbon dioxide emissions respectively.

Cao Dong believes that to achieve the peak of coal consumption in these four key industries, we need to start with four measures: energy structure adjustment, industrial structure optimization, energy-saving technological transformation and resource recycling. The investment of these measures will stimulate high-quality economic growth and promote the optimization of industrial structure and coordinated emission reduction of air pollutants.

According to the calculation results of the report, in order to promote the coal consumption of the four industries to reach the peak as soon as possible, it needs to invest 19.6 trillion yuan from 2021 to 2035, with an average annual investment of about 1.3 trillion yuan, of which more than 90% is the investment in the power industry. Investment will stimulate high-quality economic growth and drive an average annual GDP growth of 362.7 billion yuan.

Cao Dong said that coal consumption control in the four major industries will also bring significant environmental benefits. The annual coordinated emission reduction of air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) will be 290000 tons / year, 650000 tons / year and 100000 tons / year. By industry, iron and steel and electric power are the industries with the largest collaborative emission reduction, especially the collaborative emission reduction of NOx and PM in the iron and steel industry. The coal consumption of the four key industries accounts for 86% of the total coal consumption in China. Photography / Zhang Ke

According to the report, in order to effectively promote the smooth implementation of key measures of coal control path in key industries, positive and effective measures should be taken to comprehensively increase policy innovation, and gradually form a systematic and perfect carbon trading market mechanism, green and low-carbon standard system, industry access policy, price finance and taxation, investment and financing mechanism, etc.

In terms of specific measures, the report recommends increasing the energy-saving transformation of existing units, promoting the research and development of efficient and clean thermal power technology, and continuously reducing the coal consumption for power generation; Optimize the raw fuel structure of steel, cement and coal chemical industries, study and establish a differentiated electricity price mechanism based on the low-carbon performance level of enterprises, and require self owned power plants to fully undertake the obligations of public power plants; Improve the elimination standards for backward and excess capacity of clinker in the cement industry, delimit high-carbon / low-carbon industries or products in the coal chemical industry, include high-carbon industries or products in the restricted and eliminated categories, and strictly enforce industry access; Comprehensively strengthen the construction of material recycling system and promote the recycling of scrap resources.

At the press conference of the above report, relevant persons from the climate change Department of the Ministry of ecological environment said that refining the coal consumption control path of key industries is an important task to implement the synergy of pollution and carbon reduction, promote the adjustment of industrial structure and realize the comprehensive green transformation of economy and society, and plays an important reference role in realizing pollution and carbon reduction and synergy.

(First Finance)


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