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Household enterprises should “learn” and “carbon trading”

Household enterprises are closely related to wood, forest resources, metal, stone and other materials. Green and low-carbon play a vital role in the future development of household enterprises. In the current era when the country puts forward the goals of “carbon peak” and “carbon neutralization” and vigorously promotes “carbon trading”, the “carbon emission” and “carbon trading” will become important business strategies in the future development of household enterprises. Then, how should enterprises carry out “carbon trading”?

This year, “double carbon goals”, “carbon peak and carbon neutralization” and “carbon emission trading” have become popular words and concepts with high utilization rate. But what is carbon emission right? What carbon emissions trading? For many enterprises, there is no real understanding. Especially for household enterprises, what is carbon emission trading? Do enterprises need to buy carbon emission rights or sell carbon emission rights in the future? How to buy or sell carbon emission rights? These concepts are not understood and studied clearly, which is unfavorable to the long-term low-carbon goal and enterprise development planning of the enterprise.

In order to let the majority of hardware enterprises and industry personnel have an in-depth understanding of the latest progress of “carbon peak and carbon neutralization”, “carbon emission trading” and “carbon emission trading”, industry experts interpreted this.

At 9:30 on July 15, 2021, the first carbon transaction in China was successfully concluded in Shanghai Environment Group Co.Ltd(601200) energy exchange, with a price of 52.78 yuan per ton, a total of 160000 tons and a transaction volume of 7.9 million yuan.

On the same day, the national carbon emission trading was officially launched in Shanghai Environment Group Co.Ltd(601200) energy exchange. The first batch of key emission units in the power generation industry to participate in the national carbon emission trading exceeded 2162, and the carbon emissions of these enterprises exceeded 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide, which means that China’s carbon emission trading market will become the largest carbon market covering greenhouse gas emissions in the world.

What is carbon emission right (CER)? Carbon emission right is the origin of certified emission reduction (CER). In 2005, with the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, carbon emission rights became an international commodity. The subject matter of carbon emission trading is called “certified emission reduction (CER)”.

Where do emissions come from? It is the coexistence of primary market and secondary market. The primary market is generally the market for the initial distribution of quotas by the provincial development and reform commissions, which is divided into free distribution and paid distribution. Among them, the paid distribution is accompanied by a bidding mechanism, which follows the principle of paid quota, the same right and the same price, and is carried out in the form of closed bidding. The secondary market is the market for trading by enterprises or investment institutions.

What is carbon trading? Carbon trading refers to taking the carbon dioxide emission right as a commodity, and the buyer obtains a certain amount of carbon dioxide emission right by paying a certain amount to the seller, thus forming the carbon dioxide emission right trading. Carbon trading market is an artificially created market by the government through emission control of energy consuming enterprises. Usually, the government determines a total carbon emission and allocates carbon emission quotas to enterprises according to certain rules. If the future emissions of enterprises are higher than the quota, they need to buy the quota in the market. At the same time, some enterprises can sell excess quotas through the carbon trading market if their final carbon emissions are lower than their quota by adopting energy-saving and emission reduction technologies. The two sides generally trade through the carbon emission exchange.

According to the reporter, there are seven major carbon emission exchanges in China: Guangzhou carbon emission right exchange, Shenzhen emission right exchange, Beijing Environment Exchange, Shanghai Environment Group Co.Ltd(601200) energy exchange, Hubei carbon emission right exchange, Tianjin emission right exchange and Chongqing carbon emission right exchange.

At present, China’s power generation enterprises are included in carbon emission trading, covering about 4.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Subsequently, during the “14th five year plan” period, petrochemical, chemical, building materials, steel, nonferrous metals, papermaking, aviation and other high emission industries will be successively included in the national carbon market. By the end of the “14th five year plan”, the world’s largest carbon market with a transaction volume of more than 100 billion will be built in China.

How do enterprises conduct carbon trading? The carbon quota of an enterprise is the carbon emission quota obtained by the enterprise, which will be distributed free of charge by relevant departments at the initial stage.

In short, relevant departments determine a baseline through the historical carbon emission intensity of the industry, and can know the carbon emission limit of the enterprise in combination with the production capacity of the enterprise. For example, if the benchmark emission intensity of power enterprises is 1 and the production capacity is 100 kwh, the carbon emission limit can be calculated to be equal to 100. If the enterprise makes the carbon emission lower than the industry average through equipment upgrading, there will be a surplus carbon emission quota. If the actual emission intensity of a leading enterprise is only 0.8, and generating 100 kwh of electricity will only consume 80% of the carbon emission quota, the remaining quota can be traded on the market for profit.

Conversely, if the carbon emission intensity of the enterprise is higher than the industry average, the production capacity cannot be fully opened, and additional carbon emission rights need to be purchased, resulting in an increase in costs.

The carbon trading market is like the stock market. The more people buy, the more they rise. Although only the power industry has been included in the carbon emission trading, the market has been in short supply, buying more and selling less, and the price has gone up. At present, the price of a ton of carbon dioxide in China is about 50 yuan. From the European market, the price of a ton of carbon dioxide has risen from about 10 euros to about 60 euros.

In the low-carbon era, carbon emission rights are becoming another new asset type of enterprises – carbon assets. For enterprises, proper management of carbon assets can reduce enterprise operating costs, improve sustainable development competitiveness and increase profits. Improper management may cause the loss of carbon assets, increase operating costs, reduce market competitiveness and affect the sustainable development of enterprises. (double wood)

(consumption daily)


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