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February 22nd China China’s four major securities media, important financial media headlines headlines summary

February 22nd (Tuesday), the main contents of today’s headlines are:

China Securities Journal

The national plan for the development of the aging cause and the elderly care service system in the 14th five year plan came out

According to the news of China government network on February 21, the State Council recently issued the national plan for the development of the cause of aging and the elderly care service system in the 14th five year plan, which proposed to plan and layout about 10 high-level silver economic industrial parks in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Dawan District, Chengdu and Chongqing. We will develop inclusive financial services for the elderly in an orderly manner, and encourage financial institutions to develop payment, savings, financial management, trust, insurance, public funds and other pension financial products that meet the characteristics of the elderly. Prudently and orderly explore asset securitization in the field of pension services, support insurance funds and increase investment in pension services.

There is still room for LPR to cut reserve requirements and interest rates

Generally, if the MLF interest rate remains unchanged, the possibility of LPR adjustment in the current month is relatively small. Since MLF interest rate is the pricing basis of LPR quotation, the adjustment of LPR quotation requires the bank to reduce the range of additional points when the MLF operating interest rate remains unchanged. The adjustment of the increase range mainly depends on the capital cost of each bank, market supply and demand, risk premium and other factors. (China Securities Journal)

Sudden exchange tide, annual report audit needs to be cautious

At present, listed companies are carrying out the preparation of annual reports. It seems calm, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging. 2022 is a year when the effectiveness of the new delisting regulations is concentrated. The new regulations make it clear that listed companies that touch the financial delisting indicators for two consecutive years will terminate the listing. The delisting risk warning companies that are issued with qualified opinions have also been included in the financial delisting situation. At the same time, the audit opinions and other financial indicators will be cross applied. It can be seen that the audit opinion of 2021 annual report is particularly important.

Steady growth or high growth fund managers “step by step” position adjustment

Recently, the main line of stable growth and high growth sectors in the A-share market have performed in turns. How can fund managers adjust their positions in the face of complex and volatile markets? China Securities News reporter learned that at this stage, fund managers have great differences in the judgment of the main line of the market, and are adjusting their positions in “broken steps”. In terms of allocation direction, fund institutions suggest an appropriate and balanced allocation between stable growth and high growth to cope with market changes.

Shanghai Securities News

Stimulating the credit demand of the real economy also has to be “raised by several”

To solve the current problem of insufficient credit demand in the real economy, we cannot rely solely on the “strength of one family” of monetary policy. This requires the continuous cooperation of multiple departments, including financial management departments, combined with macro, meso and micro levels, to play a “combined fist” and form a joint force of “several lifting”.

The people’s Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission shall not suspend cash business and reject RMB cash

The people’s Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly held a symposium on RMB cash services of banking financial institutions on February 21. The meeting required that the RMB cash deposit and withdrawal business should be done well, and all commercial banks, rural credit cooperatives and other institutions with physical outlets must handle the RMB cash deposit and withdrawal business.

The month on month decline of house prices slowed down in January, and the signs of stabilization of the property market began to appear

The month on month decline of new house prices in January indicates that there are signs of stabilization in the property market, indicating that the market expected trading volume boom index has maintained a steady recovery. Recently, some cities have issued policies to reduce the proportion of down payment, which fully shows that the current housing loan policy continues to be loose, which can greatly reduce the threshold of house purchase and have a positive impact on activating market transactions.

A “potassium” is difficult to find the leading potash fertilizer, expand production and welcome the spring of the industry

“At present, the demand for chemical fertilizer in various regions is gradually released. Potash fertilizer is hard to find, and the supply of border trade and port goods is insufficient. At present, the potash fertilizer market is in a stage of short supply and will last for some time.” Recently, the person in charge of a large potash fertilizer production enterprise in China told the Shanghai Securities Journal.

securities times

The six major banks lowered the mortgage interest rate in Guangzhou at the same time

After the reduction of the down payment ratio of housing loans came from many places, the interest rate of housing loans also decreased. The six major banks of Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) , Agricultural Bank Of China Limited(601288) , Bank Of China Limited(601988) , China Construction Bank Corporation(601939) , Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) , Postal Savings Bank Of China Co.Ltd(601658) lowered the housing loan interest rate in Guangzhou yesterday. Among them, the preferential approval interest rate for the first house was reduced to 5.4% from the previous 5.6%, and the preferential approval interest rate for the second house was reduced to 5.6% from the previous 5.8%.

Leading in infrastructure construction, cultivating new consumption and stable growth, playing a “chorus”

In the face of the triple pressure of shrinking demand, supply shock and weakening expectation, the economic work in 2022 should adhere to the principle of stability and seek progress while maintaining stability. Steady growth has become the strongest consensus in current economic development. For some time, all parties have actively launched policies conducive to economic growth around this maximum common divisor, and the policy force is appropriate. The expectation of steady growth has been strengthened and the logic has become clearer.

The national plan for the development of the cause of the elderly and the elderly care service system during the 14th five year plan was issued and implemented, gradually delaying the legal retirement age, and vigorously developing the silver economy

On February 21, the State Council issued the national plan for the development of the cause of aging and the elderly care service system during the 14th five year plan. The plan proposes that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, the institutional framework of the national strategy to actively respond to population aging has been basically established, and the sense of access, happiness and security of the elderly have been significantly improved.

The pilot of exclusive commercial endowment insurance was expanded to the whole country

The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission recently issued the notice on expanding the pilot scope of exclusive commercial old-age insurance, expanding the pilot area of exclusive commercial old-age insurance to the whole country, and allowing old-age insurance companies to participate in the pilot.

Securities Daily

LPR remained unchanged in February, which is in line with expectations, and the reduction of reserve requirement and interest rate are still in the policy toolbox

The market quotation interest rate (LPR) of the first phase of the loan in the year of the tiger in the lunar calendar was released. On February 21, the people’s Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the “central bank”) authorized the national interbank lending center to announce that in February, the LPR for one-year period was 3.7% and that for more than five-year period was 4.6%, which were consistent with the previous values.

Three operators layout “counting East and counting West” to open a new competitive track

Boosted by the official launch of the “counting from the east to the west” project, on February 21, the concept of computing power and the data center sector in the A-share market staged a trading tide. However, “the excitement is theirs”. Compared with the excitement of the concept stock of “East digital West computing”, the three major telecom operators who also set foot in the data center business and provide the network foundation for “East digital West computing” have a flat performance in the secondary market.

“Six taxes and two fees” reduction policy expansion experts expect tax cuts and fee reductions of 100 billion yuan

This year, the scope of the “six taxes and two fees” reduction policy will be extended to small low profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Experts predict that the implementation of this policy will reduce taxes and fees by 100 billion yuan for market participants.

Resumption of “100 days” of the opening of the Beijing stock exchange: 4.8 million investors enter the market, and “specialized and special new” enterprises are favored

On November 15, 2021, the Beijing stock exchange, which shoulders the mission of “building a main position for service innovative small and medium-sized enterprises”, officially opened its market; On February 22, 2022, the stable operation of the Beijing stock exchange of “Jiqi” 84 listed companies has reached “100 days”.

21st Century Business Herald

Experts predict that the overweight layout of enterprises will drive an annual investment of 400 billion yuan

“Counting East and counting West” is hot. On February 21, the market of “counting East and counting West” concept stocks rose, led by the opening. Among them, Capitalonline Date Service Co.Ltd(300846) , Yimikang Tech.Group.Co.Ltd(300249) , Insigma Technology Co.Ltd(600797) and other stocks rose by the limit. As of press time, the data show that the index of “counting East and counting West” has increased by more than 9%.

Demand continues to “break the ground” and China’s rare earth prices hit new highs

China’s rare earth prices hit a new high. According to the data from China Rare Earth Industry Association, the rare earth price index on February 21 was 427, the same as last Friday, and this figure has reached an all-time high. The 21st Century Business Herald reporter noted that since April 2020, the rare earth price index has continued to rise from 129.30, up 230.2% so far.

people’s daily

Aiming at new infrastructure and planning new development

The central economic work conference held at the end of 2021 proposed to carry out infrastructure investment moderately ahead of schedule. As an important support for the development of digital economy, new infrastructure represented by big data center, 5g base station and industrial Internet is playing an increasingly important role.

first finance

Many places have drawn “construction drawings” for the reform of state-owned enterprises this year, and the reorganization and mixed reform have been promoted by two lines

2022 will be the year of tackling tough problems and ending the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform. At the recent local two sessions and local SASAC meetings, the objectives and ideas of this year’s state-owned enterprise reform were clarified and refined in many places. Among them, promoting restructuring and integration, hierarchical classification and promoting mixed ownership reform became the focus.

Before the pilot period is over, the exclusive commercial endowment insurance will be extended to the whole country

On February 21, the CBRC issued the notice on expanding the pilot scope of exclusive commercial endowment insurance (hereinafter referred to as the notice), expanding the pilot area of exclusive commercial endowment insurance from Zhejiang Province (including Ningbo) and Chongqing to the whole country. At the same time, on the basis of the first batch of six “head” life insurance companies, endowment insurance companies are allowed to participate in this pilot.

economic reference daily

Accelerate the allocation of RMB assets, and foreign capital is optimistic about the long-term opportunities of a shares

On February 21, the three indexes continued the trend of shock consolidation. As of the closing of the day, the Shanghai composite index reported 3490.61 points, down 0.001% on the day; Shenzhen composite index closed at 13471.16 points, up 0.09%; The gem index closed at 2804.60 points, down 0.79%. In fact, the A-share market has continued to fluctuate and adjust since 2022. Under this background, many foreign institutions are bullish on the A-share market and believe that its valuation advantage is prominent. Insiders also said that under the support of economic fundamentals, undervalued and other factors, foreign investors are expected to continue to increase the allocation of Chinese assets.

Promote consumption and increase the scale of automobile and household appliances to the countryside

As a major player in the consumer market, consumers such as automobiles and household appliances are receiving more policy red envelopes. The reporter of the economic information daily noted that recently, the documents issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas and other departments clearly encourage qualified areas to carry out the renewal of rural household appliances and a new round of cars to the countryside. Local governments have also introduced subsidy policies and incentives to promote consumption of automobiles and household appliances.

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