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The top 10 of the power sector fell collectively, and energy conservation and carbon reduction in high energy consuming industries were upgraded to the “power weekly review list”

This week (February 14 – February 18), the top 10 of China stock market news power sector fell collectively. Among the 10 power enterprises that the reporter of Huaxia times focused on monitoring, all 10 fell. The decline in China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) week was 6.76%, the highest decline among the top 10 stocks.

This week, the total turnover of China stock market news power industry was 67.6 billion yuan, with an overall decline of 0.28%.

China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) equity incentive plan submitted for approval

In terms of the company, China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) will submit the long-term incentive plan for restricted shares to the general meeting of shareholders this week and will be deliberated on the morning of February 23.

It is reported that China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) the incentive objects granted by the plan for the first time are no more than 212, including directors, senior managers, management, technology and business backbones. Among the senior management, China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) chairman Wang wubin and general manager Zhao Guoqing plan to grant 400000 shares respectively, China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) chief accountant and four deputy general managers plan to grant 330000 shares respectively, secretary Liu Jiying plans to grant 290000 shares, and the remaining management, technology and business backbone (about 204 people) plan to grant 4226 million shares in total. China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) said in the annex to the examination that the amount of restricted shares granted to senior executives shall be calculated on the principle of not higher than 40% of the total salary level (including expected income) at the time of grant.

According to the proposal submitted to the general meeting of shareholders, China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) the total amount of restricted shares to be granted to incentive objects in this incentive plan shall not exceed 50 million shares (the actual total amount of shares granted shall be determined after the closing of the day when the board of directors is held), accounting for about 0.175% of the total 28571 million shares of capital stock of China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) at the time of announcement of the draft incentive plan.

In terms of the trend of individual stocks in the sector, China Yangtze Power Co.Ltd(600900) , Cgn Power Co.Ltd(003816) , Huaneng Power International Inc(600011) and Sdic Power Holdings Co.Ltd(600886) were similar, falling first and rising later in the week. The trend of China Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co.Ltd(600905) is similar to that of Longyuan Power, rising first and then falling during the week.

According to the one week (5th) after hours capital flow of the power sector, the net inflow of small and medium orders in the power industry sector within five days was 2.747 billion yuan and 167 million yuan. The net inflows of large orders, super large orders and main forces were negative, which were -1.597 billion yuan, – 1.317 billion yuan and -2.914 billion yuan respectively.

transformation and upgrading of energy conservation and carbon reduction in high energy consuming industries

In terms of industry, on February 11, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Department of ecological environment (bureau), the national energy administration and other departments jointly issued the implementation guide for the transformation and upgrading of energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas of high energy consuming industries (2022 version) (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Guide).

According to the requirements of the implementation guide, 17 high energy consuming industries, including oil refining, ethylene, p-xylene, modern coal chemical industry, synthetic ammonia, calcium carbide, caustic soda, soda ash, ammonium phosphate, yellow phosphorus, cement, flat glass, building and sanitary ceramics, iron and steel, coking, ferroalloy and non-ferrous metal smelting, have put forward industrial plans for energy conservation, carbon reduction, transformation and upgrading.

According to the national development and Reform Commission, this time, relevant laws and regulations on energy conservation, environmental protection, quality and safety technology and policies such as the Guiding Catalogue for industrial structure adjustment will be strictly implemented, and backward processes, technologies and production devices that do not meet the requirements of green and low-carbon transformation and development will be eliminated in accordance with the law and regulations. For the production capacity whose energy efficiency is below the benchmark level and it is difficult to achieve above the benchmark level through transformation and upgrading within the specified time limit, accelerate its exit through market-oriented and legal means.

This week, the topic related to offshore wind power remains hot. Ping An Securities analyst Pi Xiu said in the industry-depth report “offshore wind power tower / pipe pile: no reduction in unit value and export potential plus” that with the equalization of market distribution after rush loading and the expansion of production capacity of relevant enterprises, the original competition pattern of offshore wind power tower / pipe pile may be loosened and a new pattern is being constructed.

Pi Xiu believes that in the short term, enterprises that can obtain high-quality shoreline resources in key markets and realize significant expansion of production capacity are expected to take the lead. Comprehensive strength such as technical strength and product reputation, financial strength and expansion ability, and expansion potential of overseas markets may become the core competitive elements for major tower and pipe pile enterprises to compete for key resources. In the medium and long term, enterprises that can open overseas markets and have the ability to build a comprehensive production base have more advantages.

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