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For the first time in the world! The world’s first! From “eating” to “walking”, uncover the Winter Olympic train in an all-round way! All surprises →

With the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, everyone’s vision is focused on the event, but outside the stadium, the high-speed railway transporting athletes and tourists is also worthy of attention. For the national science and technology and innovation strength, these high-speed railways, like heavyweight athletes, have attracted the attention of the world.

In the Winter Olympics, the games are thrilling. The Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway Winter Olympics train leading to the venue has also opened a tense competition time transportation service mode.

The smart EMU Fuxing with 5g ultra-high definition studio adopts the coating scheme of “auspicious snow and spring”. It takes ice and snow blue as the keynote and is equipped with dancing white streamers. Snowflakes echo with sports elements, highlighting the theme of the Winter Olympics everywhere.

The driver of this winter Olympic train is Liu Chunyu, the team Secretary of Huairou North Locomotive Depot of China Railway Beijing Bureau Group. He proudly told reporters that this Olympic version of Fuxing intelligent EMU can realize automatic driving at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, which is the first time in the world .

The departure only needs one key operation, and the driver is only responsible for handling emergencies and lookout of the route ahead. Unlike other trains, this winter Olympic train has also added a special area for storing ski equipment.

On the new Olympic version of Fuxing intelligent EMU, also hides another world initiative, namely the media carriage and 5g ultra-high definition studio .

This 5g UHD studio is jointly built by China Central Radio and Television Corporation and the railway department, which can realize the long-term and stable transmission of UHD signals and enrich and diversify the coverage of the Winter Olympics.

In June 2021, after the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee put forward the project demand, China Central Radio and Television Corporation carried out technical docking with the railway department. With the cooperation of operators, 5g signal test was carried out on the whole line, and a series of modifications were carried out in the carriage.

Jia Lu, deputy director of rolling stock Department of China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Corporation

The self driving Olympic train can not be separated from the powerful control system as it flies by on the Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway. There are 64 bridges and 10 tunnels in the whole line of Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, and 66% of the distance of the whole line is bridges and tunnels.

When passing through bridges and tunnels, the train needs to slow down and speed up continuously. At the same time, it also needs to ensure the comfort of passengers. For automatic driving system, controlling stability and stopping accurately is an important test index.

Mo Zhisong, director of communication and signal division of the Ministry of industry and electricity of China Railway Group

‘s powerful automatic driving system not only has high parking accuracy, but also makes the Olympic train turned into an energy-saving green train . The optimal control curve is calculated from the autopilot system to achieve energy saving and emission reduction. The staff calculated that compared with the driver’s manual driving, the energy-saving control algorithm from Zhangjiakou to Beijing can save 7%, and there is room for continuous optimization and functional iteration.

in order to provide high-level and characteristic catering services, the catering support unit has started to develop new recipes and dishes early, and is still improving . Since 2020, national chef Yang Jikui has devoted all his energy to developing meals for the Winter Olympic train.

It can be said that in order to overcome the problem of high nutrition, Yang Jikui needs to heat up his food for the second time. in addition to traditional Chinese dishes, pizza, spaghetti, eel rice and other train delicacies have also been released . In the future, these dishes developed for the Winter Olympic trains will be extended to more and more high-speed rail lines.

It was dark and after a whole day’s operation, the Olympic train slowly drove into the “motor car 4S shop” for repair.

Chang Di, deputy director of Beijing North Institute of Beijing bullet train depot of China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Corporation, said that there are more than 10 pairs of trains to be overhauled by the inspection and repair Institute in one night, and the inspection and repair of each train takes about 4 hours.

In order to improve the maintenance efficiency of Winter Olympic trains, they not only arranged fixed “parking spaces” for Winter Olympic trains in advance, but also introduced four underbody maintenance Siasun Robot&Automation Co.Ltd(300024) .

In addition to the “Olympic train Daddy” in the motor car 4S store, there are a group of unknown guardians along the railway where the Olympic train runs.

At 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., Ma Qi, director of the police station of Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway taizicheng station, has got up and gone out. Since the start of the Olympic train race time transportation service mode, he has to arrive at his workplace before dawn every day.

The snow field in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City is one of the main competition venues for snow sports in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Prince city station is located in the core area of the Winter Olympic Stadium and undertakes the transportation support of the Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games.

The police station of taizicheng station where Ma Qi is located manages five stations and more than 150 kilometers of lines of Chongli branch line of Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway.

Line patrol is an important work for Ma Qi and his colleagues. Chongli branch line of Beijing Zhangjiakou high speed railway is located in mountainous area, with steep terrain and cold climate. Every time Ma Qi patrols the line, it is 35 kilometers short and more than ten kilometers long. Many places that cannot be reached by vehicles can only be reached on foot.

Ma Qi, who is well aware of the great responsibility of ensuring the Winter Olympics, told reporters that no matter how many difficulties he faces, he and his colleagues will rise to the difficulties and live up to their mission.

In the ice and snow, with the persistence of railway people and the blessing of new technology, every “snow country train” carries the snow dream and sails to the future.

[half an hour observation] Winter Olympics connects the world high-speed railway to smooth the future

A wonderful Olympic event is not only a contest between athletes, but also a competition of national scientific and technological strength and innovation ability. Winter is cold and enthusiasm is burning! In the cold season, because of the “Winter Olympics” and “high-speed railway”, the industry with ice and snow leisure tourism as the core will inject surging power into high-quality development, and let the world understand a China committed to innovation in the “ice and snow covenant”.

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