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Price reduction from tomorrow! After Zhang Yimou revealed that he was “miserable”, netizens called “replenishing movie tickets” and the film side also released a big move

With the word-of-mouth of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games detonated, general director Zhang Yimou brushed the screen on the whole network!

“Zhang Yimou knows Chinese romance too well” rushed to the microblog hot search. On the hot search together, there is “make up a movie ticket for Zhang Yimou after the opening ceremony”, and the number of topic readings is as high as 400 million.

According to China Central Television news channel, after the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Zhang Yimou was interviewed by China Central Television Host Bai Yansong, when talking about his new film “sniper”, he said that he didn’t have time to pay attention, “I feel miserable” . Bai Yansong said that perhaps after the opening ceremony, the number of films will increase. “Zhang Yimou said,” hope, hope. “In this regard, netizens shouted” give Zhang Yimou a replacement film ticket after the opening ceremony.

Originally, Zhang Yimou and daughter Zhang Mei jointly created the movie “sniper” after the Spring Festival show, even though the bean soup ranked first in the Spring Festival movie, but because the box office popular Watergate bridge is the same type of subject matter, resulting in low film rejection rate, the time of arranging the film is “edge”, the netizen Tucao wants to watch the movie needs to “get up early and make complaints about it”.

However, after the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, cinemas began to rapidly increase the number of films. According to the data of Lighthouse professional edition, on February 5, “sniper” ranked among the top five in the Spring Festival, accounting for 8.7%. The box office began to rise against the trend, with a box office of 39.45 million yuan on February 4 and 52.42 million yuan on February 5.

The Spring Festival is coming to an end. Today, the film “sniper” announced that from February 7, the minimum settlement price will be reduced to 35 yuan for category A and 30 yuan for category B (5 yuan for each). This is also the first film to reduce the price limit among the eight new films in the Spring Festival this year.

you need to “get up early and get dark”

The sniper box office, which has the good reputation of the Spring Festival, has been suck at the box office. P align = “center” > source: Douban film score

On the first day of the lunar new year, the box office of five films exceeded 100 million yuan, including the animated film “return to the earth in the presence of bears”. Sniper became the only live action film with a box office of less than 100 million yuan, and the cumulative box office barely exceeded 100 million yuan until the third day of release. The main factors affecting the box office are the low film arrangement rate and the lack of golden shows.

Statistics on the proportion of film arrangement on February 4

source: Lighthouse Professional Edition

According to the data of Lighthouse professional edition, “sniper” failed to rank among the top five from the first day to the fourth day of junior high school. “Sniper” was ranked fifth in the first day of junior high school, and was surpassed by “return to earth in the presence of bears” in the second day of junior high school, which was six times different from the first place “Watergate bridge”. take cinemas in Beijing as an example, “sniper” is released in the morning and midnight. No wonder some netizens make complaints about the sniper.

source: microblog

It is reported that Zhang Yimou previously begged national cinemas not to arrange only “Midnight” for “sniper” when participating in the live publicity. Seeing that his painstaking work was at the bottom of the box office, Zhang Yimou was a little depressed, but he said he could only “worry” as a director.

Wu Qiming, deputy general manager of Henan Hollywood Cinema Management Co., Ltd., told the China Securities Journal China Securities Taurus reporter that for films of the same type of war, “Watergate bridge” has the foreshadowing of the previous work “Changjin Lake”, and the influence of “sniper” must not be achieved. For the proportion of films in the Spring Festival, all film parties are trying their best to compete. The film arrangement in the cinema should also try to be comprehensive. Compared with Watergate bridge, sniper has no subjective advantage. However, as time goes on, Zhang Yimou’s masterpiece will ferment for a long time, and the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics will also drive it.

A senior film industry analyst in China pointed out that it is homogeneous with Watergate bridge in terms of genre and theme. Naturally, sniper can’t take advantage of cinema film arrangement. In addition, after it is released, the performance of attendance data is not prominent enough, and the power to increase cinema film arrangement will also be insufficient.

seeing the end of the Spring Festival, the box office of “sniper” is facing a “rush to the street”, but the turnaround is coming quietly.

On the evening of February 4, after the performance of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, actor Yu Hewei sent a document saying that he would also go into the cinema to support the sniper directed by Zhang Yimou

source: microblog

Netizens also said one after another: Zhang Yimou is the one who understands Chinese aesthetics best and has a good impression. Many netizens said that after watching the opening ceremony, they would go to make up a movie ticket for Zhang Yimou’s sniper. “Give Zhang Yimou a movie ticket after the opening ceremony” has been read as many as 400 million times.

On February 5, there was an upsurge of “sniper” in cinemas across the country. The film’s film arrangement rate further increased to 9.6% on February 6, ranking fifth.

sniper will reduce ticket prices from tomorrow

The film “sniper” announced that from February 7, the minimum settlement price will be reduced to 35 yuan for category A and 30 yuan for category B (5 yuan for each). This is also the first of the eight new films in the Spring Festival this year to reduce the price limit.

It is reported that the box office settlement standard is the ticket price per person. According to the production and operation costs, market supply and demand and the ticket price level of cities across the country, the film copyright owners, investors, producers and distributors divide the cities into two categories: Class A: four first tier cities, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Class B: other cities.

In the latest “notice” released by “sniper”, the film maker lowered the two types of settlement standards by 5 yuan each.

According to the China foundation, the ticket price of “sniper” has begun to be reduced. Take the Capital Cinema in Xidan, Beijing as an example. Today’s ticket price is as high as 94 yuan / piece, but tomorrow’s ticket price will basically drop to 68 yuan / piece (except the VIP Hall), with a maximum drop of 27%.

netizen: I’m not bad for these five yuan

Before everyone was in Tucao, the price of movie tickets was too expensive this year. Make complaints about snipers reduce the fare.

A netizen’s watch seems to say, is this five yuan the difference? It’s inconvenient to go home in the middle of the night.

Below the news of movie ticket price, mostly make complaints about time of netizens.

However, several cinemas with a large flow of people in Beijing have increased the arrangement of “sniper” and the prime time period from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. In the next few days, the arrangement of films in the prime time period has also been gradually increasing.

the overall box office expectation is limited

“Sniper” is adapted from the group deeds of sharpshooters in the “cold shot” movement in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. From the end of 1952 to the beginning of 1953, there was a stalemate between the Chinese people’s Volunteer Army and the United Nations army on the Korean battlefield. The Chinese people’s volunteer army launched a low-intensity intensive Sniper War, known as the “cold gun cold gun campaign” in history.

The film is set in Baishan Mountain, Jilin Province. In the northeast mountain depression with the lowest temperature of minus 35 degrees, the whole snow and ice is actually shot. Instead of creating a war scene with the help of grand special effects, it returns to the simple aesthetics of realism, boldly uses new actors and creates flesh and blood volunteers to resist US aggression and aid Korea

source: Sniper Movie Poster

Some film critics spoke highly of the film, saying that the director not only showed the heroic invincibility of our army, but also aimed the lens at the opposite side. The enemy was not only well-equipped, but also a seasoned sniper veteran with high tactical quality. The soldiers of the fifth class finally won the battle with the American sniper, which shows the difficulty of the process. The whole story of the film takes place in the snowy battlefield from beginning to end, but the ice and snow can’t hide the blood boiling of the volunteer soldiers.

The market expectation of “sniper” was not high earlier. The pre screening media prediction range given by lighthouse professional edition is 600 million yuan to 1 billion yuan, and the final box office of cat’s eye professional edition is also expected to be 600 million yuan.

For the performance of “sniper” after increasing the film arrangement, the aforementioned film industry analysts said that according to the current film arrangement, it is still very difficult to further achieve a breakthrough at the box office, and the final box office is expected to be about 600 million yuan.

Sniper is mainly produced by Beijing Enlight Media Co.Ltd(300251) , and the listed companies involved by the producer also include Beijing Hualubaina Film&Tv Co.Ltd(300291) and Beijing Fengshangshiji Culture Media Co.Ltd(300860) .

the box office of the Spring Festival broke 5.8 billion

According to @ cat’s eye film microblog, the total box office of the Spring Festival in 2022 (January 31 – February 6) exceeded 5.8 billion at 16:22 on February 6, 2022.

Source: China Securities News, China Central Television News, China Fund News

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