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Get off to a good start! Signing of general contract for Hualong 1 Argentine nuclear power project!

China’s independent third-generation nuclear power Hualong 1 sends good news again!

The reporter learned from Argentina Zhongyuan Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd. and China National Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd. that the procurement contract of Zhongyuan nuclear power project was officially signed with Argentina Zhongyuan Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd. and China National Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd. on February 1.

This is an important milestone in China Arab nuclear energy cooperation. It is also a concrete measure for both sides to adhere to green and low-carbon development, jointly deal with climate change and help achieve the global goal of “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”.

construction of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant in “turnkey” mode

According to the EPC contract, CNNC will build a hualong-1 pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant for Argentina in a “turnkey” mode through EPC.

“Hualong-1 is not only a major achievement in the development of China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) , but also the preferred scheme of China’s third-generation nuclear power for Argentina and the world.” At the signing ceremony, Yu Jianfeng, chairman of CNNC, said that CNNC will give full play to the advantages of the whole industrial chain, work closely with Afghanistan to promote the construction of atucha No. 3 nuclear power plant project safely and efficiently, build it into a model project and benchmark project for China Arab nuclear energy cooperation, and constantly expand new space for bilateral cooperation, To inject strong momentum into the consolidation and deepening of China Argentina comprehensive strategic partnership, better contribute to Argentina’s economic and social development and benefit the Argentine people.

As the “national card” of China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) going global, hualong-1 is one of the three generations of nuclear motors with the highest acceptance in the current nuclear power market. It is an innovative achievement of three generations of pressurized water reactor nuclear power with fully autonomous intellectual property rights developed and designed by CNNC on the basis of more than 30 years of experience in nuclear power scientific research, design, construction, operation and management, and meets the highest international safety standards, Fully capable of mass construction.

Each Hualong No. 1 unit has an installed capacity of 1.2 million KW and an annual power generation capacity of nearly 10 billion kwh, which can meet the annual production and domestic power demand of 1 million people in moderately developed countries. It is equivalent to reducing 3.12 million tons of standard coal consumption and 8.16 million tons of carbon dioxide emission every year, and more than 70 million trees are planted.

At present, Hualong No. 1, the world’s first Fuqing No. 5 unit and the overseas first Karachi No. 2 unit in Pakistan have been successfully completed and put into operation and maintained safe and stable operation; Fuqing unit 6 has been connected to the grid for power generation. In addition, hualong-1 has achieved batch construction in Zhangzhou, Fujian, China and Changjiang, Hainan, and will be used as the main reactor type to support the positive, safe and orderly development of nuclear power and achieve the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutralization”.

it is estimated that 2.31 million kilowatts of nuclear power will be added in 2022

The national energy work conference held at the end of last year took “active, safe and orderly development of nuclear power” as the key task, and put forward that in 2022, China plans to build four units of Fuqing No. 6, Hongyanhe No. 6, Fangchenggang No. 3 and high temperature gas cooled reactor demonstration project, with an additional installed capacity of 3.67 million KW; On the premise of ensuring safety, orderly promote the approval and construction of nuclear power projects with reliable conditions.

In the local work plan, Shandong made it clear that in 2022, we should promote the construction of Jiaodong Peninsula 10 million KW nuclear power base, start the second phase of Haiyang nuclear power, put into operation the high-temperature gas cooled reactor demonstration project, and build a “Guohe” advanced third-generation nuclear power base. Shanghai plans to arrange 173 formal projects for major construction projects in 2022, with an investment of more than 200 billion yuan, including four projects involving nuclear power.

Since the beginning of this year, news of nuclear power projects has spread frequently.

CNNC Fuqing nuclear power unit 6 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time on January 1. It is the world’s third and China’s second Hualong 1 grid connected generator unit, with an annual power generation capacity of about 10 billion kwh. Unit 6 of Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. will be put into operation this year, and the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Project will be fully completed. It is reported that at present, the construction of unit 6 has entered the preparation stage of nuclear fuel loading after system commissioning such as cold test and hot test.

According to the analysis and prediction report on the national power supply and demand situation from 2021 to 2022 issued by China Power Council, it is estimated that 2.31 million kw of nuclear power will be added in 2022.

By the end of 2021, 16 nuclear power units were under construction in Chinese mainland, with a total installed capacity of 17 million 507 thousand and 790 kilowatts, ranking 15 in the world for the first time in 15 years. After China’s second Hualong unit 1 and Fuqing nuclear power plant unit 6 were connected to the grid on January 1, 2022, China’s grid connected nuclear power units have reached 53, with a total installed capacity of 54.63695 million KW, ranking third in the world after the United States and France. However, nuclear power accounts for less than 5% of the country’s total power generation, and there is still huge room for improvement.

According to industry analysis, if France shuts down the same number of nuclear power units every year according to the power structure PPE plan, China’s installed capacity of nuclear power in operation will surpass France and rank second in the world in 2024.

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