Xinjiang Tianshan Animal Husbandry Bio-Engineering Co.Ltd(300313) the performance forecast was released on January 28. It is estimated that the net loss attributable to the shareholders of the listed company will be 30 million yuan to 40 million yuan in 2021, from profit to loss. The main reason for the change in performance is that the company has accrued impairment loss of intangible assets and inventories of 36.143 million yuan, which is mainly due to the fact that in March 2021, the company received the treatment plan for groundwater level decline formulated by Hutubi County farm Administration Bureau of Changji, Xinjiang to strengthen the protection and management of groundwater resources, and implemented fallow for plots and farms without groundwater. Based on the principle of prudence and the evaluation and judgment of an independent third party, the company accrued an impairment loss of 28.695 million yuan for agricultural land use right in the first quarter of 2021.
From January to June 2021, Xinjiang Tianshan Animal Husbandry Bio-Engineering Co.Ltd(300313) mainly consists of animal husbandry accounting for 80.96% and asset leasing accounting for 19.04%.
The chairman of Xinjiang Tianshan Animal Husbandry Bio-Engineering Co.Ltd(300313) is Ma Changshui, male, 58 years old, with a bachelor’s degree; The general manager is Yu Shuwei, female, 42 years old, with a bachelor’s degree.