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Express delivery of important policy messages affecting the market on January 27

Li Keqiang: in the face of the new downward pressure on economic development, we will strengthen the cross cyclical adjustment of macro policies

Li Keqiang pointed out that in the face of new downward pressure on economic development, we will strengthen cross cyclical adjustment of macro policies and keep the economy running within a reasonable range. We will strengthen targeted regulation, take timely and effective measures to deal with difficulties and challenges, stabilize market expectations and boost market confidence. We will step up efforts to help enterprises in their plight, implement a large-scale combined tax and fee reduction policy, continue to reduce the financing costs of enterprises, especially small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, take multiple measures to expand effective demand, and help market players with great difficulties and more jobs to tide over the difficulties.

the State Council: strengthening the construction of advanced measurement system with quantum measurement as the core

The State Council issued the modernization plan for market supervision during the 14th Five Year Plan period. It is mentioned that we should strengthen the construction of advanced measurement system with quantum measurement as the core, accelerate the establishment of a new generation of national measurement standards, promote the upgrading of social public measurement standards, and formulate a number of important measurement technical specifications related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. Reform and improve the management systems of type approval, verification and legal supervision of measuring instruments, dynamically adjust the catalogue of measuring instruments under compulsory management, and improve the supervision system of commodity quantity and measurement data.

the State Administration of Market Supervision approved Chaowei semiconductor company to acquire the equity of Xilinx company with additional restrictive conditions

The State Administration of market supervision believes that this concentration has or may have the effect of excluding and restricting competition in the global and domestic CPU, GPU accelerator and FPGA markets. During the review, the State Administration of market supervision solicited the opinions of relevant government departments, industry associations, peer competitors and downstream customers to understand the relevant market definition, market participants, market structure, industry characteristics and other information, hired an independent third-party consulting agency to conduct economic analysis on the competition issues of the case, and evaluated the authenticity of the documents and materials submitted by the applicant Completeness and accuracy were reviewed.

Anhui: encourage reducing the down payment ratio of real estate to promote commodity consumption

Guide the real estate, automobile and household appliance sales enterprises to expand the consumption of bulk commodities in the peak consumption season of the Spring Festival by means of exemption of handling fees by stages, gift of deduction vouchers, reduction of the proportion of down payment, subsidy and replacement. We will accelerate the construction of indemnificatory housing, develop the long-term rental housing market, and steadily promote the “same right of rent and purchase”. Encourage home decoration enterprises to carry out “Wanjia lights” and other home decoration promotion activities.

Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges issue bond trading rules and guidelines

The bond trading rules issued this time are the basic business rules of the Shanghai stock exchange for bond trading, and have made comprehensive, overall and basic provisions on all links of bond trading. The three supporting applicable guidelines have been refined and standardized from the aspects of bond trading participant management, general pledge repo trading, bond market making and so on.

Ministry of transport: accelerate the compliance of online car hailing and effectively prevent the disorderly expansion of capital

The first plenary meeting of the inter ministerial Joint Conference on Collaborative supervision of new transportation formats was held in Beijing in 2022. The meeting called for accelerating the compliance of online car Hailing. Make overall use of interview exposure, law enforcement punishment, credit supervision and other means to urge all localities and major online car Hailing platform enterprises to formulate compliance work plans, reverse the time and speed up the promotion. Continue to disclose compliance progress and strengthen social supervision. For the major online car Hailing platform enterprises that fail to promote compliance as required, take resolute disposal measures in accordance with the law and regulations, and urge the rectification in place.

the State Council: implement the obligation to declare mergers and acquisitions of platform enterprises according to law and prevent “pinch type mergers and acquisitions”

The State Council issued the “14th five year plan” for the modernization of market supervision, which proposed to improve the analytical framework of market definition and market dominance identification related to platform economy. Promote and improve the legal norms in the management of data collection and use of platform enterprises and the protection of consumers’ rights and interests. Strengthen the internal ecological governance of the platform, and urge the platform enterprises to standardize the establishment of rules, data processing, algorithm formulation and other behaviors.

Sun Guofeng, Central Bank of China: improve the formation and transmission mechanism of market-oriented interest rates this year

Sun Guofeng, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the central bank, wrote in China finance that this year we should improve the formation and transmission mechanism of market-oriented interest rates, improve the policy interest rate system with open market operating interest rates as short-term policy interest rates and medium-term lending convenience interest rates as medium-term policy interest rates, and cultivate an interbank benchmark interest rate system represented by the repurchase interest rate of deposit institutions in the interbank market, Dredge the interest rate transmission mechanism.

India launches large-scale tax investigation on Chinese enterprises in India. Ministry of Commerce: worried about India’s investment environment

Recently, the Indian tax authorities have carried out large-scale inbound tax inspections on Chinese enterprises in India. Gao Feng, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, responded on January 27 that Chinese enterprises’ investment and operation in India has created a large number of local employment opportunities and made positive contributions to India’s economic development. The summit stressed the hope that India can provide a fair, transparent and non discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises in India.

January 27 China Central Television News broadcast financial content collection

Xi Jinping congratulatory letter to the first global media innovation forum

CCTV news (news broadcast): on January 26, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the first global media innovation forum.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, and China will dedicate a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world. The theme of this forum is “sharing the Winter Olympics with science and technology”. It is hoped that the guests will gather their wisdom, discuss, exchange and share, help to show the unique charm of ice and snow sports, carry forward the Olympic spirit and jointly promote the development of Olympic winter sports.

The first global media Innovation Forum opened in Beijing on the same day and was hosted by China Central Radio and television.

Li Keqiang held a spring festival symposium with foreign experts in China

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): on the occasion of the Spring Festival, Premier Li Keqiang cordially met with representatives of foreign experts working in China and had discussions and exchanges in Beijing on the afternoon of January 26.

Li Keqiang extended sincere greetings and holiday greetings to all of you and thanked them for their contributions to China’s reform, opening up and modernization. It is hoped that foreign experts will give full play to their professional advantages, promote international exchanges and cooperation, and put forward better suggestions for the work of the Chinese government. Many experts from Britain, South Africa and other countries talked about their opinions and suggestions.

Li Keqiang said that in the past year, facing the complex and severe situation and risks and challenges outside China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core united and led the people of the whole country to overcome difficulties, and China’s economic and social development made new and major achievements.

We have persisted in seeking progress while maintaining stability, done a solid job in the “six stabilities” and “six guarantees”, paid attention to employment priority in macro policies, strengthened the implementation of policies such as tax reduction and fee reduction, and helped market players recover and enhance vitality, so as to stabilize employment, income and basic people’s livelihood. Reasonably grasp the strength of policy implementation and reserve policy space to meet the difficulties and challenges of this year.

Li Keqiang pointed out that in the face of new downward pressure on economic development, we will strengthen cross cyclical adjustment of macro policies and keep the economy running within a reasonable range. We will strengthen targeted regulation, take timely and effective measures to deal with difficulties and challenges, stabilize market expectations and boost market confidence. We will step up efforts to help enterprises in their plight, implement a large-scale combined tax and fee reduction policy, continue to reduce the financing costs of enterprises, especially small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, take multiple measures to expand effective demand, and help market players with great difficulties and more jobs to tide over the difficulties. We will further deepen reform, constantly optimize the business environment and promote the common development of economies under all forms of ownership.

Li Keqiang stressed that opening to the outside world is China’s basic national policy. We will continue to promote a higher level of opening to the outside world. Give better play to the role of human and human resources, provide more convenience for experts from all countries to work and live in China, and help them solve the difficulties and problems they encounter.

Wang Yi, Xiao Jie and others attended.

the State Council printed and distributed the plan for the modernization of market supervision in the 14th five year plan

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the State Council recently issued the “14th five year plan” for the modernization of market supervision.

The plan defines the basic principles of the modernization of market supervision during the 14th Five Year Plan period. We should focus on the people, adhere to reform and innovation, improve efficiency, adhere to an effective market and promising government, adhere to administration according to law, fair supervision, systematic concept and overall implementation. The plan puts forward the objectives of continuous optimization of the business environment, more standardized market operation, full and smooth market cycle, strong consumer safety guarantee, significant improvement of quality level and overall improvement of regulatory efficiency, and defines six key tasks.

the Chinese sports delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympics was officially established

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): today (January 27), the Chinese sports delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was officially established, with a total number of 387 people, including 176 athletes. It is the largest participation of the Chinese Winter Olympic sports delegation. It has participated in 7 major events and 15 sub items, and won a total of 104 minor events 194 seats.

Beijing Winter Olympic village officially opened

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the Winter Olympic villages in the three competition areas of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games officially opened today (January 27), and all delegations arrived in succession.

On the first day of the official opening of the village, more than 360 members of more than 20 delegations came to the Beijing Winter Olympic Village, including China, Finland, Italy, Sweden, Japan, Canada, etc. During the Winter Olympics, the Beijing Winter Olympic Village will provide 24-hour security services for about 1700 athletes and team officials.

At 10 a.m. this morning, 26 members of China’s national cross-country skiing team arrived in Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic village. The Winter Olympic Village will also officially launch the competition time operation mode, and the venue media center of the Winter Olympic Village will also be officially opened to registered journalists of the Winter Olympic Games.

Today, the Winter Olympic Games ushered in the peak of entry of athletes, technical officials and other Olympic related personnel. The customs of the capital airport is expected to supervise 23 inbound Winter Olympic flights, check and release about 1800 Winter Olympic passengers, and about 1700 Winter Olympic flights are expected to arrive in Beijing tomorrow.

CCTV held a press conference on the 2022 Spring Festival Gala

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the 2022 Spring Festival Gala of China Central Radio and television held a press conference today (January 27). It is reported that this year’s Spring Festival gala will adopt a number of cutting-edge innovative technologies, among which the cctv-8k ultra-high definition channel of the general station will broadcast the Spring Festival gala for the first time, light up the city through “hundreds of cities and thousands of screens” and build a new spatial media communication matrix. This Spring Festival Gala also uses LED screen to create 720 degree dome space for the first time, which is integrated with the program content and complement each other.

The fourth rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the year of the tiger was also successfully held today in Studio 1 of the general station. This year, the head office will also launch the “vertical screen Spring Festival Gala” for the first time to provide viewers with a new visual experience. In the innovative practice of building a “5g + 4K / 8K + AI” strategic pattern, the head office will make the Spring Festival Gala a big stage for the display of media scientific and technological innovation of the head office.

China LianBo express

CCTV news (news broadcast):

the main body of the national market has exceeded 150 million

The reporter learned from the press conference of the state information office today (January 27) that by the end of 2021, the number of market players in the country had reached 154 million. Among them, 103 million individual industrial and commercial households account for two-thirds of the total market players, and 90% are concentrated in the service industry, mainly in the forms of wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering and residential services.

in 2021, about 1.1 trillion yuan of new tax and fee reductions were added

According to the data of the State Administration of Taxation, in 2021, the policy dividends of tax reduction and fee reduction, tax and fee postponement and other policies continued to be released, and the annual new tax reduction and fee reduction was about 1.1 trillion yuan. Among them, the preferential tax policies supporting the development of small and micro enterprises increased tax cuts by 295.1 billion yuan, and the tax paid by small and micro enterprises per 100 yuan of sales revenue decreased by 12.4% year-on-year.

in 2021, the trade volume between China and Russia exceeded 900 billion yuan

The General Administration of Customs announced today (January 27) that in 2021, the value of bilateral trade between China and Russia exceeded 900 billion yuan, reaching 948.66 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.6%, a record high. Among them, China’s export to Russia was 436.43 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.7%; Imports from Russia reached 512.23 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.2%.

during the Spring Festival, minibuses pass through the expressway free of charge

According to the Ministry of transport, the national toll roads will be free of tolls for minibuses with seven seats or less and motorcycles allowed to travel on ordinary toll roads during the Spring Festival holiday, and the free passage period will end from 0:00 on January 31 to 24:00 on February 6.

Sinopec newly discovered 100 million ton oil and gas area in Tarim Basin

Recently, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(600028) a 100 million ton oil and gas area was newly discovered in Shunbei oil and gas field in Tarim Basin. According to preliminary estimates, the region will increase resources by 88 million tons of condensate and 290 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

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