Securities code: 688598 securities abbreviation: Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) Announcement No.: 2022-009
Convertible bond Code: 118001 convertible bond abbreviation: Jinbo convertible bond
Risk suggestive announcement on the appropriateness requirements of convertible bond investors
The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of this announcement, and bear legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of its contents according to law. Important note: according to relevant regulations and the Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") prospectus for issuing convertible corporate bonds to unspecified objects (hereinafter referred to as "the prospectus"), the "Jinbo convertible bonds" issued by the company can be converted into shares of the company from February 7, 2022.
Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) for issuing convertible corporate bonds to unspecified objects in 2021, the suggestive announcement is as follows for the risk that the convertible bonds held by corporate convertible bond investors who do not meet the appropriateness requirements of stock investors on the science and innovation board cannot be converted into shares:
1、 Overview of convertible bond issuance and listing
With the consent of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) zjxk [2021] No. 1984 document for registration, the company issued 5999010 convertible corporate bonds to unspecified objects on July 23, 2021, with a face value of 100 yuan each and a total issuance amount of 59990100 yuan. The issuance method is to give priority to the original shareholders of the issuer registered on the closing date of the company's equity registration (July 22, 2021, t-1). The balance after the priority placement of the original shareholders (including the part that the original shareholders give up the priority placement) is issued to the public investors through the trading system of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and all the balance is underwritten by the sponsor (lead underwriter).
With the consent of self regulatory decision [2021] No. 348 of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company's 599.901 million yuan convertible corporate bonds have been listed and traded in Shanghai Stock Exchange since August 18, 2021. The bonds are referred to as "Jinbo convertible bonds" for short and the bond code is "118001".
According to relevant regulations and the company's prospectus, the "Jinbo convertible bonds" issued by the company can be converted into shares of the company from February 7, 2022.
2、 The risk that the convertible bonds held by the company's convertible bond investors who do not meet the appropriateness requirements of the stock investors of the science and innovation board cannot be converted into shares
The company is a listed company on the science and innovation board. The investors who issue convertible corporate bonds to unspecified objects this time and participate in the conversion of convertible bonds into shares shall meet the suitability management requirements of stock investors on the science and innovation board. Investors who participate in the convertible bonds of Kechuang board can buy or sell the convertible bonds they hold. If the convertible bond holder does not meet the requirements of the appropriateness management of stock investors of Kechuang board, the convertible bond holder cannot convert the convertible bonds he holds into company shares. Investors need to pay attention to the risks and possible impact that their convertible bonds cannot be converted into shares due to their failure to meet the suitability management requirements of stock investors on the science and innovation board.
3、 Other
If investors need to know the details of Jinbo convertible bonds, please refer to the prospectus for Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) issuing convertible corporate bonds to unspecified objects disclosed by the company on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 21, 2021.
Contact Department: Securities and Investment Department
Tel: 0737-6202107
Contact email: [email protected].
It is hereby announced.
Kbc Corporation Ltd(688598) board of directors
January 26, 2022