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Express delivery of important policy messages affecting the market on January 25

Xi Jinping : actively and orderly develop light energy, silicon energy, hydrogen energy and renewable energy

According to CCTV news, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the 36th collective learning on the afternoon of January 24 to strive to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization. Xi Jinping pointed out that we should give more prominence to promoting the development of new and clean energy, and actively and orderly develop light energy, silicon energy, hydrogen energy and renewable energy. We should promote the deep integration of energy technology with modern information, new materials and advanced manufacturing technology, and explore new modes of energy production and consumption. We should accelerate the development of new energy sources such as wind energy, Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) , biomass energy, geothermal energy, marine energy and hydrogen energy with economies of scale, coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection, and actively develop nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner.

Li Keqiang: strengthen macro policies and insist on not engaging in “flood irrigation”

Li Keqiang said that focusing on the “six stabilities” and “six guarantees”, we should strengthen macro policies, put steady growth in a more prominent position, insist on not engaging in “flood irrigation”, pay attention to interval regulation and targeted regulation, support the relief development of market players and difficult industries and manufacturing innovation through tax reduction and fee reduction, boost market confidence, deepen reform and opening up and ensure the improvement of people’s livelihood, Stabilize the macro-economic market and keep the economy running within a reasonable range.

CBRC: resolutely prevent the disorderly expansion of capital in the financial field and severely crack down on “unlicensed driving”

The 2022 CBRC working meeting was held by video on the afternoon of January 24. The meeting stressed the need to resolutely prevent the disorderly expansion of capital in the financial field and set up “traffic lights” for capital in the financial field. Adhere to the “two unwavering” and give full play to the positive role of capital in financial activities. Promote small and medium-sized banking and insurance institutions to supplement capital through multiple channels in accordance with the law.

the oral covid-19 antiviral drug independently developed in China is expected to enter the clinical stage in the second half of the year

According to the global health drug research and development center, its own research and development of New Coronavirus 3CL protease as a target for pre clinical candidate specific drug molecule GDI-4405 to accelerate the study of a number of clinical trials and drug production, is expected to enter the clinical stage in the second half of 2022.

China Telecom Corporation Limited(601728) officially announced that 5g messages have entered the commercial stage. The cost of sending a single message is ten cents

On the afternoon of January 25, China Telecom Corporation Limited(601728) announced the official commercial use of 5g news at the 5g news commercial press conference. Tang Ke, deputy general manager of China Telecom Corporation Limited(601728) , said that 5g message, as an upgrade of traditional SMS, can become an important basic service for operators on 2B and 2C. 5g message is a new application launched by operators in the 5g era to replace the traditional short message function. The traditional SMS is gradually marginalized in the competition of social software.

Ministry of Finance: new and stronger combined tax and fee reduction measures will be implemented in 2022

Xu Hongcai, Vice Minister of finance, said at the press conference of the State Council Information Office held on the 25th that new and stronger combined tax and fee reduction measures will be implemented in 2022 according to the needs of market subjects. We will strengthen the retention, deduction and refund of value-added tax, improve the policy of adding and deducting R & D expenses, promote investment in equipment upgrading and technological transformation of manufacturing enterprises, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Continue to implement the tax reduction and fee reduction measures to support small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that expire at the end of 2021, so as to further alleviate the operating pressure of small and micro enterprises.

heavy! In 2021, China’s fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan

Xu Hongcai, Vice Minister of finance, said at the release of the state information office that the national general public budget revenue in 2021 was 20.25 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7% over the previous year and 6.4% over 2019. Both the central and local governments have certain excess income, which is mainly due to the restorative growth of the economy and the higher rise of the ex factory price of industrial production.

Shanghai released a three-year action plan for building an innovation highland of network security industry, which will support key enterprises to layout around new fields such as meta universe

The action plan of Shanghai for building a new high in network security industry (2021-2023) was officially released. The action plan focuses on the three key tasks of “industry + supply”, “industry + application” and “ecology + policy”, and specifically promotes the implementation of 17 tasks. Support key enterprises to strengthen the R & D and industrialization of key technologies in new fields such as meta universe, biometric security and emerging communications, new architectures such as trusted computing, zero trust security and federal learning, new technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing, as well as cryptography and information innovation.

January 25 China Central Television News broadcast financial content collection

Xi Jinping during the 36th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, it emphasized the in-depth analysis of the situation and tasks facing the promotion of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, and solidly implemented the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the 36th collective learning on striving to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality on the afternoon of January 24. The general secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping stressed when presiding over the study that achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is the internal requirement of implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development. It is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee to coordinate the two overall situations of China and the world. We must deeply analyze the situation and tasks facing promoting carbon peak and carbon neutralization, fully understand the urgency and arduousness of realizing the “double carbon” goal, study the key work that needs to be done well, unify our thinking and understanding, and solidly implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee.

In this collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, comrades of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee taught themselves and exchanged their working experience. Comrades Liu He, Li Qiang, Li Hongzhong and Hu Chunhua made speeches in combination with their respective fields and local work, and everyone had an exchange.

Xi Jinping made an important speech when presiding over the study. He pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has implemented the new development concept, unswervingly followed the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development, made efforts to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and achieved remarkable results. We have established and improved a green and low-carbon circular development economic system, continued to promote the adjustment of industrial structure and energy structure, launched the national carbon market transaction, announced that there will be no new overseas coal and power projects, accelerated the construction of a “double carbon” policy system, actively participated in the international negotiations on climate change, and played the role of a responsible big country.

To achieve the “double carbon” goal, we must do it ourselves rather than others. China has entered a new stage of development. Promoting the “double carbon” work is an urgent need to solve the prominent problems of resource and environmental constraints and achieve sustainable development. It is an urgent need to comply with the trend of technological progress and promote the transformation and upgrading of economic structure. It is an urgent need to meet the growing needs of the people for a beautiful ecological environment and promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, It is an urgent need to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of a major country and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. We must fully understand the importance of achieving the “double carbon” goal and enhance our confidence in promoting the “double carbon” work.

Xi Jinping stressed that achieving the “double carbon” goal is a broad and profound change, which can not be achieved easily. We should improve our strategic thinking ability, run the system concept through the whole process of “double carbon” work, and pay attention to dealing with four pairs of relations: first, the relationship between development and emission reduction. Emission reduction is not to reduce productivity or not to discharge, but to take the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development, promote green transformation in economic development and achieve greater development in green transformation. We should adhere to overall planning, ensure energy security, industrial chain supply chain security and food security while reducing carbon, and ensure the normal life of the people. The second is the relationship between the whole and the part. On the one hand, we should enhance the national awareness of a game of chess, strengthen the connection and coordination of policies and measures, and ensure the formation of joint forces; We should also fully consider the objective reality of regional resource distribution and industrial division of labor, study and determine the direction of local industrial structure adjustment and the “double carbon” action plan, and do not go in one step and “one size fits all”. Third, the relationship between long-term goals and short-term goals. We should not only base ourselves on the present, solve specific problems step by step, and accumulate small victories into big victories; We should also take a long-term view, overcome the idea of being eager for quick success and instant benefits and eager for success, grasp the rhythm and intensity of carbon reduction, and seek truth from facts, step by step and continue to make efforts. Fourth, the relationship between the government and the market. We should adhere to two hands, promote the better combination of promising government and effective market, and establish and improve the incentive and restraint mechanism of “double carbon” work.

Xi Jinping pointed out that to promote the “double carbon” work, we must adhere to the principles of national overall planning, saving priority, two wheel drive, internal and external unimpeded and risk prevention, give better play to China’s institutional advantages, resource conditions, technological potential and market vitality, and accelerate the formation of an industrial structure, mode of production, lifestyle and spatial pattern that saves resources and protects the environment. First, strengthen overall planning and coordination. We should integrate the “double carbon” work into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction and the overall situation of economic and social development, adhere to the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, accelerate the formulation and introduction of relevant plans, implementation plans and safeguard measures, organize the implementation of the “ten actions for reaching the carbon peak” and strengthen the connection of policies. All regions and departments should have an overall concept, scientifically grasp the rhythm of carbon peak, clarify the main body of responsibility, work tasks and completion time, and advance steadily and orderly. Second, promote the energy revolution. Based on China’s energy resource endowment, we should adhere to the overall plan of establishing first and then breaking down. The gradual withdrawal of traditional energy must be based on the safe and reliable substitution of new energy. We should make greater efforts to plan and build a new energy supply and consumption system based on large-scale wind and solar power bases, supported by clean, efficient, advanced and energy-saving coal power around them, and supported by stable, safe and reliable UHV power transmission and transformation lines. We should resolutely control fossil energy consumption, especially strictly and reasonably control the growth of coal consumption, orderly reduce and replace, and vigorously promote the “three transformation linkage” of coal power energy conservation and carbon reduction, flexibility and heating transformation. We should consolidate the foundation of China’s energy production, ensure the safety of coal supply, maintain the stable growth of crude oil and natural gas production capacity, strengthen the construction of gas and oil reserve capacity, and promote the large-scale application of advanced energy storage technologies. We should give more prominence to promoting the development of new and clean energy, and actively and orderly develop light energy, silicon energy, hydrogen energy and renewable energy. We should promote the deep integration of energy technology with modern information, new materials and advanced manufacturing technology, and explore new modes of energy production and consumption. We should accelerate the development of new energy sources such as wind energy, Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) , biomass energy, geothermal energy, marine energy and hydrogen energy with economies of scale, coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection, and actively develop nuclear power in a safe and orderly manner. Third, promote industrial optimization and upgrading. We should seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, promote the deep integration of emerging technologies such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the fifth generation mobile communication (5g) with green and low-carbon industries, build a green manufacturing system and service system, and increase the proportion of green and low-carbon industries in the total economy. We should strictly control the carbon emission of new projects and resolutely curb the blind development of high energy consumption, high emission and low-level projects. We should make great efforts to promote the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries such as iron and steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical industry and building materials, and accelerate the innovation and digital transformation of low-carbon processes in the industrial field. We should strengthen the resource utilization of waste, vigorously develop the circular economy and reduce the waste of energy and resources. We should comprehensively promote the construction of low-carbon transportation system and improve the quality of green and low-carbon development of urban and rural construction. We should promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and consolidate and enhance the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem. We should advocate a simple and moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, guide green and low-carbon consumption, encourage green travel, carry out the demonstration of green and low-carbon social action, and enhance the people’s awareness of conservation and ecological environmental protection. Fourth, accelerate the revolution of green and Low-carbon Science and technology. We should pay close attention to tackling key problems of green and low-carbon technologies and accelerate the research, development, popularization and application of advanced and applicable technologies. We should establish and improve the evaluation and trading system of green and low-carbon technologies and accelerate the transformation of innovation achievements. We should innovate the talent training mode and encourage colleges and universities to speed up the construction of relevant disciplines. Fifth, improve the green and low-carbon policy system. We should further improve the “double control” system of energy consumption, and the new renewable energy and raw material energy consumption should not be included in the total energy consumption control. We should improve the “double carbon” standard, build a unified and standardized carbon emission statistical accounting system, and promote the transformation from “double control” of energy to “double control” of total carbon emission and intensity. We should improve laws and regulations and improve fiscal, tax, price, investment and financial policies. We should give full play to the role of the market mechanism, improve the carbon pricing mechanism, and strengthen the connection and coordination of carbon emission rights trading, energy rights trading and power trading. Sixth, actively participate in and lead global climate governance. We should uphold the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, participate more actively in the global climate negotiation agenda and the formulation of international rules, and promote the construction of a fair, reasonable and win-win global climate governance system.

Xi Jinping stressed the need to strengthen the party’s leadership over the “double carbon” work, strengthen overall coordination, strictly supervise and assess, and promote the formation of joint efforts. We should implement the same responsibility of the party and the government, consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, incorporate the relevant indicators of “double carbon” work into the comprehensive evaluation system of regional economic and social development, increase the assessment weight and strengthen the restriction of indicators. Leading cadres at all levels should strengthen the study of the basic knowledge, realization path and work requirements of “double carbon”, so as to truly learn, understand, master and use. We should take the “double carbon” work as an important part of the cadre education and training system, and enhance the ability of leading cadres at all levels to promote green and low-carbon development.

Li Keqiang presided over the Symposium for heads of the Central Committee of all democratic parties and the all China Federation of industry and Commerce and representatives of non party personages

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): on the 25th, Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, presided over a symposium to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the heads of the central committees of democratic parties, the all China Federation of industry and Commerce and representatives of non party personages on the draft of the government work report. Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the meeting.

Li Keqiang said that the opinions and suggestions put forward by democratic parties, the all China Federation of industry and Commerce and personages without party affiliation on the government work report are an important embodiment of the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China, an important procedure for the State Council to accept democratic supervision, conducive to the government’s scientific decision-making and better reflect the people’s will.

Wan e Xiang, chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Revolutionary Committee, Ding Zhongli, chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic League, Hao Mingjin, chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Construction Association, Cai Dafeng, chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, Chen Zhu, chairman of the Central Committee of the agricultural labor party, Wan Gang, chairman of the Central Committee of the Zhigong party, Wu Weihua, chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, Su Hui, chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Democratic League, Gao Yunlong, chairman of the all China Federation of industry and commerce, and Shao Feng, representative of non. It is believed that last year, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the whole country overcame difficulties, made new major achievements in economic and social development, and achieved a good start in the 14th five year plan. The achievements were not easy to come by.

Li Keqiang thanked the democratic parties, the all China Federation of industry and Commerce and personages without party affiliation for their support for the work of the government. He said that at present, China’s economy is facing new downward pressure. We should adhere to the guidance of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the Xi Jinping new era, adhere to making progress while maintaining stability, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, strengthen macro policies around the “six stabilities” and “six guarantees”, and put steady growth in a more prominent position, Insist on not engaging in “flood irrigation”, pay attention to interval regulation and targeted regulation, support the relief development of market subjects and difficult industries and manufacturing innovation through tax cuts and fee reductions, boost market confidence, deepen reform and opening up, ensure the improvement of people’s livelihood, stabilize the macro-economic market, and maintain the economic operation within a reasonable range.

Sun Chunlan, Hu Chunhua, Liu He, you Quan and others attended.

Han Zheng attends the meeting of the leading group for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): Han Zheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, chaired a meeting of the leading group for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei on the 25th to deeply study and implement the spirit of the relevant important speech of the general secretary of Xi Jinping , implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the deployment of the central economic work conference, and review relevant documents, Study and deploy the next key work.

Han Zheng said that in the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, all relevant parties worked together to formulate and implement the relief plan for Beijing’s non capital functions, further clarify the key tasks and work schedule, and accelerate the construction of the relief incentive and restraint policy system. A breakthrough has been made in the relief of Beijing’s non capital functions. The headquarters of the first seven central enterprises moved out of Beijing, the relief work of relevant universities and hospitals was steadily implemented, and a number of landmark and influential relief projects were launched in an orderly manner, forming a good demonstration effect. The construction of xiong’an new area and Beijing Urban sub center has made solid progress, new breakthroughs have been made in the coordinated development of key areas, and the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has achieved a good start in the 14th five year plan.

Han Zheng stressed that we should firmly grasp the “bull nose” of easing Beijing’s non capital function, focus on key areas and key links, and continuously achieve new results in promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. We should accelerate the implementation of non capital functional landmark projects in Beijing, do a good job in policy evaluation, improve and ease project reserves. Build xiong’an new area with high standards and high quality, strictly implement relevant plans, and create a high-quality model carrying the relief of Beijing’s non capital functions. We should accelerate the planning and promotion of a number of major engineering projects, do a solid job in the preliminary work of the project, and increase the support of funds and land. We should strengthen the coordination of innovation chain and industrial chain, accelerate the construction of Beijing International Science and technology innovation center, and support Tianjin to accelerate the construction of Norinco International Cooperation Ltd(000065) shipping hub. Efforts should be made to promote the co construction and sharing of basic public services, implement the measures for epidemic prevention and control, and coordinate the epidemic prevention and control of the Winter Olympic Games and the host city.

Li Hongzhong, Cai Qi, Wang Yong and he Lifeng attended the meeting.

countdown 10 days: Athletes swear to prepare for the Winter Olympics

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has entered the countdown of ten days, and the ice and snow athletes have entered the final sprint stage. A series of activities to welcome the Winter Olympic Games have been held.

Early this morning (January 25), representatives of more than 100 athletes and coaches of the Chinese sports delegation of the Beijing Winter Olympics came to Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag raising ceremony and vowed to go out.

In the next step, the athletes will gradually enter the closed-loop management and make full preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

“Meet Beijing” Olympic Cultural Festival “to celebrate the new year of ice and snow in the future” was held at Beijing Shichahai ice rink. In the ice and snow interactive area, citizens can participate in traditional ice and snow activities such as ice Cuqiu and ice hammer pill. The State General Administration of sports awarded the title of “ice and snow promotion demonstration collective” to the representatives who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of ice and snow sports. H5 financial media’s innovative product “please sign for the Winter Olympics blind box” was released at the event site, so that the majority of netizens can experience the charm of ice and snow sports, help the Winter Olympics and cheer for athletes.

China LianBo express

CCTV news (news broadcast):

China’s fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan in 2021

At the press conference of the State Council Information Office held today (January 25), the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance said that in 2021, the national general public budget revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7% over the previous year, an increase of 6.4% compared with 2019, and the revenue budget was completed. The national general public budget expenditure exceeded 24 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.3%. Grass roots “Three Guarantees”, education, social security, employment, health and other expenditures have been effectively guaranteed.

in 2021, the actual use of foreign capital in the pilot free trade zone was 213 billion yuan

At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office today (January 25), the Ministry of Commerce said that in 2021, 21 pilot free trade zones actually used 213 billion yuan of foreign capital to achieve a total import and export volume of 6.8 trillion yuan, accounting for 18.5% of the country’s foreign investment and 17.3% of the country’s import and export with less than four thousandths of the land area.

release of the action plan for the development and improvement of special education in the 14th five year plan

The action plan for the development and improvement of special education in the 14th five year plan was released today (January 25). It is proposed that by 2025, the enrollment rate of compulsory education for school-age disabled children will be increased to 97%, and the subsidy standard of public funds per student of special education in the stage of compulsory education will be increased to more than 7000 yuan. It will also expand special education segment services to preschool education and high school and above education.

the Ministry of civil affairs requires people who are unable to return home due to the epidemic to ensure their livelihood

The Ministry of Civil Affairs said today (January 25) that the Spring Festival is approaching. For people with living difficulties who cannot return home due to the epidemic and spend the new year on site, temporary assistance can be directly implemented locally. In case of emergency, first aid should be implemented to ensure that they can spend the new year at ease.

“Qinglang · 2022 Spring Festival network environment improvement” special action launched

From today (January 25), the central network information office will carry out a one month special action of “Qinglang · 2022 Spring Festival network environment improvement”, including focusing on issues such as network violence and spreading rumors; Strictly prevent the chaos and repeated rebound of “rice circle”; Strengthen the governance of problems such as showing off wealth, money worship and feudal superstition; Strictly rectify the “soft pornography” and other issues involving minors.

in 2021, the new installed capacity of wind power photovoltaic power generation in China exceeded 100 million KW

The National Energy Administration announced today (January 25) that the newly installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in China will exceed 100 million kW in 2021. Among them, offshore wind power has sprung up, and the new installed capacity in the whole year is 1.8 times the total scale built before; The new installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic accounted for more than half, and a good start was achieved in the development of the 14th five year plan.

the communication technology operation team of Beijing Winter Olympic Games enters the game time guarantee

The communication technology operation team of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games entered the game time support today (January 25). More than 1500 communication experts and technical backbone undertake the tasks of communication technology command, venue communication, mobile support and special support.

“2022 Spring Festival Gala” held the third rehearsal

The third rehearsal of “2022 Spring Festival Gala” was held today (January 25) in Studio 1 of China Central Radio and television. Adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship, it was polished carefully. This rehearsal is smoother than the previous two rehearsals. In the design of program content, there are not only programs that focus on the continuous inheritance of traditional culture, but also boutiques focusing on the themes of the times such as rural revitalization, ecological civilization, ice and snow sports and Winter Olympic Games, highlighting the family and country feelings and strong humanistic atmosphere of pursuing, building and fulfilling dreams.

“CCTV 2022 network Spring Festival Gala” is broadcast tonight

“CCTV 2022 network Spring Festival Gala” will be broadcast simultaneously tonight (January 25) in the eight o’clock slot of CCTV comprehensive channel and the new media matrix of CCTV network, CCTV news, CCTV frequency and so on. This network Spring Festival Gala reflects the attention of the new generation of networks to social hot spots and the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture.

the financial program center of CCTV released the 2022 boutique program list

The 2022 high-quality program list of the financial program center of China Central Radio and Television Corporation was released today (January 25), including 16 high-quality masterpieces such as “smart China”, “grand ceremony of China’s brand power” and the second season of China national treasure conference. These programs focus on the achievements of economic and social development, explore the resilience and vitality of China’s economy, and inherit cultural self-confidence and family and country feelings.

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