Independent opinions of independent directors on matters related to the resignation of the chairman
In accordance with the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 - standardized operation of listed companies on the main board and the articles of association, we checked the resignation of Mr. Zhao Hui, chairman of the board, and made the following independent opinions:
1. After verification, Mr. Zhao Hui resigned as chairman of the company due to the company's future strategic development plan, and the reason for his resignation is consistent with the actual situation.
2. Mr. Zhao Hui's resignation as chairman will not affect the daily operation of the board of directors or the normal production and operation of the company.
We agree with Mr. Zhao Hui's resignation as chairman of the company and have no objection to the reasons for Mr. Zhao Hui's resignation. Independent directors: Yu Leping, he Pinjing, Wang Xiaoye January 22, 2022