Yunnan Yuntou Ecology And Environment Technology Co.Ltd(002200) : independent opinions of independent directors on the election of chairman and vice chairman

Independent opinions of independent directors on the election of chairman and vice chairman

The 16th meeting of the 7th board of directors of Yunnan Yuntou Ecology And Environment Technology Co.Ltd(002200) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") was held on January 20, 2022. In accordance with the rules for independent directors of listed companies (2022) of China Securities Regulatory Commission, the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies No. 1 - standardized operation of listed companies on the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the articles of association of the company, as independent directors of the company, we, on the election of chairman and vice chairman of the board of directors considered at the 16th meeting of the seventh board of directors of the company, The independent opinions are as follows: After reviewing the resumes and other materials of Mr. Ma Fubin and Mr. Wang Jingyu, it is not found that they are not allowed to serve as the chairman and vice chairman of the company according to the company law, nor are they determined as market prohibited persons by the CSRC and the prohibition has not been lifted. They are not "dishonest Executees" published on the website of the Supreme People's court. The qualifications of the above-mentioned relevant personnel meet the requirements for serving as the chairman and vice chairman of a listed company, are competent for the duties of the positions employed, and comply with the relevant provisions of the company law and the articles of association. It is understood that the above personnel have relevant professional knowledge and organization and coordination ability, can meet the requirements of relevant responsibilities, and have the ability to hold corresponding positions. The procedures for electing the chairman and vice chairman of the company comply with national laws, regulations and the articles of association. We agree to elect Mr. Ma Fubin as the chairman and Mr. Wang Jingyu as the vice chairman of the company.

(there is no text below, followed by the signature page)

(there is no text on this page, which is the signature page of independent directors' independent opinions on the election of chairman and vice chairman)

independent director:

Zhou Jiemin, Na Chaohong, Cheng Shiguo

January 20, 2002

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