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One belt, one road, 2021-2025 years ago, to promote the integration of Chinese medicine into a high quality project.


One belt, one road, one belt, one road, was launched in January 15th by the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine and the leading group office of the “one belt and one road” construction project. The joint development of the “one belt and one way” development plan for promoting the integration of Chinese medicine into 2021-2025 years is carried out.


This plan is conducive to better solve the problems faced by the “going out” of traditional Chinese medicine. One belt, one road one belt, one road development plan (one belt, one road) was approved by the fourth leading group of the “one belt” construction in 2016. The State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine and the national development and Reform Commission jointly formulated the “one belt and one way” development plan (2016-2020) for Chinese medicine, and became the first industry plan to respond to the “one belt and one road” initiative of the state. China one belt, one road one belt, one road, one belt, one road, has been making progress in the implementation of the “one belt and one way” development plan of Chinese medicine. China has achieved a wider range, wider scope and deeper level of opening up, communication and integration with China in building the “one belt and one way” country in the 2016-2020 years. Especially after the covid-19 epidemic, traditional Chinese medicine actively participated in the international anti epidemic and played an important role in building a human health community. At the same time, the potential of traditional Chinese medicine to serve human health needs to be deeply explored, the Chinese international circulation of the traditional Chinese medicine health industry needs to be unblocked, the level of international scientific and technological cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine needs to be improved, the overall level of international education of traditional Chinese Medicine still needs to be improved, and the ability of traditional Chinese medicine to promote people to people communication needs to be strengthened. One belt, one road, and one belt, one road, one belt, one road, are the key elements for promoting the healthy silk road construction. It is an important measure to build a healthy partnership and an important carrier to promote the development of the “one belt and one road”. It is also an important platform to promote the construction of a human health community. One belt, one road plan, is to be implemented. The plan (2021-2025 years) will help solve the problems of “going out” and help mobilize the strength of all sectors, all localities and all sectors of society to promote the integration of TCM and the development of “one belt and one road”.

At the same time, the plan puts forward the development objectives for the 14th Five Year Plan period and the medium and long term. In one belt, one road plan for the 2021-2025 years is to build 30 high-quality Chinese medicine overseas centers in the 14th Five-Year year. We will promulgate 30 international standards for Chinese medicine, create 10 overseas Chinese medicine culture brand projects, and establish 50 international cooperation bases for Chinese medicine and a number of export bases for Chinese medicine services. Strengthen the construction of overseas registration service platform for traditional Chinese medicine products, organize and send TCM foreign aid medical teams, and encourage social forces to explore the construction of Sino foreign friendly TCM hospitals in a market-oriented manner. By 2025, one belt, one road to cooperation between Chinese medicine and medicine, was further improved. Pragmatic cooperation in health care, education, training, R & D, and cultural transmission was promoted. The internationalization of Chinese medicine industry has been continuously enhanced. The plan (2021-2025) also establishes medium and long-term development goals, reflecting the foresight of the plan. One belt, one road, one belt, one road, was put forward. In 2035, Chinese medicine was integrated into the mainstream medical system of “one belt and one road”, and the voice and influence in the field of international traditional medicine were significantly improved. The diversified values of health, economy, technology, culture, ecology and other aspects were fully developed. The pattern of high-quality Chinese medicine and the integration of “one belt and one road” was basically formed.

The planning has the following characteristics. One belt, one road plan, is to plan for the implementation of the plan of 2021-2025 years. The plan is to implement the important discussion of general secretary Xi Jinping on the “one belt and one road initiative” and the work of Chinese medicine in the Chinese medicine industry and all localities and departments concerned. As well as the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the inheritance and innovation of Chinese medicine, we should grasp the general trend of the international situation in the era of COVID-19 pneumonia and post epidemic. With the theme of “high-quality development”, a programmatic document that gives full play to the unique advantages and role of traditional Chinese medicine in disease prevention and treatment and contributes to the construction of a human health community is a national special plan. The setting of special columns in the planning (2021-2025) has the following characteristics: first, give full consideration to the continuity of preliminary work, set up relevant construction columns in seven aspects: government cooperation, medical treatment, scientific research, trade, industry, regional and international cooperation and education, and put forward specific plans; One belt, one road, one belt, one road and two. It is the latest requirement of promoting the development of Chinese medicine in the “one belt and one way” quality development. It emphasizes the service of building a “one belt and one road” national population, highlighting the characteristics of Chinese medicine, enhancing the cooperation efficiency of overseas Chinese medicine centers and international cooperation bases, and promoting the introduction of advanced technology and experience. One belt, one road, three is to reflect the latest needs of industry development. It is suggested that we should further explore the establishment of friendly Chinese medicine hospitals at home and abroad, promote the participation of Chinese medicine in the construction of industrial parks at home and abroad, strengthen the research and development of major equipment in the field of Chinese medicine, and strengthen the construction of the “joint one way” joint laboratory construction of Chinese medicine, and other new modes and new needs.

Maintain recommended ratings. At the starting point of one belt, one road is to promote the overall quality of the development of the “one belt and one road”. We should give full play to the characteristics and multiple value advantages of Chinese medicine and further deepen the international exchange and cooperation of Chinese medicine from government cooperation, medical treatment, scientific research, trade, industry, regional international cooperation, education, In one belt, one road is put forward in the eight aspects of culture and other aspects: the key task of promoting the integration of Chinese medicine into the “one belt and one road” in the 14th Five-Year. Recently, the national policy supports the development of traditional Chinese medicine from top to bottom, and various specific measures are constantly being implemented. The policy side of the traditional Chinese medicine industry is relatively friendly, and the valuation of most targets in the industry is low. Maintain the “recommended” rating of the traditional Chinese medicine industry. One belt, one road, is the brand name and the exclusive product. It is expected to follow the national “one belt” policy “go out” Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(600436) (600436), Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(002603) (002603), Yunnan Baiyao Group Co.Ltd(000538) (000538), Beijing Tongrentang Co.Ltd(600085) (600085), China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(000999) (000999), Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Company Limited(600332) (600332), Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co.Ltd(600535) (600535) and other excellent Chinese medicine enterprises.

Risk warning. The implementation progress of traditional Chinese medicine support policies was lower than expected, and the covid-19 epidemic affected the terminal sales of OTC varieties of traditional Chinese medicine.

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