600098: Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) announcement of main production and operation data in 2021

Stock abbreviation: Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) Stock Code: 600098 Lin No. 2022-007

Corporate bond abbreviation: G17 development 1 corporate bond Code: 127616

Corporate bond abbreviation: 21 suifa 01, 21 suifa 02 corporate bond Code: 188103, 188281

Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098)

Announcement of main production and operation data in 2021

The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there is no falsehood in the contents of this announcement

False records, misleading statements or major omissions, and the authenticity and accuracy of their contents

Bear individual and joint liabilities for accuracy and integrity.

As of December 31, 2021, the company's main production and operation data are as follows:

1、 Power business

From October to December 2021, the company's consolidated power generation enterprises completed power generation in total

The power consumption is 4.933 billion kwh, and the on grid power (including photovoltaic power generation and sales) is 46.73 billion kwh

Billion kwh, up 16.92% and 17.24% respectively compared with the same period last year. two thousand and twenty-one

From January to December, the company's consolidated power generation enterprises completed a total power generation of 215.75

Billion kwh, 20.447 billion kwh of on grid power (including photovoltaic power sales),

Compared with the same period last year, it increased by 29.61% and 29.72% respectively.

Specific information of the company's combined power generation enterprises (in 100 million kwh)

As follows:

thermal power

October December January December

Power generation of the holding power plant year on year year on year on year on year on year power generation year on year on year on year on year on year on year on year power supply (%) electricity price (%) electricity quantity (%) average price (%) average price

Guangzhou Zhujiang Power Plant 12.89 2.55 12.08 2.63 0.4587 7.32 64.31 37.21 60.37 37.05 0.4398 2.95

Guangzhou Zhujiang natural gas 6.61 15.96 6.50 16.01 0.4824 -1.35 28.84 -4.54 28.33 -4.62 0.4739 0.38 Power Generation Co., Ltd

Foshan Hengyi thermal power has 12.76 33.19 11.96 33.78 0.4537 6.25 54.83 38.22 51.49 38.82 0.4441 4.72 Co., Ltd

Guangzhou CLP lixinre 9.40 -9.09 8.70 -9.47 0.4669 14.72 38.14 4.15 35.27 3.89 0.4520 10.41 Power Co., Ltd

Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) Aotou energy 0.25 - 0.25 - 0.6900 7.81 0.79 172.41 0.78 178.57 0.6717 1.01 source station Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) Taiping

Energy station Co., Ltd. --- 0.6900 - 1.10 746.15 1.07 723.08 0.6292 9.24 company

Subtotal of thermal power generation 41.92 9.42 39.48 9.48 -- 188.01 22.24 177.31 22.10 --


1. Guangzhou Zhujiang Power Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Dongfang Power Co., Ltd. are collectively referred to as Guangzhou Zhujiang Power Plant.

2. The main reason for the year-on-year growth of power generation in the fourth quarter of Foshan Hengyi Thermal Power Co., Ltd. is the unit in the same period last year

The standby and maintenance time is long.

3. The main reason for the year-on-year increase in the average on grid price (including tax) of Guangzhou CLP Lixin Thermal Power Co., Ltd. is electricity

Volume structure and settlement price in the fourth quarter increased.

4. Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) Taiping energy station Co., Ltd. focused on heating business in the fourth quarter.

Wind power generation

October December January December

Wind power project

Year on year power generation year on year power generation year on year power generation year on year

Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) new energy

Co., Ltd. Feng 5.61 137.14% 5.47 137.77% 19.88 164.61% 19.36 164.92%

Power generation project

Subtotal of wind power generation 5.61 137.14% 5.47 137.77% 19.88 164.61% 19.36 164.92%

Photovoltaic power generation

October December January December

Photovoltaic power generation project

Power generation year-on-year power sales year-on-year power generation year-on-year power sales year-on-year

Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098) new energy

Co., Ltd. Guang 1.80 19.65% 1.78 19.26% 7.86 52.73% 7.80 53.18%

Volt power generation project

Subtotal of photovoltaic power generation 1.80 19.65% 1.78 19.26% 7.86 52.73% 7.80 53.18%

Note: in 2021, 8 wind power generation projects in Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Hunan, Hubei and other places will be added

Add several photovoltaic power generation projects in Guangdong and other places.

2、 Natural gas business

As of December 31, 2021, the company's natural gas sales are as follows:

Operating indicator unit year-on-year (%)

The total sales volume of pipeline gas and LNG is 207311 -16.71 million cubic meters

(1) The sales volume of pipeline gas is 147882.34 million cubic meters

Including: 350.335.47 million cubic meters of residents and Gongfu users

Industrial users 36206 × 104m3 19.09

Commercial users: 10000m3 17058 20.95

Distribution and direct supply of 59586 million cubic meters -4.92 million cubic meters

(2) LNG sales volume: 10000 m3 59429 -4523

Note: the year-on-year decrease in LNG sales is mainly due to the continuous rise in overseas gas source prices in the second half of 2021

Increase, reduce the procurement and sales of overseas gas sources under the condition of meeting the guaranteed supply.

3、 Fuel business

As of December 31, 2021, the company's market coal sales volume was 2657.63

Million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 15.97% due to the sharp fluctuations in the coal market; Company excellence

The management strategy is based on the storage business of oil depot, and the sales volume of refined oil is 46.94

Million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 68.47%.

It is hereby announced.

Guangzhou Development Group Incorporated(600098)

January 15, 2022

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