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Beijing’s foreign trade reached a new high. In the first November of last year, the actually utilized foreign capital was US $15.16 billion

Beijing’s foreign trade hit a record high. From January to November 2021, Beijing’s import and export of goods increased by 30.3%, 8.3 percentage points higher than that of the whole country. The export of “double independent” enterprises accounted for 25%. It is expected that Beijing will achieve an import and export of services of about 840 billion yuan in the whole year, and the proportion of service trade in total trade will maintain the national leading level; From January to November, the actually utilized foreign capital was US $15.16 billion, an increase of 9.7%. The service industry expanded its opening-up and attracted more than 80% of investment in key areas.

the consumer market basically recovered to the pre epidemic level

From January to November 2021, the total consumption in Beijing market increased by 13.1%, with an average growth of 2.4% in two years. The total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 1.36 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.4%, and the average decline in the two years narrowed to 0.1%. Online retail sales accounted for 36.2% of the total social retail sales.

Beijing’s foreign trade hit a record high. From January to November 2021, the import and export of goods increased by 30.3%, 8.3 percentage points higher than that of the whole country. The export of “double independent” enterprises accounted for 25%. It is expected that the import and export of services will reach about 840 billion yuan in the whole year, and the proportion of service trade in total trade will maintain the leading level in China.

Optimization of Beijing’s two-way investment structure. From January to November, the actually utilized foreign capital was US $15.16 billion, an increase of 9.7%, and the service industry expanded its opening-up, attracting more than 80% of the investment in key areas. Foreign direct investment reached US $5.87 billion, an increase of 56.6%. Investment in the “one belt, one road” area has increased 1.4 times. The port operates in a standardized and orderly manner. In the whole year, the import and export goods supervised by the customs exceeded 66 million tons, and the number of entry-exit personnel was about 500000.

the construction of “two districts” is out of Beijing’s “acceleration”

In 2021, 235 of the 251 tasks approved by the State Council were completed. Ten innovation cases were replicated and promoted nationwide, and hundreds of breakthrough and landmark projects and platforms were launched.

The construction of international consumption center cities has set sail in an all-round way. Build a “1 + 6” framework system, form an implementation plan and six supporting documents, and systematically promote the “ten special actions”. In 2021, the service trade fair was successfully held, with 1672 achievements, and the number of achievements and transaction amount exceeded that of the previous session.

At the same time, Beijing has exceeded the municipal government’s practical tasks of people’s livelihood, with an average of 310 chain convenience stores per million people, up from 282 in the previous year. The basic convenience business service functions of the city’s communities have been fully covered. 8 markets were relieved and upgraded, and 10 model community food markets were transformed and upgraded.

in 2022, the total market consumption increased by about 7.5%

On January 14, the 2022 Beijing business conference was held in the form of teleconference. The meeting stressed that 2022 is the year of the 20th CPC National Congress, the year of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and an important year for the implementation of the 14th five year plan. It is of great significance to do a good job in all work.

The meeting put forward the main expected objectives of Beijing’s business development in 2022: the total market consumption increased by about 7.5%, of which the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by about 5.5%. The turnover of catering industry increased by about 8%. The import and export of goods remained stable, achieving “constant ranking and structural optimization”, and the export of “dual autonomy” enterprises accounted for more than 26%. The import and export volume of services will strive to increase by about 5%. The actually utilized foreign capital reached US $16 billion, foreign direct investment reached US $7 billion, and two-way investment achieved steady and orderly development.

Among them, Beijing will set high international standards, carry out new exploration of pilot reform, study and formulate the rules of international high-level free trade agreements, connect the pilot Beijing plan, the work plan for building a digital trade demonstration zone, and the action plan for striving to create a demonstration zone for innovative development of service trade; Support China’s international double cycle, optimize the promotion system for the construction of international consumption center cities, coordinate the “6 + 4” logistics base and Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co.Ltd(000061) circulation system, build a stable supply and price guarantee system for daily necessities and grain materials, solidify the working mechanism of ensuring supply and price stability under the situation of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and improve a convenient and efficient port customs clearance system, Carry out actions to optimize and improve the business environment of cross-border trade at “double hubs” airport ports.

Beijing will also strengthen digital empowerment, implement the “Internet plus circulation” action, and strengthen the research on digital consumption. We will support the return of overseas consumption and promote the construction of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test areas. Implement multi domain digital upgrading actions to encourage digital transformation of enterprises; Practice the concept of green development, expand the practice path of green consumption and green circulation, implement the green development path of foreign trade innovation, optimize the implementation path of two-way investment and quality improvement increment, implement a series of policies and measures to stabilize foreign investment, and improve the sustainable development level of foreign investment and cooperation projects.

The meeting stressed that Beijing will serve and guarantee the Winter Olympic Games, the winter Paralympic Games and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, do a good job in the practical matters concerned by citizens and enterprises, improve the convenient business network, promote the solution of the development problems of life service industry, and “do it as soon as you receive complaints” to serve enterprises and the people.

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