Financing of real estate enterprises: Bbmg Corporation(601992) . COFCO real estate released the financing plan

[corporate bonds]

Bbmg Corporation(601992) it is proposed to issue renewable corporate bonds of no more than RMB 1.5 billion

On January 13, Bbmg Corporation(601992) (hereinafter referred to as " Bbmg Corporation(601992) ") announced that it plans to publicly issue renewable corporate bonds (phase II) in 2022 to professional investors. The issuance amount of the bonds will not exceed 1.5 billion yuan, and the value date is January 18, 2022.

According to the prospectus, Bbmg Corporation(601992) the bonds are divided into two varieties. Variety 1 takes every three interest years as a cycle and variety 2 takes every five interest years as a cycle. At the end of each cycle, the issuer has the right to choose to extend the term of variety 1 or variety 2 of the bonds by one cycle (i.e. 3 or 5 years), You can also choose to pay the current bonds in full at the end of the cycle. Bbmg Corporation(601992) said that the funds raised by the bonds were intended to be used to repay bank loans after deducting the issuance expenses.

COFCO real estate plans to issue no more than 1.5 billion corporate bonds, and the interest rate is to be determined

On January 13, COFCO Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "COFCO real estate") issued a prospectus on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which disclosed that the company plans to publicly issue 2022 corporate bonds (phase I) to professional investors, with an issue amount of no more than 1.5 billion yuan, and the coupon rate will be jointly determined by the issuer and the bookkeeping manager according to the offline inquiry and bookkeeping results; The value date is set as January 19, 2022.

It is reported that COFCO real estate's bonds are divided into two varieties. The first variety has a term of five years, with the issuer's option to adjust the coupon rate at the end of the third year and the investor's resale option; Variety 2 is a 7-year term, with the issuer's option to adjust the coupon rate and the investor's option to sell back at the end of the fifth year.

The prospectus shows that the raised funds of the bonds will be used to replace the self owned funds used to repay the principal and interest of corporate bonds in the early stage of COFCO real estate after deducting the issuance expenses.

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