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Which industries will benefit from the introduction of the top-level plan for data economy? Understand investment opportunities

On January 13, digital currency, mobile payment, WiFi 6 and other sectors were active. Many stocks such as Synthesis Electronic Technology Co.Ltd(300479) , Hyunion Holding Co.Ltd(002537) , Skyworth Digital Co.Ltd(000810) , Shenzhen Emperor Technology Company Limited(300546) led the gains.

On January 12, the State Council issued the “14th five year plan” for the development of digital economy. By 2025, the added value of core industries of digital economy will account for 10% of GDP; The number of Gigabit broadband users is more than 9 times that in 2020; The application penetration rate of industrial Internet platform increased by 30 percentage points to 45% compared with 2020.

Wanlian Securities said that at present, a new generation of information technologies such as big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence have become increasingly mature, which provides a sufficient foundation for the development of digital economy, and the development of digital economy is expected to usher in a new round of acceleration.

what is the digital economy

According to Soochow Securities Co.Ltd(601555) Research Report, digital economy, as a concept with relatively broad connotation, any economic form that directly or indirectly uses data to guide resources to play a role and promote the development of productivity can be included in the category of digital economy.

At the technical level, including emerging technologies such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of things, blockchain, artificial intelligence and 5g communication; At the application level, “new retail” and “new manufacturing” are typical representatives.

Specifically, digital economy includes four perspectives: Digital industrialization, industrial digitization, digital governance and data value.

Soochow Securities Co.Ltd(601555) pointed out that at present, industrial digitization occupies the leading position of digital economy, accounting for 80.2% in 2019 from 49.1% in 2005.

seven aspects meet the strong drive

From the specific content of the plan, the number of IPv6 active users, the number of Gigabit broadband users, the scale of software and information technology service industry, and the application penetration rate of industrial Internet platform have been quantified. Among them, the number of Gigabit broadband users will increase from 6.4 million in 2020 to 60 million in 2025. The application penetration rate of industrial Internet platform has nearly tripled.

In addition, the plan continues to emphasize industrial digitization and digital industrialization, in which digital industrialization emphasizes the need to give play to the advantages of the new national system and improve the basic R & D capacity of digital technology. It focuses on strategic and forward-looking fields such as sensors, quantum information, network communication, integrated circuits, key software, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and new materials.

In “improving the digital level of public services”, in addition to emphasizing the improvement of digitization in the field of government affairs (Digital Government), it also emphasizes the new digital life, which clearly refers to the application scenarios such as smart community, smart home, ultra-high definition TV, virtual reality, 8K HD video, cloud games and so on.

institutions are optimistic about these industries

Minsheng Securities pointed out that the plan focuses on four major information network infrastructure optimization and upgrading projects, including: 1) promoting the expansion and speed-up of optical fiber network; 2) Accelerate the large-scale deployment of 5g network; 3) Promote IPv6 scale deployment and application; 4) Accelerate the upgrading of spatial information infrastructure, and the communication sector welcomes all-round benefits.

Tianfeng Securities Co.Ltd(601162) said that during the development of digital economy, the semiconductor and software industry will usher in a broader development space.

The agency believes that the development of digital economy will inevitably face two problems: one is how to obtain sufficient data. Accelerating the construction of data acquisition and storage capacity requires a large number of information equipment, such as positioning chips and Internet of things equipment, which will promote the rapid development of the semiconductor industry. The second is how to make good use of data. In the process of integrating all walks of life with the digital economy, various companies that can take the lead in establishing their own technology moat, providing advanced user experience and using digital technology to improve business results will usher in greater development space. The software and information technology service industry, especially the head company, is expected to usher in rapid development.

In addition, Ping An Securities pointed out that the level of digital industrialization continues to improve, the localization of integrated circuits, operating systems, industrial software and other fields is expected to accelerate, and the supply chain integrity of key industries such as 5g, integrated circuits, new energy vehicles, artificial intelligence and industrial Internet will be improved; Industrial digitization also faces great opportunities, and the digital transformation in manufacturing, agriculture, commerce, logistics, finance and energy will be accelerated. At the same time, the demand for information security products and services will also maintain rapid growth. Strongly recommend Thunder Software Technology Co.Ltd(300496) , Glodon Company Limited(002410) , Venustech Group Inc(002439) , recommend Yonyou Network Technology Co.Ltd(600588) , Iflytek Co.Ltd(002230) , Beijing Kingsoft Office Software Inc(688111) , Sangfor Technologies Inc(300454) , Dbappsecurity Co.Ltd(688023) and Hundsun Technologies Inc(600570) , and pay attention to Yusys Technologies Co.Ltd(300674) .

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