Easy Visible Supply Chain Management Co.Ltd(600093) : Yi Jian's independent opinions on the special notes of the board of directors on the audit report on internal control with negative opinions

Easy Visible Supply Chain Management Co.Ltd(600093) independent directors' independent opinions on the special notes of the board of directors on the audit report on internal control with negative opinions

In accordance with the rules for independent directors of listed companies, the articles of association and the Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the independent directors of Easy Visible Supply Chain Management Co.Ltd(600093) (hereinafter referred to as "the company") express their independent opinions on the special notes of the board of directors on the audit report on internal control with negative opinions in an independent and prudent manner as follows:

1、 The independent directors carefully checked the internal control audit report with negative opinions in 2021 issued by Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) and the special instructions of the board of directors on the internal control audit report with negative opinions issued by the board of directors of the company, and listened to the situation report of the company. We believe that the instructions of the board of directors of the company on the matters involved are complete, accurate, true and in line with the actual situation, We agree to this special instruction. 2、 The independent directors attach great importance to the matters involved in the special instructions, urge the board of directors to take effective measures to reduce and eliminate the impact of the matters described in the internal control audit report on the company's operation, continuously improve the corporate governance according to the actual situation of the company, improve the standard operation level of the company, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of investors.

It is hereby explained.

Independent director: Li Xueyu, Jin Xianghui, Zhang Huide

April 26, 2002

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