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On January 12, CCTV news broadcast financial content collection

[new ideas lead a new journey] focus on the people and continuously improve people’s livelihood

China Central Television Network News (News Network): “the size of a big country also has the weight of a big country. A myriad of things, in the final analysis, are the affairs of thousands of families.” In this year’s new year’s message, Xi Jinping General Secretary pointed out that we can\’t be satisfied with our immediate achievements and still have a long way to go. The simple words reflect the childlike feelings of the leaders of big countries who are dedicated to the people and the eternal pursuit of the Chinese Communists.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core adheres to the people-centered development thought and takes the people’s yearning for a better life as its goal. In the new year, a series of policies and measures to benefit the people’s livelihood and warm the hearts of the people have been implemented one after another, and the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security have been continuously enhanced.

The first new year after building a well-off society in an all-round way, warmth shines on the land of China, and the happy dreams of hundreds of millions of people are shining into reality. In recent days, some low-income families and special care objects in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province have moved into new homes one after another, and the indemnificatory housing of each household is filled with songs and laughter.

I will read the worries of the people; I will do what the people want. In June 2021, Xi Jinping General Secretary of Wenting Lane Community in Xining, Qinghai province came here to learn about the community’s provision of public welfare after-school trusteeship services to teenagers.

When people’s livelihood is warm and cold, they see their original heart. One branch and one leaf are always closed. Making the people live a good life has always been the deepest concern of the Xi Jinping general secretary. In the new year, bearing in mind the general secretary’s instructions, all localities and departments have made comprehensive efforts to make up for the shortcomings of people’s livelihood, hold the bottom line of people’s livelihood and do a good job in people’s livelihood.

Solve the problems that the people are anxious about. This year, the “double reduction” work will implement quality improvement actions, focusing on improving the quality of classroom teaching and after-school service, so as to meet the growth needs of students. With the formal implementation of the family education promotion law on January 1 this year, a family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas will be established to help parents raise children scientifically.

Hold the bottom line of people’s livelihood. Since January 1 this year, the new national medical insurance drug catalogue has been implemented, and the average price of 74 new drugs has been reduced by 61.71%. It is expected to reduce the burden on patients by more than 30 billion yuan this year. The newly included drugs not only match the drug needs of the majority of patients with chronic diseases, but also take into account the drug needs of small groups such as rare diseases. At the beginning of the new year, many children with spinal muscular atrophy began to receive injection treatment. The drug cost was reduced from 700000 yuan for the first injection to no more than 20000 yuan for each injection, which greatly reduced the burden on patients.

To do a good job in people’s livelihood, employment is the foundation of people’s livelihood. At present, the special activity of employment assistance month in 2022 is being held nationwide, focusing on helping people with employment difficulties and members of urban zero employment families. At the same time, for the group of 10.76 million college graduates in 2022, the state launched the “Hongzhi navigation assistance plan” and selected 135 colleges and universities as training bases.

Moving towards a better future, in the new year, from the implementation of eight service industry standards for elderly care institutions to accelerating the construction of inclusive kindergartens, from expanding the supply of affordable rental housing to urban improvement, a policy of benefiting the people allows the people to see changes and get tangible benefits.

the State Council printed and distributed the digital economy development plan in the 14th five year plan

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the State Council recently issued the “14th five year plan for the development of digital economy”. The plan proposes to strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure, improve the digital economy governance system, constantly strengthen, optimize and expand China’s digital economy, so as to provide strong support for the construction of Digital China. By 2025, the added value of core industries in the digital economy will account for 10% of China’s GDP. Looking forward to 2035, we will strive to form a unified, fair, orderly competition, mature and complete modern market system of digital economy, and the development level of digital economy ranks in the forefront of the world.

The plan has deployed eight key tasks, including optimizing and upgrading digital infrastructure, and defined eleven special projects, including the optimization and upgrading of information network infrastructure.

in 2021, China’s prices generally operate within a reasonable range

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics today (January 12) show that in 2021, in the face of severe and complex China’s external environment, China’s industrial and agricultural products and services are in sufficient supply, grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables and other important people’s commodities are in sufficient supply, and prices generally operate within a reasonable range.

As can be seen from the trend chart, the national consumer price will maintain a moderate rise in 2021, showing a stable operation trend. In 2021, the national consumer price increased by 0.9% over the previous year, lower than the expected target of about 3% for the whole year.

From the perspective of important people’s livelihood commodities, grain prices, as the “100 price base”, operated steadily. From January to December 2021, the average consumer price of grain items increased by 1.1% year-on-year. With the recovery of pig production capacity, pork prices have basically returned to the average level of normal years. From January to December 2021, the average pork price decreased by 30.3% year-on-year. As the state further increases the efforts to ensure supply and stabilize prices in various links such as vegetable production, circulation and storage, the prices of fresh vegetables, which have risen more under the influence of adverse weather, have dropped significantly.

In terms of the price of industrial products, in the face of the complex environment in which the supply and demand of international bulk commodities are unbalanced and the price of industrial products is significantly higher than expected, the state has timely taken a series of measures to ensure supply and stabilize the price, especially in view of the abnormal fluctuation of coal, iron ore and other prices, and the relevant competent departments have increased the two-way regulation of supply and demand and the linkage supervision of the futures and spot market, effectively guiding expectations, It has effectively promoted the return of prices to a reasonable range. In 2021, the ex factory price of industrial producers increased by 8.1% over the previous year. Among them, commodity prices fell to varying degrees in December, driving the ex factory prices of industrial producers to fall by 1.2%, which is the first decline since June 2020.

the number of affordable rental housing construction will double this year

CCTV news (news broadcast): at the beginning of the new year, all localities have actively refined and implemented relevant policies, and the construction of affordable rental housing has been accelerating, with twice the number of last year.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, up to now, nearly 30 provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China have issued Implementation Opinions on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing, and 40 key cities have put forward the development objectives of affordable rental housing in the 14th five year plan. This year, these 40 cities plan to raise 1.9 million units (rooms) for the construction of affordable rental housing, which has doubled compared with 936000 units (rooms) last year.

In Wuxi, Jiangsu, the first batch of local affordable rental housing has just been delivered these two days. Compared with the market rent of nearly 2000 yuan around, the rent for renting here for one month is 1300 yuan.

In Beijing, 150000 units of affordable rental housing will be raised this year. At present, 49 projects built on collective land are under intense construction, and they can be completed and delivered as soon as a few months.

In Shanghai, the number of tasks planned for this year has reached 173 thousand sets, and the threshold for application is very low, which is neither limited to registered residence nor to income line.

The construction speed is accelerating, covering more and more people, and the forms of security are becoming more and more diverse. In Xiamen, the local government recently issued a policy that qualified college students can apply for a 50% discount for renting a house within five years. In these two days, about 13500 people have passed the qualification examination and are being publicized.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, in the next step, all localities should continue to accelerate the construction of indemnificatory rental housing, increase policy support for finance, land and public services, vigorously develop indemnificatory rental housing, develop common property rights housing according to local conditions, and accelerate the development of long-term rental housing market. According to the plan, during the 14th Five Year Plan period, 40 key cities plan to add 6.5 million sets (rooms) of affordable rental housing, which is expected to solve the housing difficulties of 13 million people.

by the end of 2021, the effective number of invention patents in China was 3.597 million

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): the reporter learned from the press conference of the State Council Information Office held today (January 12) that by the end of 2021, the effective number of invention patents and effective trademark registrations in China had been 3.597 million and 37.24 million. The scale of patent and trademark pledge financing was further expanded. In 2021, the amount of patent and trademark pledge financing in China reached 309.8 billion yuan, benefiting 15000 enterprises, with a year-on-year increase of about 42%. Among them, inclusive loans less than 10 million yuan benefited 11000 enterprises, accounting for 71.8% of the total number of enterprises, which fully shows the inclusive characteristics of intellectual property pledge financing services for small, medium and micro enterprises.

[about the Winter Olympics] China has achieved the overall goal of 300 million people participating in ice and snow sports

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): today (January 12), the statistical survey report on driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports was officially released. Since Beijing successfully applied for the Winter Olympics in 2015, the total number of Chinese residents who have participated in ice and snow sports has reached 346 million, with a participation rate of 24.56%, realizing the goal of driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports.

The report shows that the popularity and popularity of ice and snow sports in China have gradually increased, and 92.64% of the public participate in ice and snow sports through individual spontaneous ways. The number of participants in ice and snow sports in the north and south is 186 million and 161 million respectively. Ice and snow sports are gradually breaking regional and seasonal restrictions.

Driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports is a solemn commitment made by the Chinese government in the process of bidding for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. In recent years, with the opportunity of preparing for the Winter Olympics, China has vigorously promoted the development of ice and snow sports.

By the beginning of this year, there were 654 standard ice rinks in China, an increase of 317% over 2015; There are 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts, an increase of 41% over 2015.

[Winter Olympics appointment] promote ice and snow sports and enjoy the charm of ice and snow

China Central Television Network News (news broadcast): to welcome the Winter Olympic Games, all localities actively promote ice and snow sports, and local and peripheral tours with ice and snow as the theme also continue to heat up.

This winter, ice and snow tourism continues to heat up from north to south. In yuepuhu County, Xinjiang, people participate in interesting events such as snow circle relay race, snow tug of war and snow wrestling. In Huocheng County, the newly established Yili youth skiing training base is very lively. Children have a new place to experience ice and snow sports and ice and snow entertainment projects to meet the different needs of tourists.

In Hongya County, Sichuan Province, people came to Wawu mountain to participate in ice and snow sports experience class and feel the charm of ice and snow. Jinsha lake ski resort in Funing County, Jiangsu Province also welcomes a large number of tourists. Parent-child tours and family tours are the most popular. Many ski lovers gallop on the snow track and enjoy the happiness of ice and snow sports.

With the increasing number of ice and snow sports venues, more and more people have the opportunity to participate in ice and snow sports. In Putian, Fujian Province, ice courses are loved by teenagers. In Xunke County, Heilongjiang Province, the outdoor temperature reached more than minus 30 degrees, and the speed skating training in the experimental primary school was in full swing. Jiayuguan, Gansu Province promotes ice and snow into the campus. On the skating rink, students learn to slide around the curve under the leadership of coaches. Ice activities such as ice carts and curling have also attracted many citizens to participate in the experience.

China LianBo express

CCTV news (news broadcast):

financial data released in 2021, broad money M2 increased by 9% year-on-year

The people’s Bank of China today (January 12) released financial statistics for 2021. At the end of December, the balance of broad money (M2) was 238.29 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9%, 1.1 percentage points lower than the same period of last year. RMB loans increased by 19.95 trillion yuan throughout the year. In December, the increment of social financing scale was 2.37 trillion yuan. In terms of structure, RMB loans to the real economy accounted for 63.6% of the social financing scale in the same period in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 6 percentage points.

in 2020, the added value of agriculture and related industries accounted for 16.47%

According to the accounting data released by the National Bureau of Statistics today (January 12), the added value of agriculture and related industries in China will be 16690 billion yuan in 2020, accounting for 16.47% of China’s GDP. The added value scale of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, processing and manufacturing, product circulation and services ranks among the top three.

China’s automobile industry will achieve positive growth in 2021

The Ministry of industry and information technology announced today (January 12) that in 2021, China’s automobile production and sales will complete 26.082 million and 26.275 million respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 3.4% and 3.8% respectively, ending the downward trend for three consecutive years. The export of finished vehicles reached 2.015 million, a year-on-year increase of 1 times. At the same time, the sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.521 million, a year-on-year increase of 1.6 times, ranking first in the world for seven consecutive years.

the planned project construction investment of xiong’an New Area in 2022 is 200 billion yuan

Yesterday (January 11), 15 power grid projects such as xiong’an 500kV power transmission and transformation project and 110kV power transmission and transformation project in the starting area were started. In 2022, xiong’an new area will accelerate the construction of key areas and major projects such as start-up area and start-up area, with a planned investment of 200 billion yuan.

Petrochina Company Limited(601857) the maximum daily gas supply exceeded 830 million cubic meters

Today (January 12), Petrochina Company Limited(601857) announced that with the gradual reduction of national temperature, the export gas volume of major oil and gas fields, gas storage and LNG entered the peak gas supply period ahead of schedule. At present, the maximum daily supply of natural gas has exceeded 830 million cubic meters, a record high.

capping of the Yangtze River Crossing Project of Taizhou Fengcheng Wuxi Meili 500 kV line

Today (January 12), the Yangtze River Crossing Project of Taizhou Fengcheng Wuxi Meili 500 kV line was officially capped. After the project is put into operation as a whole, it can form an aggregation effect with the completed UHV ring network project covering Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and comprehensively improve the transmission and consumption capacity of new energy.

digital application of basic public services in Deqing, Zhejiang

Deqing, Zhejiang Province, recently realized the digital application of basic public services in rural areas.

Taking the future countryside as the carrier, the local government provides villagers with 11 categories of 95 basic public services through big data analysis, so as to achieve accurate matching, intelligent push and fast direct access of basic public services.

this year’s Boao Forum for Asia annual meeting is still held in the form of Wuxi Online Offline Communication Information Technology Co.Ltd(300959)

The Secretariat of the Boao Forum for Asia said today (January 12) that this year’s Boao Forum for Asia will be held in Boao, Hainan in the spring according to the usual practice. The annual meeting will still focus on offline and Wuxi Online Offline Communication Information Technology Co.Ltd(300959) combination, focusing on six aspects, such as epidemic prevention and control, global economy, green recovery and sustainable development.

China Central Radio and television held the media action of “welcoming the Winter Olympic Games and going to the future together”

On the 10th, the North American terminus of China Central Radio and Television launched a large-scale media action of “welcoming the Winter Olympics and going to the future together” at the stadium in Washington, D.C., promoted the Beijing Winter Olympics to the North American audience through the combination of Wuxi Online Offline Communication Information Technology Co.Ltd(300959) , and issued an invitation to the global media peers to go to the Winter Olympics through the cgtn and overseas social media platform. The event will also be promoted to North American audiences through overseas social media platforms and cooperative communication channels.

Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics service guarantee Hotel (cAMP) is ready

Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics service guarantee Hotel (cAMP) is now ready and will usher in check-in one after another. It mainly provides accommodation, catering, security, epidemic prevention and other comprehensive services for venue staff of the Winter Olympic Games and territorial service support personnel to ensure their work and life during the games.

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