Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593) : special statement of independent directors on the company's current and cumulative external guarantees

Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593)

Special instructions of independent directors on the company's accumulated and current guarantee in 2021

In accordance with the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 8 - regulatory requirements for capital exchanges and external guarantees of listed companies, the rules for independent directors of listed companies, the guidelines for the self-discipline supervision of listed companies No. 2 of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - standardized operation of companies listed on GEM, the Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593) articles of association, the detailed rules for the work of Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593) independent directors and other relevant provisions of the CSRC, As an independent director of Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593) (hereinafter referred to as "the company"), based on the position of independent judgment and the principle of seeking truth from facts, we have carefully verified the accumulated and current guarantee of the company in 2021 and expressed the following opinions:

1. During the reporting period, the external guarantees of the company have fulfilled the corresponding approval and disclosure procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. During the reporting period, the approved credit guarantee line provided by the company for the wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhen leineng hybrid integrated circuit Co., Ltd. was 90 million yuan. In addition, the company has no other external guarantee, no guarantee for controlling shareholders and other related parties, any unincorporated unit or individual, and no damage to the interests of the company and shareholders.

2. As of the date of this announcement, the cumulative amount of external guarantees of the company and its holding subsidiaries is 207.8 million yuan. The external guarantees of the company have fulfilled the corresponding approval and disclosure procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. There are no overdue external guarantees, external guarantees without litigation and losses due to the judgment of losing the guarantee.

It is hereby explained.

(there is no text on this page, which is the signature page of Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593) independent directors' special instructions on the company's accumulated and current guarantee in 2021)

Liu Dongsun Yuling Qiao Xiaolin

Lu Haitao

Beijing Relpow Technology Co.Ltd(300593) board of directors MM DD YY

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