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Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) : performance report of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682)

Performance report of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021

In accordance with the operation guidelines of the audit committee of the board of directors of listed companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange, the articles of association, the working rules of the audit committee of the board of directors and other relevant provisions, the audit committee of the board of directors of the company will faithfully and diligently perform its duties in 2021. The performance of duties in 2021 is reported as follows:

1、 Basic information of the audit committee of the board of directors

The audit committee of the board of directors of the company is composed of independent directors pan min, Wu Jianwei and director Li Hong, of which the chairman is Pan min with professional accounting qualification.

2、 Meetings of the audit committee of the board of directors

In 2021, the audit committee of the board of directors held five meetings, and all members attended the meeting in person. The details of the meeting are as follows:

No. date of meeting name of meeting discussion topic

The audit committee of the third board of directors deliberated and approved the proposal on related party transactions related to the 12th meeting of 2021 / 3 / 9 on compensation for the demolition of some houses in the cross-border creative park

Deliberated and adopted the performance of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2020, the report of the third Audit Committee of the board of directors in 2020, the annual report and summary of 2020, the annual internal control evaluation report of the 13th meeting of 2020 2 2021 / 4 / 1, and the report on Renewal of employment

Recommendations of accounting firms in 2021

The audit committee of the 4th board of directors deliberated and adopted the report of the first quarter of 2021 and the proposal on the change of the accounting policy for the first meeting of the board of directors on March 2021 / 4 / 29

The audit committee of the 4th board of directors deliberated and adopted the 2021 semi annual report and summary

4 2021 / 8 / 27 2nd meeting

The audit committee of the 4th board of directors deliberated and adopted the report of the third quarter of 2021

May 2021 / October 28 3rd meeting

3、 Main work of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021

(I) performance of the audit committee in regular audit reports

By the end of 2021, the audit committee has actively performed its duties and made contributions to the company’s 2020 annual report

Review the first quarterly report of 2021, the semi annual report of 2021 and the third quarterly report of 2021. Before the audit institution enters the site in 2020, it reviews the independence and professionalism of the accounting firm undertaking the audit task, listens to the work arrangement of the accountant and the matters concerned in the audit on the matters related to the company’s audit, and puts forward the specific opinions and requirements of the audit work. After the audit institution issued the preliminary audit opinion of the 2020 audit report, the audit committee carefully reviewed the first draft of the audit report, listened to the opinions of accountants, and fully communicated and discussed with them.

After the audit institution issued the final audit opinion, the audit committee reviewed the audit report again and expressed its opinion that the company’s financial report is true, accurate and complete, fairly reflects the company’s financial status, operating results and cash flow in all major aspects, and there are no fraud, fraud and material misstatement related to the financial report.

(II) supervise and evaluate the work of external audit institutions

In 2021, through the whole process tracking and timely communication of the company’s audit work in the first three quarters of 2021 and 2020, after the accounting firm completed the audit procedures and submitted the standard unqualified audit report, it evaluated the accountants performing the audit business of the accounting firm from the aspects of independence and professional competence. According to their service awareness, professional ethics and professional ability, it is recommended to continue to employ Lixin Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) as the audit institution of the company’s financial report and internal control in 2021.

The audit service fee paid by the company to the audit institution is consistent with the amount determined by the board of directors of the company.

(III) guide internal audit and evaluate the effectiveness of internal control

During the reporting period, reviewed the company’s internal audit work plan and guided the internal audit department to carry out internal control self-assessment. On April 1, 2021, the company held the 22nd Meeting of the third board of directors, deliberated and adopted the 2020 internal control self-assessment report and 2020 internal control assurance report.

4、 Overall evaluation

In 2021, the audit committee of the board of directors carefully abided by the operation guidelines of the audit committee of the board of directors of listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the articles of association, the working rules of the audit committee of the board of directors and other relevant provisions, focused on regular report audit, internal audit, internal control self-assessment, external audit institution evaluation and audit institution appointment, and faithfully and diligently performed its duties.

In 2022, we will continue to do a good job in guidance, supervision, supervision and evaluation in accordance with relevant regulations, strengthen communication with the company’s board of directors, board of supervisors and management, give better play to the role of the audit committee and earnestly safeguard the interests of the company and all shareholders.

Audit Committee of the board of directors: Pan min, Wu Jianwei, Li Hong April 15, 2022

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