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Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) : work report of the board of directors for the year of Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682) 2021

Shanghai Golden Union Commercial Management Co.Ltd(603682)

Work report of the board of directors in 2021

In 2021, the board of directors of the company performed its duties faithfully, diligently, prudently and efficiently in accordance with the company law, the securities law, the articles of association, the rules of procedure of the board of directors and other relevant provisions, earnestly implemented the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders, carried out various work of the board of directors, earnestly safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders, and ensured the standardized operation and sustainable development of the company. The main work report of the board of directors in 2021 is as follows:

1、 Operation in 2021

(I). Analysis of main financial indicators and changes in 2021

In 2021, facing the severe test and great pressure brought by covid-19 epidemic and economic downturn, and the impact of the new leasing standards, the company’s management and all employees closely focused on the business objectives determined at the beginning of the year, comprehensively promoted the epidemic prevention and control and business development, and helped the company’s sustainable and steady development through endogenous development and extensive M & A. During the reporting period, the company achieved an operating income of 9087595 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.9%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1240642 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20.5% (partially affected by the new leasing standards).

Unit: 10000 yuan

Main accounting data in the reporting period and the same period of last year

Increase or decrease in current period (%)

The overall rental rate is higher than that in the period of severe epidemic in 2020, and the operating income is 90875957392626 22.9%

Liters; Five mergers and acquisitions were completed throughout the year, and the revenue was gradually increased

Attributable to listed companies

12406421561351 – 20.5% affected by the new leasing standards

Net profit of shareholders

Excluding the impact of the new leasing standards, the company achieved an operating income of 9190686 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.3%; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 177591000 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.7%.

Unit: 10000 yuan

If the new lease is excluded, the main reasons for the same period of last year in the current reporting period are the same as that of last year

Increase or decrease in influence period (%)

In addition to the reasons mentioned in the above table, the operating revenue is 91906867392626 24.3%

Impact of restoration lease criteria

In addition to the motives described in the above table, 17759101561351 13.7% belong to listed companies

Net profit of shareholders and the impact of lease criteria

The annual operating income in 2021 increased by 169496900 yuan over the same period in 2020, mainly due to:

First, the whole year of 2020 was in a period of serious epidemic. In the same period of this year, the company operated steadily and gradually recovered from the bottom of performance caused by the epidemic; Second, five mergers and acquisitions were completed throughout the year. The company successively acquired 60% equity of Shanghai Tengjin, 100% equity of Shanghai Yizheng and Shanghai Haoyi, 60% equity of Beijing Tongchang technology and 31.304% equity of Beijing urban renewal

Equity, 100% equity of Shanghai Shaojin. With the delivery of the above M & A projects from February to October 2021,

It will contribute to the revenue in 2021, and will further increase the operating revenue of Listed Companies in 2022. (II) completion of key work

1. National layout and deep cultivation in Shanghai

The company’s business model mainly includes leasing operation, equity participation operation and entrusted operation. As of the end of the reporting period,

The company has 70 projects under management, with an area of more than 1.1 million square meters. Among them, there are 60 in Shanghai and Beijing

Seven regions, two in Hangzhou and one in Nanjing.

2. Key contracted projects

During the reporting period, the company expanded two key projects:

1) No. 8 Hengshan Road Project: the address is located in building 59 and building 60, No. 10 Hengshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

The property and the property at No. 58, Lane 1487, Huaihai middle road involve a total contract amount of about 1.057 billion yuan

Located in the core area of Hengshan Road, Shanghai, the signing of the lease operation contract is conducive to the company building another benchmark project in the traditional core area of Shanghai and improving the brand influence.

2) Xiangde Road Project: the company joins hands with Shanghai real estate management group to build an urban boutique Office Park, with a volume of more than 10000 square meters. This is the company’s first project in Hongkou District. As the source and bearing area of Shanghai’s cultural context, Hongkou District will upgrade regional functions and drive urban renewal and development, which is of positive significance to the government, enterprises and society.

3. Equity acquisition

In 2021, the company completed five acquisitions respectively, including Shanghai Yizheng Zhongchuang space management

100% equity of Shanghai Haoyi Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., 60% equity of tongchangsheng industry (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd., 31.304% equity of Beijing tongchangsheng industry urban renewal Technology Development Co., Ltd. and 100% equity of Shanghai Shaojin Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. to further expand the market share of the company’s asset light operation business, improve the company’s sustainable operation ability and profitability, and promote the long-term development of the company.

4. Overall strategic planning of the company

According to the law of urban development, China has entered an important period of urban renewal, that is, from large-scale incremental construction to equal emphasis on stock upgrading and transformation and incremental structural adjustment. Real estate development has entered the silver era, but the operation of stock assets is getting better and better. As the first listed operator of asset light cultural and Creative Industrial Park in China, after more than ten years of development, the company has diversified service formats. From the initial cultural and creative industrial park and office building to gradually covering community commerce and other assets, the company has laid out and accumulated rich experience in the field of urban renewal, has relatively leading advantages in transformation and operation, and has gradually become a leading urban renewal integration service provider in China.

Considering that the market scale of commercial offices and industrial parks in first tier cities has reached 100 billion, the company will firmly focus on the “two focuses” and “two wheel drive” strategies, adhere to expand and strengthen its main business, continue to operate stably and optimize the return to shareholders. “Two focuses”, i.e. focusing on customers and regions. Focus on customers, unswervingly serve office and commercial leasing customers, serve asset holders, and continuously create and enhance value for customers; Focus on the region, deeply cultivate Shanghai, vigorously expand Beijing, and radiate the core cities of the Yangtze River Delta and other provincial capitals. The “two wheel drive” strategy is to adhere to the two core businesses of developer operation and property management, continue to give full play to the company’s competitive advantages in investment attraction, operation and property management in the field of stock assets, realize the appreciation of stock property assets, form a benchmark that can produce stable returns, improve performance and give back to shareholders.

In addition, relying on its many years of experience in the leasing business of cultural and creative parks and the operation and management of parks and buildings, the company has gradually established a target customer base database and smart park management system. While accurately grasping the personalized needs of customers in cultural and creative industries, the company can improve management energy efficiency and reduce operating costs, better provide comprehensive enterprise services for tenants and improve the stickiness of enterprises.

2、 Meetings of the board of directors and general meeting of shareholders

(I) convening of the board meeting

In 2021, the board of directors of the company convened and held meetings of the board of directors in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the articles of association, rules of procedure of the board of directors and other relevant provisions to review and make decisions on major matters of the company. A total of 11 meetings of the board of directors were held throughout the year. The details are as follows:

No. date of meeting name of meeting discussion topic

1. Related party transaction proposal on compensation for demolition of some houses in the cross-border creative park;

The third board of directors

1 2021 / 3 / 9 2. Proposal on Cooperative establishment of industrial investment fund;

Twenty first meeting

3. Proposal on convening the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company in 2021.

1. 2020 work report of the board of directors; 2. 2020 general manager’s work report; 3. Report on the work of independent directors in 2020; 4. Report on the performance of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2020; 5. 2020 annual report and summary; 6. 2020 annual profit distribution plan; 7. 2020 annual financial statement report; 8. 2020 internal control evaluation report; 9. 2020 internal control audit report; 10. 2020 salary plan for senior managers; 11. Proposal on the reappointment of the accounting firm in 2021 of the third board of directors; 12. About company 2021 2 2021 / 4 / 1

Proposal of the 22nd Meeting on the prediction of annual daily connected transactions; 13. Proposal on the company’s application for comprehensive credit line from financial institutions and non-financial institutions in 2021; 14. Proposal on the company’s provision of financial and lease contract performance guarantee for its holding subsidiaries in 2021; 15. Proposal on using idle self owned funds to purchase financial products; 16. Special report on the deposit and actual use of the company’s raised funds in 2020; 17. Proposal on Amending the articles of Association; 18. Proposal on convening the 2020 annual general meeting of shareholders of the company.

1. Proposal on the general election of non independent directors by the board of directors of the company; 2. Proposal of the third board of directors on the election of independent directors by the board of directors; 3. Off 3 2021 / 4 / 12

At the 23rd Meeting, the company proposed to use some idle raised funds for cash management.

1. About the election of directors of the company

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