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Fengguang Co., Ltd.: special report on the deposit and use of raised funds of Yingkou Fengguang new materials Co., Ltd. in 2021

Securities code: 301100 securities abbreviation: Fengguang stock Announcement No.: 2022021 Yingkou Fengguang New Material Co., Ltd

Special report on the deposit and use of raised funds in 2021

The company and all members of the board of directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds by listed companies (revised in 2022) and the guidelines for the self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on GEM (2022), the deposit and use of raised funds of the company in 2021 are described as follows:

1、 Basic information of raised funds

(I) actual amount of funds raised and time of funds in place

The company has been approved by the reply on Approving the registration of initial public offering of Yingkou Fengguang new materials Co., Ltd. (zjxk No. 3366) of China Securities Regulatory Commission and approved by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, The company’s lead underwriter China Securities Co.Ltd(601066) issued 50000000 ordinary shares (A shares) in RMB, with a par value of 1 yuan per share, an issue price of 27.81 yuan per share and a total amount of 139050000000 yuan to be raised, by combining offline inquiry and placement to qualified investors and online pricing issuance to social public investors holding non restricted A-Shares or non restricted depositary receipts in Shenzhen market.

As of December 14, 2021, the total amount of funds raised by the company was 139050000000 yuan. After deducting the recommendation and underwriting expenses of 7739575472 yuan, the actual amount of funds raised by the company on December 14, 2021 was 131310424528 yuan. After deducting the audit fees, lawyer fees and other issuance related expenses paid by the self raised funds, the total amount of funds raised was 1368784466 yuan, and the net amount of funds raised was 129941640062 yuan.

The availability of the above raised funds has been verified by Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), and a capital verification report (Grant Thornton inspection Zi (2021) No. 110c Jiangsu Fasten Company Limited(000890) ) has been issued. The company has opened a special account for the raised funds, adopted a special account for the storage of the raised funds, and signed the tripartite supervision agreement for the raised funds with the special account opening bank and the sponsor.

(II) use and balance of raised funds in 2021

As of December 31, 2021, the company has not used the raised funds for its investment projects, and the balance of the special account of the raised funds account is 131325307206 yuan, of which the paid in amount of the raised funds is 131310424528 yuan and the interest generated is 14882678 yuan.

2、 Deposit and management of raised funds

(I) management of raised funds

In order to regulate the management and use of raised funds and protect the rights and interests of investors, the company, in accordance with the provisions of the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds by listed companies (revised in 2022) and the guidelines for the self discipline supervision of listed companies on Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on GEM (2022), and in combination with the actual situation of the company, The management system for raised funds of Yingkou Fengguang new materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the management system) has been formulated. The management system was deliberated and adopted at the second meeting of the second session of the board of directors of the company on June 19, 2020.

According to the management system and in combination with the business needs, the company has implemented a special account for the raised funds since December 2021, established a special account for the use of the raised funds in the bank, and signed the management agreement on the special account for the raised funds with the deposit bank and the sponsor to strictly approve the use of the raised funds, so as to ensure the special use of the raised funds. As of December 31, 2021, the company has deposited and used the raised funds in strict accordance with the provisions of the special account management agreement for raised funds.

(II) storage of raised funds in special account

As of December 31, 2021, the specific deposit of raised funds (unit: RMB) is as follows:

Deposit bank account number account category storage balance

Special deposit account of China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Co., Ltd

50010139570 Business Department of 411903945810909 households of Yingkou Branch

Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) Yingkou Branch 21800390001 Anhui Anke Biotechnology (Group)Co.Ltd(300009) 8648 special deposit account 81315167636 business department account

Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) Co., Ltd. 6128999910130 Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment And Supply Co.Ltd(002223) 82 special deposit account 0.00 company Yulin Branch Account

Total 131325307206

Among the above deposit balances, the paid in amount raised is 131310424528 yuan, and the interest income generated from the special account is 14882678 yuan, totaling 131325307206 yuan.

3、 Actual use of raised funds this year

(I) use of funds for projects invested with raised funds

As of December 31, 2021, the funds raised by the company have not been used.

(II) changes in the implementation location, implementation subject and implementation mode of the project invested with raised funds

During the reporting period, the company did not change the implementation location, implementation subject and implementation method of the investment project with raised funds. (III) advance investment and replacement of investment projects with raised funds

During the reporting period, the company did not replace the investment projects invested by raised funds in advance. (IV) temporary replenishment of working capital with idle raised funds

During the reporting period, the company did not use idle raised funds to temporarily supplement working capital. (V) use of surplus raised funds

As of December 31, 2021, the construction of the company’s investment projects with raised funds has not been completed, and there is no surplus of raised funds. (VI) use of over raised funds

The over raised capital of the company is RMB 39941640062. As of December 31, 2021, the company has not used the over raised capital.

(VII) purpose and destination of unused raised funds

As of December 31, 2021, the amount of raised funds not used by the company is

131325307206 yuan, all deposited in the special account for raising investment. (VIII) other information about the use of raised funds

During the reporting period, the company did not use the raised funds.

4、 Problems in the use and disclosure of raised funds

According to the relevant provisions of the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds by listed companies (revised in 2022), the guidelines for the self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on GEM (2022) and the relevant provisions of the company’s measures for the administration of the use of raised funds, the deposit and use of raised funds shall be disclosed in a timely, true, accurate and complete manner. There are no irregularities in the deposit, use and disclosure of the company’s raised funds.

5、 Concluding comments on the special verification report of the recommendation institution

On April 14, 2022, China Securities Co.Ltd(601066) issued the special verification report on the storage and use of the raised funds of Yingkou Fengguang new materials Co., Ltd. in 2021 for the company’s storage and use of the raised funds in 2021. The special verification report believes that, The deposit and use of the raised funds of Fengguang in 2021 comply with the provisions of laws, regulations and system documents such as the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds of listed companies (revised in 2022), the Listing Rules of GEM stocks of Shenzhen Stock exchange and the guidelines for the self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 13 – recommendation business, The raised funds have been stored and used in a special account, and the relevant information disclosure obligations have been performed in a timely manner. The specific use of the raised funds is consistent with that disclosed by the company. There is no case of changing the purpose of the raised funds in a disguised manner and damaging the interests of shareholders, and there is no case of illegal use of the raised funds. Appendix: 1. Comparison table of use of raised funds

Board of directors of Yingkou Fengguang new materials Co., Ltd

April 14, 2022

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