Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) : annual report for 2021

Company code: Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) company abbreviation: Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579)

Annual report for 2021

Important tips

1、 The board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the contents of the annual report, and there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and bear individual and joint legal liabilities. 2、 Unprofitable and unprofitable when the company is listed □ yes √ no III. tips on major risks

The company has elaborated various risks and countermeasures that the company may face in the process of operation in this report. Please refer to "IV. risk factors" in Section III "management discussion and analysis" of this report. 4、 All directors of the company attended the board meeting. 5、 Dahua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) issued a standard unqualified audit report for the company. 6、 Li Qingzhong, the person in charge of the company, Wang Kun, the person in charge of accounting, and Wang moxiao, the person in charge of the accounting organization (Accounting Supervisor), declare that they guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial report in the annual report. 7、 The profit distribution plan or the plan of converting accumulation fund into share capital in the reporting period adopted by the resolution of the board of directors

The company's profit distribution plan for 2021: Based on the total share capital on the date of equity distribution registration in 2021, the company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 1.00 (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and a total cash dividend of RMB 4 Tcl Technology Group Corporation(000100) 0 (including tax) is expected to be distributed. In this year, the company will not convert the capital reserve into share capital and will not give bonus shares.

The above distribution plan has been deliberated and approved at the 19th meeting of the third board of directors of the company and needs to be deliberated and approved by the general meeting of shareholders of the company. 8、 Whether there are important matters such as special arrangements for corporate governance □ applicable √ not applicable IX. risk statement of forward-looking statements √ applicable □ not applicable

The company's future plans, development strategies and other forward-looking statements involved in this report do not constitute the company's substantive commitment to investors. Investors are reminded to pay attention to investment risks. 10、 Whether there is any non operational occupation of funds by the controlling shareholders and their related parties? Xi. Whether there is any external guarantee in violation of the specified decision-making procedures? No

12、 Whether more than half of the directors cannot guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the annual report disclosed by the company no XIII. Others □ applicable √ not applicable


Section 1 interpretation Section 2 company profile and main financial indicators Section III Management Discussion and Analysis Section 4 corporate governance Section V environment, social responsibility and other corporate governance 62 section VI important matters Section VII changes in shares and shareholders Section VIII preferred shares 99 section IX relevant information of corporate bonds Section x financial report one hundred

Financial statements containing the signatures and seals of the person in charge of the company, the person in charge of accounting work and the person in charge of accounting institutions (the person in charge of accounting and the cataloguer of documents for future reference)

The original of the audit report with the seal of the accounting firm and the signature and seal of the certified public accountant

Originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed during the reporting period

Section I interpretation

1、 Interpretation in this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings: Interpretation of common words Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) , company and the company refer to Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579)

Shanda capital operation company refers to Shandong Shanda Capital Operation Co., Ltd., which is the controlling shareholder of the company

Beijing Diwei refers to Beijing Diwei Cyber Technology Co., Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company

Yingbaide refers to Shandong yingbaide Information Technology Co., Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company

Zhejiang Diwei refers to Zhejiang Diwei Software Co., Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company

Diwei health refers to Shandong Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) Health Technology Co., Ltd., which is a holding subsidiary of the company

Beijing Yingfu refers to Beijing Yingfu Information Technology Co., Ltd., which is a joint-stock company of the company

Northern health refers to northern health medical big data Technology Co., Ltd., which is a joint-stock company of the company

Guoshou Chengda refers to Guoshou Chengda (Shanghai) health industry equity investment center (limited partnership), which is the shareholder of the company

Zhihong Mingbo refers to Jinan Zhihong Mingbo Information Consulting Center (limited partnership), which is a shareholder of the company

Zhiyuanmingbo refers to Jinan zhiyuanmingbo Information Consulting Center (limited partnership), which is a shareholder of the company

Zhixin Mingbo refers to Jinan Zhixin Mingbo Information Consulting Center (limited partnership), which is a shareholder of the company

Diwei Huachen refers to Shandong Jigao Diwei Huachen kinetic energy venture capital partnership (limited partnership), which is an equity investment fund invested and established during the reporting period

Bai20 school refers to the venture capital partnership (limited partnership) of Caijin bai20 school (Jinan), which is an equity investment fund established by equity participation during the reporting period

The articles of association refers to the articles of association of the company in force

Company Law refers to the company law of the people's Republic of China

Securities Law refers to the securities law of the people's Republic of China

CSRC refers to the China Securities Regulatory Commission

Shanghai stock exchange refers to Shanghai Stock Exchange

Listing Rules refer to the Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange's Sci tech innovation board

The current reporting period, reporting period and current period refer to January December 2021

Yuan and 10000 yuan refer to RMB yuan and 10000 yuan

Application software refers to a kind of software developed in a specific field and serving a specific purpose.

After the review of the administrative department of labor and social security in the overall planning area and the signing of an agreement with the medical insurance agency, the designated medical institution refers to the medical institution determined by the social insurance agency to provide medical services for the insured personnel of basic medical insurance for urban employees and bear corresponding responsibilities.

Devops is a combination of development and operations, which means Devops platform refers to the integration of development, operation and maintenance. Devops platform is a self evolving tool intelligent software platform covering the whole life cycle of application software development, operation and maintenance.

Capability maturity model integration, that is, software capability maturity integration model, refers to the CMMI jointly developed and developed by the U.S. Department of defense, Carnegie Mellon University and the U.S. Defense Industry Association. It is divided into five levels, and level 5 is the highest level.

(information technology service standards refers to ITSS) is a set of systematic and comprehensive supporting information technology service standard library, which comprehensively standardizes IT service products and their constituent elements, and is used to guide the implementation of standardized and reliable services. It is divided into four levels, and the first level is the highest level.

Alliance blockchain refers to a form of blockchain, in which many institutions or organizations jointly operate a blockchain, and each institution or organization manages one or more nodes in the alliance chain.

Quancheng chain refers to the Jinan unified government blockchain platform

Human resources and social chain refers to the basic support service platform of human community block chain

Medical insurance chain refers to Shandong unified medical insurance blockchain platform

Section II Company Profile and main financial indicators

1、 Basic information of the company

Chinese name of the company Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579)

Chinese abbreviation of the company Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579)

The foreign language name of the company is dareway Software Co., Ltd

The abbreviation of the company's foreign name is dareway

The legal representative of the company is Li Qingzhong

Registered address: No. 1579, Wenbo Road, Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

The first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 held on September 13, 2021 reviewed and approved the historical change of the company's registered address. The registered address of the company was changed from No. 300, Gangxing 1st Road, high tech Zone, Jinan, Shandong Province to No. 1579, Wenbo Road, Zhangqiu District, Jinan, Shandong Province

Office address: No. 1579, Wenbo Road, Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

The postal code of the company's office address is 250200

Company website: www.dareway.com com. cn.

E-mail [email protected].

2、 Contact person and contact information

Secretary of the board of directors (domestic representative of information disclosure) securities affairs representative

Name: Zhang Jianjun, Wang Jianping

Address: No. 1579, Wenbo Road, Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

Tel: 053158213039053158215506

Fax: 053158215555

E-mail [email protected]. [email protected].

3、 Place of information disclosure and preparation: media name and website of the annual report disclosed by the company China Securities News, Shanghai Securities News, securities times, Securities Daily website of the stock exchange where the company disclosed the annual report Shanghai Stock Exchange website (www.sse. Com. CN.)

The company's annual report is prepared at the office of the board of directors of the company

4、 Company stock / depositary receipts profile (I) company stock profile √ applicable □ not applicable

Company stock profile

Stock type stock exchange and sector stock abbreviation stock abbreviation before stock code change

RMB ordinary shares (A shares) Shanghai Stock Exchange Kechuang board Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) Dareway Software Co.Ltd(688579) not applicable

(2) Brief description of the company's depositary receipts □ applicable √ not applicable v. other relevant materials

Name of accounting firm employed by the company: Dahua accounting firm (special general partnership)

Office address: 12 / F, building 7, yard 16, Middle West Fourth Ring Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Name of signature accountant: Zhang eryong, Wang Wei

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