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Venustech Group Inc(002439) : Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) special verification opinions on the deposit and use of raised funds in Venustech Group Inc(002439) 2021

Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788)

About Venustech Group Inc(002439)

Special verification opinions on the deposit and use of raised funds in 2021

Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) (hereinafter referred to as ” Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) ” or “sponsor”) as a sponsor of Venustech Group Inc(002439) (hereinafter referred to as ” Venustech Group Inc(002439) ” or “company”) publicly issuing convertible corporate bonds, in accordance with the administrative measures for securities issuance and listing sponsor business and the stock listing rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange In accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, such as self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 – standardized operation of listed companies on the main board and regulatory guidelines for listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds of listed companies, the deposit and use of raised funds in Venustech Group Inc(002439) 2021 were verified, as follows:

1、 Basic information of raised funds

With the approval of the reply on approving Venustech Group Inc(002439) public issuance of convertible corporate bonds (zjxk [2018] No. 2159) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the company publicly issued 10450000 convertible corporate bonds on March 27, 2019, with a face value of RMB 100.00 each and a total raised capital of RMB 104500000000, deducting underwriting and recommendation fees, lawyer fees, accountant fees After the issuance registration fee and other issuance expenses totaled RMB 1169292453, the net amount of raised funds was RMB 103330707547. The above funds have been fully paid in on April 2, 2019 and have been verified by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), and the verification report of Ruihua Yan Zi [2019] No. 44050002 has been issued. 2、 Deposit and management of raised funds

(I) management of raised funds

In order to standardize the management of the company’s raised funds and protect the rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors, according to relevant laws and regulations and the guidelines for the standardized operation of companies listed on the SME Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (revised in 2015), the company (Party A), China Everbright Bank Company Limited Co.Ltd(601818) Beijing Branch (Party B) and Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) (Party C) have reached an agreement through negotiation to clarify the rights and obligations of the three parties, Strict examination and approval procedures shall be implemented for the use of raised funds to ensure that the special funds are used for special purposes. (Announcement No.: 2019034)

In order to regulate the management and use of the company’s raised funds and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders, the company, relevant subsidiaries The deposit bank and the sponsor Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) respectively signed the four party supervision agreement on raised funds (Party A of the four parties: the company and relevant subsidiaries, Party B: the deposit bank, Party C: the sponsor), and implemented strict approval procedures for the use of raised funds to ensure that the funds are used exclusively. The parties are as follows:

Recommendation institution of deposit bank of Party A I and Party A II

Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Technology Jinan Yunzi trusted enterprise management China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Beijing Branch Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Group Co., Ltd. Shangdi sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Venustech Group Inc(002439) enterprise management Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Group Co., Ltd. (Kunming) friendship sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Yunnan Venustech Group Inc(002439) information security Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Hangzhou Hezhong Data Technology Co., Ltd. Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) Co., Ltd. Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Group Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Huansha sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Zhengzhou Venustech Group Inc(002439) enterprise China China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd(600016) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Group Co., Ltd. Management Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Zhengzhou Venustech Group Inc(002439) information security China China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd(600016) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Group Co., Ltd. full Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch

Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Technology Chongqing Venustech Group Inc(002439) information security Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Venustech Group Inc(002439) (Chongqing) enterprise Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Technology Tianjin Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Technology Co., Ltd. friendship sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Technology Guangzhou Venustech Group Inc(002439) Bay area Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Information Security Technology Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch company


Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology Venustech Group Inc(002439) (Guangzhou) enterprise Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Technology Jinan Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) Co., Ltd Everbright Securities Company Limited(601788) Security Technology Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch company

(II) storage of raised funds

As of December 31, 2021, the specific deposit of raised funds is as follows:

Unit: RMB

Opening company opening bank name account number initial deposit amount balance

Venustech Group Inc(002439) information technology China China Everbright Bank Company Limited Co.Ltd(601818) Co., Ltd. 35010188000148185901761 324103514150943

Group Co., Ltd. Beijing Deshengmen sub branch

Jinan Yunzi credible enterprise China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Beijing Branch Shangdi branch 53190561881040

2 –

Management Co., Ltd

Enterprise management-

(Kunming) Co., Ltd. Yiyi sub branch

Yunnan Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) you20 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 05141000.17028338197-

Security Technology Co., Ltd. Yiyi sub branch

Hangzhou Hezhong data technology Bank Of Communications Co.Ltd(601328) hang 33106618018807665351227 Taiji Computer Corporation Limited(002368) 9-

Ltd. Changzhou Huansha sub branch

Zhengzhou Venustech Group Inc(002439) enterprise China China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd(600016) Co., Ltd. 0.15688 Sanlux Co.Ltd(002224)

Business Management Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch

Zhengzhou Venustech Group Inc(002439) information China China Minsheng Banking Corp.Ltd(600016) Co., Ltd. 0.15662022229-

Security Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch

Chongqing Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) you2 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 24310089423073-

Security Technology Co., Ltd. Yiyi sub branch 031992198

Venustech Group Inc(002439) (Chongqing) Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) you2 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 24244800648432861-

Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Yiyi sub branch 031995584

Tianjin Venustech Group Inc(002439) Information Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) you2 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 2425800-

Technology Co., Ltd. Yiyi sub branch 031998811

Guangzhou Venustech Group Inc(002439) Bay 183336491 Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) 2 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 514860

Youyi district information security technology sub branch 0036685874

limited company

Venustech Group Inc(002439) (Guangzhou) 131120251 Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) 2 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 514850

Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch 0036684235


Jinan Venustech Group Inc(002439) Xinxin Bank Of Beijing Co.Ltd(601169) 2 Shenzhen Guohua Network Security Technology Co.Ltd(000004) 562210

Interest Security Technology Co., Ltd. Youyi sub branch 0037422628


Total — 1035141509438926406037

Note: on November 5, 2021, the 25th meeting of the Fourth Board of directors held by the company considered and approved the proposal on closing and terminating some raised investment projects and permanently replenishing the surplus and remaining raised funds with working capital, agreed to close the company’s raised investment project “Jinan safe operation center construction project” and terminate and cancel the raised investment project “Tianjin safe operation center construction project”, The surplus of the above projects and the remaining raised funds and interest income shall be permanently supplemented with working capital.

(Announcement No.: 2021060). The company held the 2nd meeting of 2021 on November 25, 2021

The above proposals were deliberated and adopted at the third extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. (Announcement No.: 2021067). As of December 31, 2021, the company has permanently supplemented the working capital with the surplus and remaining raised capital of 3156143986 yuan of the above closed and terminated raised investment projects. The three raised capital accounts involved in the project are no longer used, and the company has completed the injection and cancellation procedures of the above special account for raised capital.

3、 Actual use of raised funds this year

During the reporting period, the actual use of the company’s raised funds is as follows:

Unit: RMB

Amount / balance of project raised funds

1. Total funds raised

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