Betta Pharmaceuticals Co.Ltd(300558)
The prior approval opinions of independent directors on matters related to the 30th meeting of the third board of directors are in accordance with the guiding opinions on the establishment of independent director system in listed companies, the self regulatory guidelines for listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 - standardized operation of GEM listed companies, the Listing Rules of gem stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the rules for independent directors of listed companies of China Securities Regulatory Commission And other laws and regulations, as well as Betta Pharmaceuticals Co.Ltd(300558) (hereinafter referred to as "the company"), the working system of independent directors and other relevant provisions. In a serious and responsible attitude, based on the independent, prudent and objective position, we listened to the reports of relevant personnel and reviewed relevant materials on the proposal on the company's renewal of the employment of accounting firm in 2022 to be considered at the 30th meeting of the third board of directors. After careful discussion and review, Give the following prior approval opinions:
After verification, Lixin Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Lixin") has rich experience and professional quality in the audit business of listed companies. Since serving as the company's audit institution, it has scrupulously performed its duties, followed the independent, objective and fair professional standards, provided audit and related professional services for the company, and played a positive role in the standardized operation of the company. We agree to continue to employ Lixin as the company's audit institution in 2022 and agree to submit the matter to the board of directors for deliberation.
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[there is no text on this page, which is the signature page of Betta Pharmaceuticals Co.Ltd(300558) independent directors' prior approval opinions on matters related to the 30th meeting of the third board of directors] independent directors:
Jiangnan Cai Zhao Jun, Wang Wei, Huang Xinqi March 28, 2022