China Hi-Tech Group Co.Ltd(600730) : performance report of the audit committee of the board of directors in 2021

China Hi-Tech Group Co.Ltd(600730) : the performance report of the audit committee of China Hi-Tech Group Co.Ltd(600730) board of directors in 2021 is in accordance with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws, normative documents and relevant systems of the company, such as the guidelines for self discipline supervision of listed companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 1 - standardized operation, the governance standards of listed companies, the stock listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the company charter, the detailed rules of work of the audit committee of the board of directors and so on, The audit committee of the board of directors of the company conscientiously performed its audit and supervision duties based on the principle of diligence. The performance of duties in 2021 is now reported as follows. I. Basic information of the audit committee. The audit committee of the ninth board of directors of the company is composed of three members, namely, independent director Mr. Zhou Hua, independent director Ms. Tong pan and director Mr. Cong Jianhua, of which Mr. Zhou Hua is the chairman. Specific personal information is as follows:

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