China Avionics Systems Co.Ltd(600372)
China Avionics Systems Co.Ltd(600372) independent directors
Independent opinions on daily connected transactions in 2022
According to the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations, the independent directors have made the following daily inspection on the related party transactions:
We believe that:
Due to the upstream and downstream supporting business relationship, the mutual supply of products, provision of labor services, equipment leasing and acceptance of financial services between the company and subordinate units of AVIC are conducive to the complementarity of advantages between the two sides, reducing the company's operating costs, and collecting custody fees from the trustee, which is in line with the interests of the company and shareholders. No behavior damaging the interests of the company and shareholders is found in the above related party transactions, We agree to the proposal on the company's daily connected transactions in 2022 and agree to submit the proposal to the general meeting of shareholders for deliberation. Signature of independent director:
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Yang Youhong, Zhang Jinchang
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Wei fajie, Jing Xu