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Summary of opportunity mining after hours: Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company Ltd(002060) once staged “Earth Sky board”! Boc International (China) Co.Ltd(601696) soaring limit broke out in the securities sector

Today (March 30), A-Shares rebounded in shock, with a clear view of the strong pattern. On the disk, in terms of industries, real estate, batteries, decoration building materials, cement, securities, wind power, engineering construction, photovoltaic, wine making and other industries led the rise; Coal, chemical fertilizer, agriculture, animal husbandry, feeding and fishery, pesticide, petroleum and other industries have made a slight correction. In terms of theme stocks, the same rights of leasing and selling, solid-state batteries, brokerage concept, blade batteries, assembly buildings and building energy conservation led the rise; Aquaculture, agricultural planting, chicken concept, transgenic and other small callback.

brokerage sector rose strongly Hongta Securities Co.Ltd(601236) , Boc International (China) Co.Ltd(601696) limit

The brokerage sector rose strongly in the session on the 30th. As of press time, Hongta Securities Co.Ltd(601236) , Boc International (China) Co.Ltd(601696) limit, Gf Securities Co.Ltd(000776) , Guosheng Financial Holding Inc(002670) , Orient Securities Company Limited(600958) , Polaris Bay Group Co.Ltd(600155) increase was ahead. On the news side, at present, a number of listed securities companies have released 2021 annual performance reports, and securities companies have entered the intensive period of performance disclosure. Previously, according to the performance express disclosed by 24 listed securities companies, its revenue and net profit all achieved positive growth. Among them, the revenue and net profit of many securities companies increased by more than 30%. Some analysts believe that the main line of big wealth management has become the main handle, and the early transformation has begun to take effect, which is expected to bring bonus performance increment to securities companies.

In recent years, the medium and short-term performance of securities companies, such as the implementation of the reform of the registration system of securities companies, has been greatly relieved, and the short-term performance of the securities industry, such as the reform of the securities market, has been greatly relieved.

In the long run, the agency believes that the supporting logic of the performance growth of the securities industry lies in: (1) the performance increment brought by the transformation of the brokerage business to the wealth management mode (which is also verified in the annual report performance of some securities companies): the main reason is that the resident deposits gradually change from banks that bring lower returns and liquidity to the stock market that can bring higher returns and high liquidity, and the trend remains unchanged, superimposed with the pilot expansion of fund investment advisers of securities companies Residents’ demand for active management business increases, and the fund holding scale is expected to be steadily improved to provide a steady stream of performance support for securities companies.

(2) the performance increment contributed by the new market places bred by innovative business, such as the expansion of securities lending scale, the strong demand for derivatives business inside and outside the market, the exploration of securities settlement fund model and the popularization of “investment bank + investment” two wheel driven business model, will raise the performance level of securities companies. From the perspective of the whole securities industry, the above growth support logic will provide new revenue growth points; For large-scale securities companies, it will further develop in the strategic direction of building aircraft carrier level securities companies in the country; For small and medium-sized securities companies, their exhibition direction and ability will benefit from the new blue ocean market and earn differentiated income.

Kaiyuan Securities said that it is expected that the average daily holding scale of partial stock funds in the whole market will increase by 19% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2022. It is expected that the profit of the business line of public funds of securities companies will maintain a good growth year-on-year, and the profit performance of the leading wealth management track may be better than the industry average; Affected by investment income, the probability of year-on-year performance of traditional securities companies is under pressure. At present, China stock market news, Gf Securities Co.Ltd(000776) , Orient Securities Company Limited(600958) and Huatai Securities Co.Ltd(601688) , and Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co.Ltd(600939) and China International Capital Corporation Limited(601995) (H shares) are recommended as the leading wealth management track with both beta attribute and long-term valuation cost performance.

alcohol stocks rose higher Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) rose by more than 5% in 2021 annual proposed cash dividend exceeded 10 billion

Alcohol stocks surged in intraday trading on the 30th. As of press time, Shanghai Bairun Investment Holding Group Co.Ltd(002568) , Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited(000596) , Shede Spirits Co.Ltd(600702) rose by more than 5%, and Kweichow Moutai Co.Ltd(600519) returned above 1700 yuan by more than 3%.

On the news side, Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) 29 announced that the company disclosed the announcement of main performance data in 2021 on March 10, 2022. The operating revenue is expected to be about 66.2 billion yuan and the net profit attributable to the parent company is expected to be about 23.35 billion yuan. In order to actively repay the support and love of the majority of investors for the company, after research, the company preliminarily considers that the amount of cash dividend in 2021 will not be less than 11.5 billion yuan (including tax). In addition, recently, there was market news that the recommended retail price of Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) eighth generation puwu (hereinafter referred to as “puwu”) has been raised from 1399 yuan per bottle to 1499 yuan, which is the same as the recommended retail price of 53 degree flying Maotai.

In this regard, Dongxing Securities Corporation Limited(601198) pointed out that from the perspective of the Spring Festival payment policy in 2022, Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) will continue the sales strategy in 2021, that is, drive the steady growth of performance through the improvement of price and product structure, continue to increase the price of tons of wine and further push up the terminal price will become the main line of Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) development thinking this year. After the Spring Festival, Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) raised the recommended retail price to 1499 yuan, which is still a continuation of this idea. It is expected to continue to raise the wholesale price, showing the company’s confidence and determination to stabilize the price band of 1000 yuan for the main products. From the perspective of product structure, classic Wuliangye Yibin Co.Ltd(000858) continues to lay out the price band of 2000 + and will make further efforts this year on the basis of better sales last year. With the deepening of reform, the series of wine is stable and good, and the improvement of product structure is worth looking forward to. In the large consumption upgrading environment, the company’s main price band stands firm, and the 1000 yuan price band is of great significance to the long-term and stable development of the company. From the current determination of the company, the wholesale price band stands firm this year, and the 1000 yuan price band is expected. They are optimistic about the company’s ability to continue to gain market share in high-end wine tracks and the release of brand tension under the high-end strategy, and give a rating of “strongly recommended”.

For Baijiu sector, Qianhai securities of East Asia pointed out that Baijiu is mainly disturbed by emotional aspects, and the industry fundamentals are not worried in the long run. In March, the epidemic was repeated, deepening the market’s concern about the limited consumption of sub Baijiu and Baijiu liquor. The overall valuation of the industry is in a reasonable allocation interval, and the high Baijiu‘s anti cyclical and strong performance growth certainty is the first choice. The Spring Festival dynamic sales show that the strong demand trend of high-end wine remains unchanged, and the dynamic sales of maowu Luzhou are all good, and the inventory level remains low.

At present, high-end liquor enterprises have become the main tone to control the volume and price, and strengthen channel control to lay a solid foundation for good performance growth in 2022. Sub high end Baijiu is still the fastest growing sector, and the strongest growth sector is the first to choose strong wine companies.

favorable policies spread frequently! Can the undervalued real estate industry get out of the independent market

On March 30, the real estate development sector saw another rise in the limit. Among them, Tianjin Tianbao Infrastructure Co.Ltd(000965) 14 day 11 board, Cccg Real Estate Corporation Limited(000736) 6 day 5 board, Cinda Real Estate Co.Ltd(600657) 7 day 5 board, 6 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co.Ltd(000825) board, a total of 17 stocks in the sector rose by the limit.

Recently, the financial stability and Development Commission of the State Council held a special meeting, at which it was pointed out that with regard to real estate enterprises, it is necessary to timely study and put forward effective solutions to prevent and resolve risks, and put forward supporting measures for the transformation to a new development model.

On the same day, the cbcirc held a special meeting to convey, study and implement the spirit of the meeting of the financial committee of the State Council, require to actively promote the transformation of the development mode of the real estate industry, encourage institutions to carry out M & A loans in a stable and orderly manner, focus on supporting high-quality real estate enterprises to merge and acquire high-quality projects of difficult real estate enterprises, and promote the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry.

Since the introduction of various real estate policies in 2022, the Central Plains real estate research institute has shown that there are 60 cities in the country with super stable real estate policies. Among them, Zhengzhou issued the notice on promoting the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry, which launched the “first shot” of comprehensively relaxing purchase and loan restrictions this year with the “19 articles” of the new deal.

Harbin announced that the regional real estate sales restriction policy issued in 2018 has completed its phased regulation mission, so it will be abolished and will no longer implement the provision that “it takes three years for newly purchased commercial houses in the six districts of the main city to be listed and traded”. In addition, Dongguan, Beihai, Tangshan and other places have also recently introduced relevant measures such as reducing the down payment ratio of provident fund, increasing the loan amount and relaxing conditions.

Haitong Securities Company Limited(600837) pointed out that the real estate sector has seen frequent positive results recently, and the sector has risen sharply continuously. It is not suitable to blindly catch up in the short term. Wait patiently for adjustment before bargain hunting. The whole real estate sector and related industrial chain are expected to get out of an independent market under the care of this year’s policies.

Kaiyuan Securities said that it continues to be optimistic about the allocation opportunities of the real estate sector in 2022, the policy surface continues to improve, the inefficient production capacity continues to be cleared, and the industry pattern has improved significantly. High quality enterprises have the basis for long-term valuation improvement.

Caixin Securities believes that the steady growth policy will continue to increase, and various ministries and commissions will probably further introduce supporting policies. At present, some cities have successively issued supporting policies. In particular, the abolition of the sales restriction policy in Harbin may become a new wind vane. Real estate transactions are expected to gradually return to normality, and it is expected that the real estate will usher in a good future.

2021 annual net profit of 3.28 billion yuan Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company Ltd(002060) once staged “Earth Sky board”

On March 30, Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company Ltd(002060) in the afternoon, the ground Sky board was once staged, and then the daily limit board was opened. In terms of news, the 2021 annual report was disclosed on Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company Ltd(002060) 3 March 29. The company achieved an operating revenue of 14.361 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 14.13% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was 328 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.45%; The basic earnings per share was 0.27 yuan / share, a year-on-year increase of 24.45%.

The net cash flow from operating activities during the reporting period was 84685581962 yuan, and the net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies by the end of 2021 were 392540696806 yuan. Meanwhile, Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company Ltd(002060) disclosed the annual dividend plan for 2021: Taking the share capital of 1.202 billion shares as the base, the cash dividend of RMB 0.78 (tax included) was distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, with a total cash dividend of RMB 937764 million.

According to the data, Guangdong No.2 Hydropower Engineering Company Ltd(002060) is mainly engaged in the construction of water conservancy, hydropower and rail transit projects, water conservancy, wind power, Cecep Solar Energy Co.Ltd(000591) photovoltaic clean energy power generation, wind power tower and photovoltaic support equipment manufacturing.

On March 29, the National Energy Administration issued the guidance on energy work in 2022, which proposed to vigorously develop wind power photovoltaic and orderly promote the construction of major hydropower and nuclear power projects. The opinions put forward the main development goals, including a steady decline in the proportion of consumption in 2022, an increase in the proportion of non fossil energy in the total energy consumption to about 17.3%, a replacement of about 180 billion kwh of new electric energy, and the proportion of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the power consumption of the whole society to about 12.2%.

Soochow Securities Co.Ltd(601555) said that as the clean energy with the lowest cost per kilowatt hour at this stage, China’s onshore wind power has achieved parity access to the Internet, superimposed with the reform of the power market, the improvement of energy consumption capacity and the promotion of market-oriented demand by policy rebate, China’s wind power industry is expected to enter a rapid growth stage driven by market demand.

state office issues the development plan of traditional Chinese medicine in the 14th five year plan related industrial chains or concerned (with shares)

The general office of the State Council recently printed and distributed the “14th five year plan” for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, which comprehensively deployed the work of traditional Chinese medicine during the 14th Five Year Plan period. The plan proposes that by 2025, the health service capacity of traditional Chinese medicine will be significantly enhanced, the high-quality development policy and system of traditional Chinese medicine will be further improved, the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine will achieve positive results, and its unique advantages in the construction of a healthy China will be brought into full play. The plan puts forward the specific development goals of traditional Chinese medicine service system, characteristic talent team, inheritance and innovation, industry and health service industry, culture, open development and governance level, as well as 15 main development indicators.

Capital Securities pointed out that the leading companies in the traditional Chinese medicine sector have obvious cost performance and high allocation value. Traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the covid-19 epidemic. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the high-level attention to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, various policies supporting the development of traditional Chinese medicine have been issued one after another. Especially in 20202021, favorable policies for the traditional Chinese medicine industry will be intensively introduced, involving drug evaluation, clinical use, medical insurance payment, medical service system construction and many other aspects. The policy environment of the traditional Chinese medicine industry will be greatly improved, and the industry is expected to usher in an inflection point.

China will actively and orderly promote coastal nuclear power projects focus on nuclear island equipment companies with high gross profit (attached shares)

The National Energy Administration issued the guidance on energy work in 2022 on the 29th, proposing to build and put into operation nuclear power units such as Fuqing 6, Hongyanhe 6, Fangchenggang 3 and high temperature gas cooled reactor demonstration project, and actively and orderly promote the approval and construction of new coastal nuclear power projects on the premise of ensuring safety.

Gf Securities Co.Ltd(000776) pointed out that during the “14th five year plan” period, nuclear power construction is expected to reach 6-8 units per year, and the demand for nuclear power equipment is expected to reach tens of billions. According to the development and Prospect of China’s nuclear energy (2021), China’s independent third-generation nuclear power is expected to steadily advance according to the approval rhythm of 6-8 units per year; According to the modern energy system planning of the 14th five year plan, the China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) installed capacity is planned to reach about 70 million kilowatts by 2025, an increase of about 40% year-on-year compared with the new installed capacity during the 13th Five Year Plan period; According to the cost of 18000 yuan / kW, the total cost of a 1 million KW nuclear power unit is 18 billion yuan. If it is promoted by adding 6-8 units every year, the market space of China’s nuclear power construction will reach 108144 billion yuan every year during the 14th Five Year Plan period, of which the annual market space of nuclear power equipment is about 54-72 billion yuan (the investment in nuclear power equipment accounts for about 50% of the investment in nuclear power plants).

Nuclear island equipment has high requirements for technology and safety, and the market is mainly dominated by some state-owned enterprises, so the gross profit is high; Different from nuclear island equipment, conventional island equipment and BOP equipment have low requirements for technology, and have a wide range of applications except nuclear power. The competition between private enterprises is relatively full and the gross profit is relatively low. Nuclear island equipment mainly includes pressure vessel, pressurizer, main pump and main pipeline. The main market participants are Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited(600875) , Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited(601727) , Harbin Power Group and Yizhong group. According to the prospective economist, among the nuclear island equipment, pressure vessels account for 23% of the investment in nuclear island equipment, main pipelines and heat exchangers account for 20%, steam generators and nuclear grade valves account for 17% and 12% respectively. According to China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) e-procurement platform, China First Heavy Industries(601106) and Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited(601727) jointly won the bid for the pressure vessel equipment of Cx project reactor, with a total bid winning amount of 1374358400 yuan; Harbin Electric Power Group, Dongfang Electric Corporation Limited(600875) and Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited(601727) jointly won the bid for the steam generator equipment of reactor of Cx project, with a total bid winning amount of 270728 million yuan; Shanghai Valve No. 5 plant won the bid to become the supplier of conventional island and BOP other butterfly valve equipment for units 7 and 8 of Tianwan nuclear power plant and units 3 and 4 of xudabao nuclear power plant in Liaoning, with an amount of 239293 million yuan; Jiangsu saide Electric Co., Ltd. won the bid for the supply of nuclear grade cables for China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985) in 20202025, with an amount of 4.1919 million yuan.

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