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Strategy quick review: summary of gold stock recommendations in various industries in April 2022


Ma Chenglong

\u3000\u3 Shengda Resources Co.Ltd(000603) 236. SH Quectel Wireless Solutions Co.Ltd(603236)

1. The Internet of things module is a global leader, with a comprehensive product system and continuous innovation, benefiting from the high prosperity dividend of the industry;

2. New businesses such as ODM and antenna open up the growth space of the company;

3. Logic of profitability improvement: the module business is expected to usher in gross profit margin repair with the subsequent easing of supply chain shortage, the increase of the proportion of overseas revenue, the release of scale effect and other factors. The newly expanded business is not only more profitable, but also expected to improve operation efficiency with the increase of scale


Hu Jian

\u3000\u30 Chongqing Baiya Sanitary Products Co.Ltd(003006) 61. SZ Sg Micro Corp(300661)

The trend of “electronics +” promotes the increase of silicon content and brings continuous increment to the analog chip market. At the same time, the domestic substitution of analog chips is conducive to the company’s continuous development of new customers and increase its share. The company has more than 3500 products available for sale in 25 categories, covering the two fields of signal chain and power management. Under the background of strong demand in the industry, the company actively expands application fields and downstream customers, and seizes the opportunity of customer introduction.


Huang Xiujie

\u3000\u3 Guangdong Shaoneng Group Co.Ltd(000601) 985. SH China National Nuclear Power Co.Ltd(601985)

The modern energy system planning of the 14th five year plan clearly defines the development objectives and importance of nuclear power, and the approval of nuclear power is expected to accelerate. The company will fully benefit as a leader of nuclear power; Under energy inflation, the comprehensive cost of nuclear power is second only to hydropower, which can effectively alleviate the problem of high energy cost; The market-oriented trading volume and price of nuclear power have risen at the same time. In Jiangsu and other places, the electricity trading has been implemented in 2022, with 30% of the electricity rising by about 0.1 yuan / kwh; By the end of the 14th five year plan, the company expects new energy to reach more than 30GW, becoming the second growth curve of performance.

Automobile and auto parts

Tang Xuxia

\u3000\u3 Shengda Resources Co.Ltd(000603) 596. SH Bethel Automotive Safety Systems Co.Ltd(603596)

Three elements of intelligent electric vehicle: energy, motion and interaction. Motion is the displacement on the two-dimensional plane. The core is to realize longitudinal and transverse motion control through braking and steering system. Wire controlled braking is the core product of longitudinal motion control. The brake by wire system will become the mainstream product of ADAS executive layer. The company’s wcbs is the first product of its own brand to realize the one-box scheme, with obvious competitive advantages in volume, weight and cost performance.

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