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Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) : notice on convening the 2021 annual general meeting of shareholders

Securities code: Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) securities abbreviation: Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) Announcement No.: 2022022 Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005)

Notice on convening the 2021 annual general meeting of shareholders

The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the contents of the announcement, and bear legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the contents according to law.

Important content tips:

Date of shareholders’ meeting: April 19, 2022

The online voting system adopted for the general meeting of shareholders: the online voting system of the general meeting of shareholders of Shanghai Stock Exchange

1、 General meeting type and general meeting (I)

2021 annual general meeting of shareholders (Ⅱ) convener of general meeting of shareholders: Board of directors (Ⅲ) voting method: the voting method adopted in this general meeting of shareholders is a combination of on-site voting and online voting (Ⅳ) date, time and place of on-site meeting

Date and time: 14:30, April 19, 2022

Venue: meeting room (V) on the second floor of Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) No. 39, tanjialing East Road, Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province. Online voting system, start and end date and voting time.

Online voting system: online voting system for shareholders’ meeting of Shanghai Stock Exchange

Starting and ending time of online voting: from April 19, 2022

To April 19, 2022

The online voting system of Shanghai Stock Exchange is adopted. The voting time through the trading system voting platform is the trading time period on the day of the general meeting of shareholders, i.e. 9:15-9:25, 9:30-11:30, 13:00-15:00; The voting time through the Internet voting platform is 9:15-15:00 on the day of the general meeting of shareholders. (VI) voting procedures for margin trading, refinancing, agreed repurchase business accounts and investors of Shanghai Stock connect

The voting of investors involved in margin trading, refinancing business, agreed repurchase business and Shanghai Stock connect shall be carried out in accordance with the implementation rules for online voting at the general meeting of shareholders of listed companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevant provisions. (VII) not applicable to the public solicitation of shareholders’ voting rights. II. Matters to be considered at the meeting

The types of proposals and voting shareholders deliberated at the general meeting of shareholders

Type of voting shareholder

Serial number proposal name A-share shareholder

Non cumulative voting motion

1 discussion on the work report of the board of directors in 2021 √


2 discussion on the work report of the board of supervisors in 2021 √


3 √ on the implementation of the remuneration of directors of the company in 2021

Proposal on salary standard in 2022

4 √ on the implementation of the remuneration of the company’s supervisors in 2021

Proposal on salary standard in 2022

5 proposal on the annual report and summary of the company in 2021 √

6 proposal on the company’s profit distribution plan for 2021 √

7 on the company’s financial final accounts in 2021 and 2022 √

Proposal on financial budget report

8. Comprehensive application for the company and its holding subsidiaries in 2022 √

Proposal on closing the credit line and providing guarantee

9. Confirmation of related party transactions of the company in 2021 and estimated √

Proposal on daily connected transactions in 2022

10 proposal on re employment of the company’s audit institution in 2022 √

11 √ on the establishment of equity investment fund by the company’s participation in investment

Proposal on joint stock transaction

12 about Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) symbol √

Proposal on the conditions for issuing A-Shares to specific objects

13 Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) √

Plan for issuing A-Shares to specific objects in 2022

Proposal for demonstration and Analysis Report

14.00 about Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) √

Plan for issuing A-Shares to specific objects in 2022


14.01 type and par value of shares issued √

14.02 issuing method and time √

14.03 issuing object and subscription method √

14.04 pricing base date, pricing principle and issue price √

14.05 issue quantity √

14.06 scale and investment direction of raised funds √

14.07 restricted period √

14.08 place of listing √

14.09 arrangement of accumulated undistributed profits before the issuance √

14.10 validity period of this issuance resolution √

15 Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) √

Plan for issuing A-Shares to specific objects in 2022


16 Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) √

Issue A-Shares to specific objects to raise capital in 2022

Proposal on the feasibility analysis report on the use of gold

17 Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) √

Proposal on the report on the use of the previously raised funds

18 about Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) √

In 2022, A-Shares issued to specific objects were diluted, i.e

Discussion on long-term return, filling measures and commitments of relevant subjects


19 on Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) not √

Planning of shareholder return in the next three years (20222024)


20. On the review of Ningbo rongbai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. √

The company’s investment of the raised funds belongs to the field of scientific and technological innovation

Description of domain

21. On submitting to the general meeting of shareholders to authorize the board of directors to handle this √

Details of issuing A-Shares to specific objects in 2022

Proposal on matters

1. Explain the time and media of disclosure of each proposal. The above proposal has been deliberated and adopted at the 11th meeting of the second board of directors and the 8th meeting of the second board of supervisors. The relevant announcement was posted on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. Com. CN) on March 30, 2022 And China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, securities times and Securities Daily.

Before the 2021 annual general meeting of shareholders, the company will publish the information on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse. Com. CN.) Publish the materials of the 2021 annual general meeting of shareholders.

2. Special resolution motion: motion 8, motion 12, motion 13, motion 14, motion 15, motion 16, motion 17, motion 18, motion 19, motion 20 and motion 21

3. Proposals with separate vote counting for small and medium-sized investors: proposal 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 17

Motion 18, motion 19, motion 20 and motion 21

4. Proposal involving related shareholders’ avoidance of voting: proposal 11

Names of related shareholders who should avoid voting: Shanghai rongbai new energy investment enterprise (limited partnership), Beijing rongbai New Energy Investment Management Co., Ltd., Beijing rongbai New Energy Investment Development Co., Ltd., Beijing rongbai New Energy Technology Investment Management Co., Ltd., Zunyi rongbai new energy investment center (limited partnership), Bai Houshan and Zhang Huiqing 5. Proposals involving preferred shareholders participating in voting: no three Precautions for voting at the general meeting of shareholders (I) if the shareholders of the company exercise their voting rights through the online voting system of the general meeting of shareholders of Shanghai Stock Exchange, they can either log in to the voting platform of the trading system (through the trading terminal of the securities company designated for trading) or log in to the Internet voting platform (website: vote. Sseinfo. Com) Vote. For the first time to log in to the Internet voting platform to vote, investors need to complete shareholder identity authentication. Please refer to the instructions on the website of the Internet voting platform for specific operations. (II) if the same voting right is voted repeatedly through on-site, online voting platform of the exchange or other means, the first voting result shall prevail. (III) shareholders can submit all proposals only after voting. 4、 Participants of the meeting (I) at the closing of the afternoon of the equity registration day, the shareholders of the company registered in China depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai branch have the right to attend the general meeting of shareholders (see the table below for details), and can entrust agents to attend the meeting and vote in writing. The agent need not be a shareholder of the company.

Stock category Stock Code Stock abbreviation equity registration date

A shares Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) 2022 / 4 / 14

(II) directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company. (III) lawyers employed by the company. (IV) other personnel v. meeting registration method

1. If a natural person shareholder attends the shareholders’ meeting in person, he / she shall go through the registration formalities with the original of his / her valid ID card and the original of the shareholder’s account card; If the agent is entrusted to attend, the agent shall go through the registration formalities with the original of the principal’s shareholder account card and the copy of the valid ID card, the original of the power of attorney (see Annex 1 for the format of the power of attorney) and the original of the trustee’s ID card.

2. If the legal representative of a corporate shareholder attends the meeting in person, he / she shall present the original of his / her ID card, the copy of the business license stamped with the corporate seal, and the original of the shareholder account card to go through the registration formalities; If the legal representative of a legal person shareholder entrusts an agent to attend the shareholders’ meeting, the agent shall present the original of his ID card, the copy of the business license stamped with the legal person’s seal, the certificate of the legal representative, the original of the shareholder’s account card, and the power of attorney (stamped with the official seal) issued by the legal representative according to law to go through the registration formalities.

3. Non local shareholders can register by e-mail. The arrival time of e-mail should be no later than 17:00 on April 15, 2022. Copies of the supporting materials listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 above should be attached to the e-mail. The subject of the e-mail should be marked with the words “general meeting of shareholders” and confirmed by telephone with the company. Shareholders registered by mail are requested to bring the original of the above materials when attending the on-site meeting.

4. Registration time and place

Registration time: April 15, 2022 (10:00-12:00 am, 14:00-17:00 PM)

Registration place: No. 6, securities department, third floor, No. 39, tanjialing East Road, Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) other matters

(I) the shareholders or agents attending the meeting shall bear their own transportation and accommodation expenses.

(II) shareholders attending the meeting shall arrive at the meeting site half an hour in advance to sign in, and please bring the original of ID card, shareholder account card, power of attorney and other documents to verify their admission.

(III) meeting contact information

Contact: Pan fangqin

Tel.: 057462730998

mail box: [email protected]. Contact address: Securities Department, third floor Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) of No. 39, tanjialing East Road, Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province

It is hereby announced.

Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) board of directors March 30, 2022 Annex 1: power of attorney

Filing documents

Annex 1: power of attorney to the resolution of the board of directors proposing to convene this shareholders’ meeting

Power of attorney

Ningbo Ronbay New Energy Technology Co.Ltd(688005) :

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