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Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) : verification opinions of Bohai Securities Co., Ltd. on the deposit and use of raised funds in Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) 2021

Bohai Securities Co., Ltd

About Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051)

Verification opinions on the deposit and use of raised funds in 2021

Bohai Securities Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Bohai Securities” or “recommendation institution”) is the recommendation and continuous supervision institution of Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) (hereinafter referred to as “company” or ” Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) “) for initial public offering and listing on GEM, In accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations and normative documents such as the measures for the administration of securities issuance and listing recommendation business, the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of raised funds by listed companies, the Listing Rules of GEM stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the guidelines for the self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of GEM listed companies, The deposit and actual use of the raised funds in Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) 2021 have been carefully verified. The verification results are as follows:

1、 Basic information of raised funds

(I) actual amount of raised funds and availability of funds

With the consent of China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CSRC”) zjxk [2021] No. 2361, the company issued 20 million RMB common shares (A shares) for the first time, with a par value of RMB 1.00 per share and an issue price of 98.80 yuan / share. The total amount of funds raised was 1976 million yuan. After deducting the issuance expenses, the net amount of funds raised by the company was 1895270200 yuan. The funds raised by the company have been received on August 24, 2021, verified by Zhongxi Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) and issued the capital verification report (Zhongxi Yan Zi [2021] No. 00082).

The company has deposited the above-mentioned raised funds in the special account for raised funds, and signed the supervision agreement for raised funds with the sponsor and the relevant banks storing the raised funds to manage the deposit and use of the raised funds.

(II) use and balance of raised funds as of December 31, 2021

Unit: 10000 yuan

Project raised funds

Total over raised funds of raised investment projects

Net raised capital 180 China Baoan Group Co.Ltd(000009) 5270218952702

Less: the accumulated use of raised funds for the raised projects is 240434287 Zhejiang Provincial New Energy Investment Group Co.Ltd(600032) 80342

Including: prophase self owned capital investment 2194919 – 2194919

Acquisition of Dongguan Junda Touch Technology Co., Ltd. – 876 New Hope Liuhe Co.Ltd(000876) 00015.00% equity

Less: working capital supplemented by raised funds 3000000 (note) – 3000000

Plus: financial management income, interest income net of handling charges 937.13 88.53102566

The balance of unused raised funds is 12689371 855.5512774926

Including: ending balance for cash management: 8665068 800.008745068

Note: the 300 million yuan fund and its interest in the special account have been replenished.

Among the unused fund balances of raised investment projects: the balance of the special account for deposited raised funds is 2224289 million yuan, the ending balance for cash management at the end of the period is 86.568 million yuan (including the front-hand interest of financial products of 6.568 million yuan), and the amount of bank deposits purchased is 1800014 million yuan.

Among the unused balance of over raised funds: the balance of the special account for deposited raised funds is 555500 yuan, and the ending balance for cash management at the end of the period is 8 million yuan.

2、 Deposit and management of raised funds

In order to regulate the management and use of the company’s raised funds and maximize the protection of the rights and interests of investors, the company, in accordance with the company law of the people’s Republic of China, the securities law of the people’s Republic of China, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the gem, the guidelines for self-discipline supervision of listed companies No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on the gem and other laws and regulations, in combination with the actual situation, The measures for the administration of Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) raised funds (hereinafter referred to as the “measures”) have been formulated.

In accordance with the requirements of the management measures and in combination with the business needs of the company, the company has signed the tripartite supervision agreement for raised funds (hereinafter referred to as the tripartite supervision agreement) with Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) Shenzhen Guangming sub branch, Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) Shenzhen Branch, China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Shenzhen branch and the sponsor Bohai Securities Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Bohai Securities”), The company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Huangshi Xinbo Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Huangshi Xinbo”) have signed the four party supervision agreement on raised funds (hereinafter referred to as the “Four Party Supervision agreement”) with Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) Shenzhen Guangming sub branch, Shenzhen Branch of Guangdong Development Bank Co., Ltd., Bank Of Shanghai Co.Ltd(601229) Shenzhen Branch, Bank Of China Limited(601988) Shenzhen Fuyong sub branch, China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Shenzhen Branch and Bohai Securities, the sponsor, Special account management shall be conducted for the deposit and use of raised funds. The authorized designated sponsor representative may inquire the information of the special account for raised funds at the bank that opens the special account for raised funds at any time.

As of December 31, 2021, the details of the balance of the company’s special account for raised funds are as follows:

Unit: 10000 yuan

No. bank name account No. balance

1 Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) Shenzhen Guangming sub branch 40 Cofco Biotechnology Co.Ltd(000930) 291006954898.23

2 Bank Of China Limited(601988) Shenzhen Fuyong sub branch 745875093152180.58

3 Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) Shenzhen Branch 1500010731448455.55

4 Bank Of Shanghai Co.Ltd(601229) Shenzhen Branch 0 Global Infotech Co.Ltd(300465) 474817.09

5 Guangdong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch 95508802278426 Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd(002422) 1480.10

6 China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Shenzhen Branch 755953668010206555.83

7 China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd(600036) Shenzhen Branch 7559259014106161.06

Total 2229844

Note: the temporary account of the company’s special account for raised funds (deposit bank: Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Limited(601398) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen heshuikou sub branch, account No.: 40 Cofco Biotechnology Co.Ltd(000930) 29100695365) was cancelled on November 22, 2021.

3、 Actual use of raised funds

During the reporting period, the actual use of the company’s raised funds is as follows:

(I) use of funds of the project invested by the raised funds.

During the reporting period, the company actually used 540434200 yuan of raised funds, including 2404342 million yuan for the construction project of electronic product glass protective screen of Huangshi Xinbo Technology Co., Ltd; It is used to supplement 300 million yuan of working capital projects. For details, see attached table 1 comparison table of the use of raised funds.

(II) changes in the place and mode of implementation of the project invested with raised funds

During the reporting period, the company did not change the implementation location and implementation mode of the projects invested with raised funds. (III) external transfer or replacement of investment projects with raised funds

On September 5, 2021, the company held the 10th meeting of the 2nd board of directors and the 5th meeting of the 2nd board of supervisors, deliberated and approved the proposal on using raised funds to replace self raised funds invested in projects invested by raising funds in advance and paid issuance expenses, and agreed to use raised funds to replace self raised funds invested in projects invested by raising funds in advance of 219491900 yuan and self raised funds paid issuance expenses of 1924500 yuan, The total is 221416400 yuan. As of December 31, 2021, the company has completed the replacement of raised funds.

(IV) temporary replenishment of working capital with idle raised funds

During the reporting period, the company did not use idle raised funds to temporarily supplement working capital.

(V) use of surplus raised funds

The company’s raised funds are still in the process of investment, and there is no surplus of raised funds.

(VI) use of over raised funds

The net amount of the company’s over raised capital is 9527023590 yuan. According to the resolutions of the 13th meeting of the second board of directors and the 7th Meeting of the second board of supervisors on November 9, 2021, the company used the over raised capital of 87.6 million yuan to pay for the equity acquisition of 15.00% equity of Dongguan Junda Touch Technology Co., Ltd. as of December 31, 2021, The balance of over raised funds of 8.5555 million yuan (including 885300 yuan of interest income) is deposited in Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) Shenzhen Chuangye road sub branch, of which 8 million is used for cash management and 555500 yuan is deposited in the current account.

(VII) purpose and destination of unused raised funds

Of the unused raised funds, 866568 million yuan will be used for cash management, and the rest will be used for the construction of raised investment projects as planned.

(VIII) other information about the use of raised funds

The company has no other use of the raised funds.

4、 Change the use of funds for investment projects with raised funds

The company does not change the use of funds for investment projects with raised funds.

5、 Problems in the use and disclosure of raised funds

In 2021, the company has used the raised funds in accordance with the relevant provisions and requirements of laws and regulations such as the guidelines for self discipline supervision of listed companies No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on GEM and the management measures, and disclosed the use of the raised funds in a timely, true, accurate and complete manner. There are no violations in the storage, use, management and disclosure of the raised funds.

6、 Verification opinions of the recommendation institution

After verification, the recommendation institution believes that:

Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) the deposit and use of the raised funds in 2021 comply with the measures for the administration of securities issuance and listing recommendation business, the guidelines for the supervision of listed companies No. 2 – regulatory requirements for the management and use of the raised funds of listed companies, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the gem, the guidelines for the self discipline supervision of listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 2 – standardized operation of companies listed on the gem and other provisions, The raised funds were stored and used in a special account, and there was no damage to the interests of shareholders or illegal use of the raised funds.

Attached table I comparison of use of raised funds

Year 2021

Prepared by: Shenzhen Xinhao Photoelectricity Technology Co.Ltd(301051) amount unit: RMB 10000

The total amount of raised funds is 18952702, and the total amount of raised funds invested in this year is 6280342

Total amount of raised funds with changed purposes during the reporting period-

Accumulated total raised funds with changed purposes – accumulated total raised funds invested

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