Xiantao serves small and medium-sized enterprises

p align = “center” untie and remove the threshold bridging beam p align = “center” Xiantao serves small and medium-sized enterprises “in every possible way”

Since this year, Hubei Xiantao Finance Bureau has made full use of the innovative “golden key”, made great efforts to stimulate the vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises, made practical moves to alleviate the financial pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises, made an article on reducing the participation cost of small and medium-sized enterprises, made great efforts to build a “golden brand” of government procurement and business environment, and fully supported the healthy and rapid development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In order to effectively eliminate various hidden thresholds of government procurement and promote small, medium-sized and micro enterprises to participate in government procurement activities in good faith according to law, Xiantao Finance Bureau has made great efforts to stimulate the vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises.

First, reserve sufficient shares for small and medium-sized enterprises to help supplement “food”. For procurement projects of goods and services less than 2 million yuan and engineering procurement projects less than 4 million yuan, if they are suitable to be provided by small and medium-sized enterprises, they shall be specially purchased from small and medium-sized enterprises; For goods and services procurement projects of more than 2 million yuan and engineering procurement projects of more than 4 million yuan that are suitable to be provided by small and medium-sized enterprises, more than 40% of the total budget of this part of procurement projects shall be reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises, of which the proportion reserved for small and micro enterprises shall not be less than 60%; At the same time, procurement projects specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises require the purchaser or agency to make special emphasis and explanation in the obvious position of the procurement documents.

Second, give preferential evaluation to small and micro enterprises to help them play their policy functions. Xiantao City has strengthened the preferential price evaluation. For the procurement projects that are not reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises after the overall planning of the competent budget unit, and the non reserved part of the procurement packages in the reserved share projects, the purchaser and procurement agency shall deduct all the quotations of small and micro enterprises that meet the regulations according to 6% – 10%, and participate in the evaluation with the deducted price; For government procurement engineering construction projects subject to the bidding law, for procurement projects that accept large enterprises and small, medium-sized and micro enterprises to form a consortium, or allow large and medium-sized enterprises to subcontract to one or more small, medium and micro enterprises, corresponding price evaluation preferences shall also be given according to relevant regulations.

In terms of alleviating the financial pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises, Xiantao Finance Bureau has frequently made practical moves. Xiantao Finance Bureau actively built a government procurement financing platform to support small and medium-sized enterprises to use the platform to carry out financing according to law; Promote contract financing, jointly with the Municipal People’s Bank of China and 10 commercial banks in the city, carried out the financing business of “political procurement loan”, and simultaneously introduced the guarantee and credit enhancement business provided by government financing guarantee institutions. The convenient, fast and low-cost “political procurement loan” has been widely praised by small and medium-sized enterprises. According to incomplete statistics, from January to February this year, Xiantao City has raised 35.48 million yuan for five enterprises.

Xiantao Finance Bureau has also made many articles in reducing the participation cost of small and medium-sized enterprises, including canceling the registration fee, bid bond, integrity performance bond, reducing the threshold of enterprise bidding, etc. Since the release of the document on the cancellation of charges, the government procurement supervision office of Xiantao Finance Bureau has adhered to the combination of daily supervision and special inspection, fully implemented the measures for optimizing the business environment, and made great efforts to promote the construction of optimizing the business environment. According to incomplete statistics, since the beginning of this year, 91 projects have cancelled the collection of performance bonds, involving 142 enterprises; The cost of collecting the bidding documents was cancelled, exceeding 240000 yuan, benefiting 450 potential suppliers.

The Xiantao Finance Bureau has also launched the “four systems and one Taiwan” measures, namely, implementing the “one-stop notification system”, “reception first accountability system”, “fault accountability mechanism” and “one post double responsibility system”, and strive to promote the construction of the platform for Internet plus government procurement, and be a good “shop assistant”. Through the production of Xiantao municipal government procurement process guide, optimize the service process and improve the time limited completion; Open complaint telephone and e-mail, accept complaints in time, reply, communicate and resolve contradictions and disputes in time, and be seriously accountable for acts such as false work style and poor service.

(Han Aihua, Xu Peng)

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