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A Boeing 737 passenger plane of China Eastern Airlines crashed, and many insurance companies such as Ping An, CPIC and Xinhua launched emergency plans

On March 21, the official website of the Civil Aviation Administration announced that on March 21, 2022, a Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines lost contact over Wuzhou while performing the mission of Kunming Guangzhou flight. At present, it has been confirmed that the plane crashed. There are 132 people on board, including 123 passengers and 9 crew members. It is reported that the Civil Aviation Administration has launched an emergency mechanism and sent a working group to the scene.

This news not only attracted the attention of the government and citizens, but also received a positive response from insurance companies. According to the reporter of “daily economic news”, China’s major insurance companies have set up emergency teams to open a fast claim settlement channel for air crash victims.

There are 132 people on board

According to Xinhua news agency, on the afternoon of March 21, a Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines crashed in Teng County, Wuzhou, Guangxi. After receiving the alarm, Wuzhou fire rescue detachment immediately dispatched 23 fire engines and 117 fire rescue workers to rescue. The first battle force has arrived at the scene of the accident to carry out rescue.

Guangxi fire control announced that the Guangxi fire rescue Corps quickly launched the emergency plan, and the full service headquarters rushed to the scene and dispatched 538 fire rescue personnel from Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Beihai, Yulin, Guigang, Hezhou, Laibin and Hechi detachment to reinforce.

China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited(600115) official microblog responded to the above events and confirmed that the plane crashed, with 132 people on board, including 123 passengers and 9 crew members. He also said that the emergency plan had been launched, a working group had been sent to the scene, and a special emergency assistance line for family members had been opened. At present, the page of Boeing China’s official website has changed to black and white. In addition, the official website and official microblog page of China Eastern Airlines have also changed to black and white.

Several insurance companies started the emergency mechanism

After the air crash, not only the media but also insurance companies took immediate action. The reporter of “daily economic news” noted that many insurance companies have launched plans and responded to this.

Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) said that an emergency response team headed by Ji guangheng, deputy general manager of the group, was established at the first time, and its life insurance, property insurance, endowment insurance, health insurance and other companies quickly started emergency response to major emergencies and carried out relevant rescue and investigation. For any questions, please call the 24-hour service hotline 95511 at any time.

“After learning the news, China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) attached great importance to it, paid close attention to the dynamics of the event, and launched the emergency mechanism for major emergencies at the first time. Its China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) property and life insurance, together with Yunnan institutions, launched the internal verification of airframe insurance, group Italy insurance, aviation Italy insurance and other relevant insurance types at the first time. At present, China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) property insurance has been verified and confirmed to follow the documents to underwrite the aviation insurance of the aircraft fleet of CAAC united insurance.” China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) said that China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) deeply regretted the unfortunate occurrence of this incident. It has opened a green claim settlement channel, claims investigators are on 24-hour emergency standby, and urgently launched five emergency service measures, including 7 24-hour acceptance and report consultation, active investigation of customer information and simplification of claim settlement materials. In the follow-up, it will pay attention to humanistic care and make every effort to do a good job of claim settlement services in the follow-up of the accident. At present, China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) is maintaining close communication with relevant parties and striving to take the initiative to further investigate and find customers in time after obtaining passenger information.

In an interview with the reporter of the daily economic news, Taiping Life said that the head office, together with the branches in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guangdong, launched the emergency plan for major emergencies at the first time, responded quickly to insurance services, actively cooperated with government departments and regulatory units to provide disaster relief, emergency services and troubleshooting, opened a 24-hour emergency claim settlement service hotline 95589, and started the green channel for claim settlement, Fully provide insurance services.

In addition, Taikang Insurance, China Taiping Insurance, Zhong’an insurance, New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) , sunshine insurance, Hongkang life insurance, Peking University Founder life insurance, Taikang online and other insurance institutions have also launched the emergency response mechanism of the plan at the same time. Taikang online told the reporter of the daily economic news that the official has not released the list of personnel, so at present, we will first take the company’s emergency measures, and if there is progress in the follow-up, we will synchronize the information in time.

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