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Insurance industry launched level I response to China Eastern Airlines passenger plane crash Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) has received 4 customer reports

According to the latest news from the Civil Aviation Administration of China, on March 21, a Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines lost contact over Wuzhou, Guangxi, while performing the flight mission from Kunming, Yunnan to Guangzhou, Guangdong. At present, it has been confirmed that the plane crashed. There are 132 people on board, including 123 passengers and 9 crew members.

It is reported that the forest fire department sent 450 garrison teams from Zhaoqing, Guangdong and Guilin, Guangxi to the scene. The team of 300 in Zhaoqing, Guangdong is expected to arrive at 18:30, and the team of 150 in Guilin, Guangxi is expected to arrive at 22:00. The forest fire caused by the crash of China Eastern Airlines passenger plane has been put out.

At present, the Civil Aviation Administration has started the emergency mechanism and sent a working group to the scene China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited(600115) has also started the emergency mechanism and established 9 special working groups for aircraft disposal, accident investigation, family assistance, logistics support, legal support, public relations, security, financial insurance and passenger and cargo disposal. The flight took off at 18:00.

After the accident, Guangxi banking and insurance regulatory bureau established provincial and municipal emergency response teams, requiring 44 insurance companies under its jurisdiction to start first-class response and carry out comprehensive investigation. Meanwhile, several insurance companies have set up emergency response teams to deal with this emergency, including Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) , China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co.Ltd(601601) , New China Life Insurance Company Ltd(601336) , China Pacific, Taikang Insurance, sunshine insurance, Allianz life, CITIC Prudential Life, Dehua Angu life, China Merchants Cino life, Fosun Prudential Life, Peking University Founder life, Fude life, Guofu life, Guolian life, Zhujiang life, Hongkang life Beijing life insurance, Xinmei mutual life insurance, China Post life insurance and other insurance enterprises.

Among them, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) announced that it had launched emergency measures such as customer investigation and emergency rescue, and its insurance subsidiaries immediately opened a green claim settlement channel. At the same time, it would launch a psychological counseling plan for the families of passengers who are currently suffering, so as to provide emergency services for the families of Ping An customers.

In terms of customer investigation, as of 18:30 p.m. on the 21st, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) had received four customer reports. Among them, Ping an endowment insurance has received two customer reports, and Ping An Property Insurance and Ping An health insurance have received one report respectively. At present, the specific information is being verified. After preliminary investigation, Ping An Property Insurance Guangdong branch jointly insures all risks and liability insurance of China Eastern Airlines mu5735 fuselage, and will follow up the progress of accident handling in real time.

After the accident, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) immediately established a major emergency response team headed by Ji guangheng, deputy general manager of the group, Sun Jianping, chairman and CEO of Ping An Property Insurance, Yang Zheng, Secretary of the Party committee of Ping An Life Insurance, Gan Weimin, chairman and CEO of Ping an endowment insurance, Zhu Yougang, chairman of Ping An health insurance, Ping An Bank Co.Ltd(000001) President Hu Yuefei Sheng Ruisheng, Secretary of the board of directors and brand director of the group, and Wang Zhiliang, chief executive of the group, as deputy leaders of the emergency working group, launched level I emergency response to deal with the incident, and coordinated emergency disposal, customer investigation, claim settlement services and other work.

At present, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) its life insurance, property insurance, endowment insurance, health insurance and banks have launched emergency plans for major emergencies at the first time, set up an emergency response team to verify and investigate the situation of customers, launched emergency rescue service measures, opened a green channel for rapid claim settlement, cancelled the restrictions of designated hospitals, no policy claim settlement services, advanced payment of medical expenses, and provided psychological counseling. Whether Ping An or not, you can contact the customer service personnel to get relevant help by calling Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) 24-hour service hotline 95511.

Ping An Insurance (Group) Company Of China Ltd(601318) expressed deep regret for the accident. The company will continue to pay close attention to the progress of relevant accident disposal, continue to investigate the situation of customers, and ensure that all emergency, claim settlement and care service measures are implemented in place.

Taikang Insurance Group launched the emergency plan for emergencies at the first time, closely linked with Taikang Life Insurance, Taikang pension and Taikang online, established an emergency command center, quickly carried out emergency work, and urgently launched eight emergency service measures, including: 24-hour rapid acceptance of reports, starting the green channel for claim settlement, actively investigating customer accident information, no policy claim settlement service, simplifying claim settlement procedures Provide on-site claim settlement services, cancel the restrictions on hospitals and drugs, and provide psychological counseling services.

Taikang Insurance Group said it would continue to pay attention to the progress of accident search and rescue, pay attention to the customer’s accident information, and actively do a good job in claim settlement services. If you know the information of relevant accident victims or need other help, you can call Taikang 95522 service hotline in time.

Guolian life said that after the accident, the company attached great importance to it, immediately established an emergency response team for major accidents and launched a number of claims emergency service measures. Including starting the quick response mechanism of claim settlement and opening the green channel of claim settlement; Open a variety of reporting channels; Pay close attention to the progress of the accident. If there is further information about casualties, we will carry out customer investigation and relevant services at the first time; Simplify claims application procedures; Simplify the procedures for determining disability claims; Cancel the restrictions of designated hospitals; Provide one-to-one service for claims settlement personnel.

China Dadi insurance said it would continue to pay attention to the progress of the accident and do its best to provide claim settlement services and accident assistance to customers and their families. At present, an emergency team headed by Li Xiaomin, vice president of the company, has been established to link the underwriting, claim settlement and customer service departments, launch the emergency plan at the first time, and launch a number of claim settlement service measures, including active accident investigation, multi-channel acceptance and reporting, opening a green channel for claim settlement, simplifying claim settlement procedures and carrying out linkage services.

Founder life of Peking University said that the company set up an emergency task force at the first time to urgently start the emergency plan, maintain close contact with the industry and relevant departments, actively collect the list of people in danger, and actively cooperate with the territorial Government in emergency disposal.

Zhujiang life insurance said that for the list of casualties published by the government or the media or learned by peer companies, as long as the identity information is clear and it is a customer of Zhujiang life insurance, the company will take the initiative to contact the family members, provide relevant assistance, open a green channel for claim settlement and simplify claim settlement materials.

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